Luminiţa Elena TURCU
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - luminitaturcu@litere.usv.ro
Capcanele genului / The Pitfalls of Gender
Abstract: Gender is one of the most contested socially and culturally constructed categories, the definition of which is assisted by cultural discourses, including ideologies, customs, beliefs. The new communication and social media allow for a better comprehension of the ways in which gender normativity shapes individual expression and creativity. All these effects of the unprecedented development of communication technologies are apparent in contemporary discourse, which is still centered on complicity and power. The article analyses the impact of gender debates and disputes on culture, especially on literature, language, and communication as they are reflected in the contributions authors have made in this volume.
Keywords: gender, normativity, complicity, power.
University of Murcia, Spain - angela.lopez3@um.es
From Man to Woman to a New Understanding of Gender: Virginia Woolf’s Orlando and Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve
Abstract: Both Virginia Woolf’s Orlando and Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve depict the transformation of a male character into a female one. In both texts these changes are not initially desired by the subjects but rather they are imposed on them by forces outside their control. Their transitions from male to female stirs in both novels a debate regarding the construction of gender by society and its influence in people. This article will analyze the way Orlando and Evelyn/Eve enter womanhood after going through a sex change and how both transformations imply a loss of power and privilege once the characters are no longer men. It will also compare and discuss the alternatives Woolf and Carter offer in terms of the new understandings of gender they propose.
Keywords: Angela Carter, masculine domination, performativity, sex change, Virginia Woolf.
Université Lorraine, France - christine.fontanini@univ-lorraine.fr & Université de Caen, France - anne.schneider@unicaen.fr
Vétérinaire : un métier exercé par les hommes ou par les femmes dans la littérature de jeunesse d’hier et
d’aujourd’hui ? / Veterinarian: a Job for Men and Women in Children’s Literature of Yesterday and Today
Abstract: Our research intends to examine social representations of vetjob in 30 documentary books, fiction books and novels published in France between 1972 and 2017 for 0 to 7 year old young. Based on a research which is a quantitative-qualitative
combination we want to show how are vet representations in books for children. For that, we are trying to answer to these following questions: are women and men nearly of the number? How are women and men represented: in which specialties or species and which professional attributes for women and men vet?
Keywords: children’s literature, vet, childhood, stereotype, gender, girls and boys readers.
U.H. Ruhina JESMIN
Khulna University, Bangladesh - ruhina.khulna@gmail.com
Cultural and Political Paradigms of FGM: an Intersection of Race and Sex in Alice Walker’s Possessing the Secret of Joy
Abstract: The study attempts to explore the intersections of race and sex in connection with the cultural and political paradigms of female genital mutilation (FGM) in African American novelist Alice Walker’s 1992 novel Possessing the Secret of Joy. FGM involves interrelatedness of race and sex in its implementation and sustenance in the name of cultural relativism and political freedom. Tashi’s genital mutilation, her life-long physical and psychological complications, her murder of the circumciser M’Lissa and her execution in the novel question the pervasive influence of both gender and racial specifications. The culturally motivated specifications are essentially political as they control the lives of women or more specifically black women in society. Great liberators and political leaders use FGM as a political tool to advance black community’s cause for political freedom from the Europeans/whites. Liberation is only meant for the black men, not black women. Black women are merely used as cultural defenders. It indicates historical and political exclusion of black women like Tashi from the dominant male culture.
Keywords: female genital mutilation, intersectionality, diasporic migration, hybridity, racial otherness.
Saptarshi MALLICK
The Sanskrit College and University, Kolkata, India - saptarshieng@gmail.com
Debriefing the Satanic Gyres of Patriarchy: A Bengali Gynocritic and Her Daughters
Abstract: The language employed by women authors bear a ‘difference’ guaranteed by the author’s femaleness. This contributes towards the development of the female literary tradition as a challenge to the male tradition. Voicing her daughters through her short stories ‘Mira’s Madness’, ‘Distress’, ‘Abuse’, and ‘Rage’, Sanjukta Dasgupta, a Bengali gynocritic, explores women’s experiences of trauma, frustration and fears imposed upon them through several constraints of the society. Dasgupta’s short stories contribute towards women’s writing and female creativity, transcending the various historical boundaries. It is a result of her intense observation of the dynamics of our society where women emerge as ‘the second sex’. This essay will investigate the unheard chronicles of the women of the society, a story that never makes it to the headlines. It will also vindicate how women can understand other women’s predicament and play an important role to assist them in need. Mira, Suchandra, Preetilata, Malati, and Alo, like Dasgupta’s other women protagonists, negate the androcentric power structures of society, and expose them. Permeated with the spirit of creation Sanjukta Dasgupta’s short stories interrogate women’s caged freedom emphasizing the need of liberty for women, as evident through her Lakshmi Unbound, a response and a challenge to patriarchy.
Keywords: Indian English, women author, short stories, difference, interrogating patriarchy, liberty.
Université de Caen, France - anne.schneider@unicaen.fr
De mulieribus illustribus : au sujet des femmes illustres. Représentations des femmes dans les métiers scientifiques en littérature de jeunesse » / De mulieribus illustribus: On Illustrious Women. Representations of Female Scientists in Children’s Literature
Abstract: Our research intends to examine representations of female scientists in 14 novels, non-fiction, fiction and picture books and published in France between 2010 and 2019 for 0 to 15 year olds. Based on qualitative research, we want to show how female scientists are currently portrayed in children’s books. In fact, in children’s literature, we only seem to remember the famous scientist Marie Curie and her husband Pierre Curie or their daughter Irène Joliot-Curie. However, is it possible to present other science heroines to children? So, we want to give an overview of professional women in science in picture books, non-fiction
and fiction books, even if they are a minority. That is why we want to describe stereotypes in the language and pictures and how a young female reader could imagine becoming a great famous scientist in the future, because this is not only reserved for boys.
Keywords: children’s literature, gender studies, female scientists, Marie Curie, childhood, stereotypes, gender, overview.
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava - danielaveres@yahoo.fr
Marguerite Duras – « hérétique » de la littérature – ou l’art de parler des tabous au féminin / Marguerite Duras – “Heretic” of Literature or the Art of Talking about the Taboos of Femininity
Abstract: Duras, the “heretic” of literature and femininity? According to the critics of the time, this woman writer of “a thousand scandals” was doubly guilty: by her audacity to violate the laws of writing, mixing genres, and by her courage to transgress social norms, writing on taboo topics, such as incest, impossible love or homosexuality, unlivable passion or absence. The books she writes on these themes belong to the 80s and can be named the books of impossible love, of emotional emptiness, also of forbidden, incestuous or shameless passion.
Keywords: Marguerite Duras, transgression, difference, taboo topics, social norms.
Alina-Adina CRISTEA
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava - alina.rotarita@yahoo.com
Le statut de la femme dans la société musulmane / Woman’s Status in Muslim Societies
Abstract: The objective of our communication is to eliminate the confusion between Islam and Islamism, to analyse the Muslim woman’s status in society and to focus on the female characters of three Algerian novels of French expression. Our article aims at the woman’s status in the patriarchal Muslim society, which turns its female representatives into the target of all kinds of violent attitudes, manifested towards any woman’s attempt to have access to education, culture, emancipation.
Keywords: status, woman, violence, Muslim society, Islam, Islamism, religion, Boudjedra, Mokeddem, Sansal, Maghrebi literature.

Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava mircea.a.diaconu@gmail.com
Petru Creţia. O incursiune în testamentul unui eminescolog / Petru Creţia. A Journey into the Will of an Eminescu Specialist
Abstract: The present study is an analysis of Petru Creţia’s book, The Will of an Eminescu Specialist, seen not only as a huge poem on moral themes, concerning the Romanians’ identity, their „deseases”, the solutions for curing them but also as a pleading for a new edition of Eminescu’s poems, thus, for a new Eminescu and – last but notleast – as a self portrait. A classical, solar figure, Petru Creţia lives ideas in an intensive way, taking part in debates which involve reason in all its fervour. As per Eminescu, the classical dissociation anthumous/posthumous works is not legitimate, since Eminescu can be considered, by his way of writing, a modern devoured by creation, in a continual search for sense.
Keywords: Petru Creţia, Eminescu, anthumous/posthumous.
Ovidiu MORAR
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - ovidiumorar10@yahoo.com
Poezia grupării „unu” / The Poetry of the Group “unu”
Abstract: This approach emphasizes the main features of the poetry cultivated by the contributors to the Romanian avant-garde magazine unu in the early thirties. Following the surrealist pattern of the infinite analogies between distant realities, postulated by André Breton in his manifestos and put into practice in his famous poem L’Union libre, the Romanian poets grouped around Saşa Pană and his literary magazine (among them, Ilarie Voronca, Stephane Roll, Geo Bogza, Constantin Nisipeanu, etc.) produced a specific poetry in which image and poetic analogy had the central role; and this was the reason why this poetic stream was generally called “Imagism”.
Keywords: poetry, Surrealism, Imagism, avant-garde, unu.
Mariana BOCA
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mariana_boca_ro@yahoo.com
Oedip-rege de Sofocle: ironie tragică sau orbire interioară? / Sophocles’ Oedipus the King: Tragic Irony or Inner Blindness?
Abstract: In our presentation we problematize the interpretation of Sophocle’s Oedipusking text as a major representation of the tragic irony, to argue a different, even opposite, view on Sophocle’s philosophy. The hypothesis we support focuses on the inner blindness of Oedipus, as a source of suffering and existential failure.
Keywords: tragic irony, inner blindness, Sophocles, Oedipus-king.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - sab59ina@yahoo.com
Mircea Eliade şi Lucian Blaga în Corespondenţă: afinităţi elective / Mircea Eliade and Lucian Blaga in Correspondence: Elective Affinities
Abstract: The present paper, Mircea Eliade and Lucian Blaga in Correspondence: Elective Affinities, analyzes the intellectual relationship between the two writers, starting from their correspondence and focusing on the mutual reception of their works as mentioned in it, as well as on the evocation of these works in Mircea Eliade’s memoirs. It specifies the cultural context, their position towards the debates of the time on the concepts regarding ethnic expression in art and orthodoxism as well as their orientation towards common sources of inspiration in ethnography, folklore and myth. Their vision of the world and of literature,
their themes of reflection, their intellectual openness towards Europe highlight the structural affinity between the two writers, philosophers, essayists and publicists.
Keywords: correspondence, reception, interwar period, polemic.
“Yuriy Fedkovych” National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine - a.boychuk@chnu.edu.ua & paranyukdan@gmail.com
Intertextuality of Personosphere as a Factor of Gender Metamorphicality: Clifford Simak’s Novel Shakespeare’s Planet
Abstract: The article deals with the issue of intertextual potential of the personosphere of Clifford Simak’s novel Shakespeare’s Planet, as well as investigates its generative function in the process of gender-making (from science fiction to a crossover of a fantasy type). This gender’s metamorphicality is ensured by a creative significance of a confocal character, which is presented in the text by William Shakespeare. The personosphere of the text understudies rests on the opposition “mine-thine”, which forms twin dichotomous rings. The authors of the article conclude that the intertextual image of Shakespeare is of a reincarnational nature, being eventually implemented in the simulacrum of the proto-text.
Keywords: intertextuality of personosphere, gender metamorphicality, William Shakespeare, Clifford Simak.
Călin-Horia BÂRLEANU
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - calin.barleanu@gmail.com
Simboluri ale profanării în opera lui William Faulkner / Symbols of Desecration in William Faulkner’s Work
Abstract: In his imaginary worlds, always so appealing for countless categories of readers, Fualkner acted like a researcher who causes situations in order to observe effects or, other times, just by placing human typologies in the same area to observe later how differences and, sometimes, even the similarities are causing movements, reactions and conflicts. Including through this intuitive capacity must be seen his most famous novel, The sound and the fury, whose protagonist made history in world literature and, mostly, in critical, analytical reception of artwork. In the world of the South, where, as particularly subtle the writer inoculates, the absence of tradition and spirituality that generates balance, leads to disintegration and distortion, families dominate through the unwritten law of land and of the those who work, serving, namely the color population
Keywords: catharsis, compensatory, moral code, guilt, rape.
Elena-Camelia BIHOLARU
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava - cameliabih@yahoo.com
Un genre éclaté: le Journal de Dany Laferrière / A Challenged Genre: Dany Laferrière’s Diary
Abstract: The article proposes to debate the issue of conventions and generic choices in French and French literature of the 21st century through the practice of the Journal. The study corpus takes as its main points of reference the Journal du dehors (1993) of Annie Ernaux and the Journal extime (2002) of Michel Tournier to emphasize in more detail the Journal of a writer in pajamas (2013) of Dany Laferrière. The analysis considers the relationships of kinship, the lines of demarcation, the generic forms of collusion between the diary, the diary extime, the journal of creation, the diary of writer, the autobiographical novel, the manual of writing, the brief forms. Our approach is also concerned with the functions of autobiography and romance through the practice of writing and the status of the contemporary writer.
Keywords: Genre, journal, autobiography, novel, creation, writer.
Anamaria GAVRIL
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava - anahert@yahoo.com
Interprétation du « Paterikon des grottes de Kiev » dans le roman de Valeriy Chevtchuk Dans un humble champ… / Interpretation of the “The Kiev Pecherskyi Paterikon” in Valeriiy Shevchuk’s Novel On a Humble Field
Abstract: The article analyzes Valeriiy Shevchuk’s novel In the humble field… (“Na poli smyrennomu…”) as a pre-text to the “Kyiv-Pechersk Lives of Holy Fathers”. It has been studied that, starting from the original source, the writer modernizes his work, uses new plot lines, psychologizes historical characters, striving to consider them as ordinary people, full of deep feelings and passions. Reinterpreting the pretext, the modern author uses it at the level of the intertextual game, somehow ironizes its content and introduces the ideas of the primary source in the contemporary moral-ethical context.
Keywords: “Kyiv-Pechersk Lives of Holy Fathers”, Valeriiy Shevchuk, hagiography, pre-text, interpretation, transformation, primary source, inter-text, psychology, narration.
Cătălin STURZA
Bucureşti - catalinsturza@gmail.com
Science Fiction, Low Fantasy, High Fantasy
Abstract: This essay is based on a wider research of the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres and of the forms of the Fantasy genre, as they are reflected in the Romanian prose in the second half of the 20th century. The creators of autonomous fictional (invented) worlds within the Romanian literature have very rarely been the subject of systematic investigations so far. Their works, relatively numerous and aesthetically uneven, crammed under the umbrella of the so-called Fantastic or Baroque literature, were sometimes analyzed with improvised instruments, in a manner not always compatible with their true nature. These texts have almost always been annexed to the adjacent provinces of more or less related genres such as the Science Fiction, the Fantastic, the Surrealism, the Oneiric, the Political Allegory, the Utopia and the Dystopia, almost never getting a proper label to reflect their nature. I will insist in this essay on the relationships between two related genres, Fantasy and Science Fiction, and on some delimitations within the Fantasy genre, between High Fantasy and Low Fantasy.
Keywords: speculative fiction, science fiction, fantasy, fantasy literature, utopia and dystopia, literary criticism.
Ioana-Andreea MUREŞAN
“Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca - ioana.andreea.pop@gmail.com
America lui Knut Hamsun – între mirajul Vestului şi rădăcinile europene / Knut Hamsun’s America – Between the Calling of the West and the European Roots
Abstract: Knut Hamsun’s immigrant experience in America is not necessarily different from that of his fellow Norwegians. However, his dream of enlightening the Norwegian-Americans by means of poetry turns to ashes as he struggles to survive in the New World. The focus of this study is Hamsun’s image of America as it transpires from his bitterlycritic book The Cultural Life of Modern America.
Keywords: Knut Hamsun’s America, Old vs. New World, immigrant identity, belonging and acculturation, America and the culture of materialism.
Iuliana OICĂ
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - iulia_oica@yahoo.com
Visul oniricilor – între romantism şi suprarealism / The Dreamers’ Dream – Between Romanticism and Surrealism
Résumé: On peut dire que l’écriture onirique s’avère être une synthèse recouvrante des phénomènes qui ont traversé la littérature moderne. Le rêve envahit la réalité, reconsidère l’existence imaginaire, le texte est libre en soi, l’écriture fait – à travers un processus de dislocation – un monde possible. Si le romantique rêvait, les yeux grands ouverts, recréant le passé, le surréaliste transposait les expériences esthétiques et textuelles qui révélaient les sentiments de l’inconscient, les rêves oniriques rêvaient comme s’il rêvait, envahissant la réalité déconcertante. L’originalité de la vision onirique du texte créé selon les règles du rêve est donnée par la synthèse qu’il réalise entre le rêve romantique et celui proposé par les surréalistes. Cependant, l’onirisme propose un paradigme esthétique inscrit, à travers l’esprit d’opposition, dans la tendance générale à échapper aux canons de l’idéologie
constrictive, mais aussi dans le désir de se connecter, par l’esprit d’innovation, aux phénomènes artistiques européens.
Mots-clés: le rêve, le paradigme, la pédagogie du courage, la limitation, l’évasion.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - otiliaungureanu83@yahoo.com
Ieşirea din timp. Perspectivele nemuririi cibernetice / Escape from Time. The Prospects of Cibernatic Immortality
Abstract: Starting from the idea that literature wins its place in the middle of Posthumanist debates through anchoring in the repercussions of technology questioning over the human, our present paper aims to emphasize the human being’s collateral
implications. Analysing the changes through which the characters of the novel Vincent Nemuritorul, written by Bogdan Suceavă, led us towards the assumption that the “death” which it is “lived” in a cybernetic environment, that creates an illusionary image of a paradise negotiates the human up to its complete eradication. The primary utopia of a world in which the human can taste the eternity, enjoying all those things that his limited biological living denied to him is replaced by a dystopian vision concerning an endless non-human existence. Death, technologically embellished , is revealed not as an end of an embodied life, but as a start of dehumanization through the transformation of human resorts still stuffed with feelings in frustrated, emptied of affectivity entities. The mixture of human and technology cannot be balanced so as to maintain the human qualities and to
use the advantages of the technology. Inbetween those two states it is a war that unleashes through which is pursued an ultimate and complete invading in the human by the technology. The real death doesn’t come together with the detachment from the body, but together with the estrangement from all that it is typically human.
Keywords: Bogdan Suceavă, postumanism, death, immortality, technology.

Coman LUPU
Universitatea din Bucureşti / Universitatea Comenius din Bratislava - comanlupu@gmail.com
Dicţionarul de neologisme / The Dictionary of Neologisms
Abstract: The present article is meant as an attempt to highlight the inappropriate use of the concepts of neologism and neology in Romanian linguistics, within the field of the theoretical research, as well as within that of the applied research and especially in the lexicographic activity.
Keywords: concept, neologism, linguistics, lexicographic practice.
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi - lumicarausu@yahoo.com.
Ways of Achieving Modalization in the Romanian Contemporary Media Discourse. A Case Study
Abstract: The present study contains several remarks on the specific circumstances of development of a controlled mediated interaction [the case of a television debate]. The study is a case analysis of the televised debate during the show „Ştirea zilei” [Today’s News] on TV channel “Antena 3”, representing a controlled mediated interaction which has GF as moderator. CB, LO and LD are present as participants in the televised political debate under discussion.
Keywords: modalisation, modality markers, lexical modality markers, lexico-grammatical modality markers, prosodic modality markers, pragmatic modality markers.
“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava - lavinia_seiciuc@yahoo.com
Idiomatic Elements and Their Specific Issues in the Process of Translating Fiction
Resumen: En las últimas décadas la ciencia de la traductología se ha visto afectada por un nuevo enfoque y una nueva visión del proceso traductológico y de sus propósitos. La traducción deja de ser una transposición de un texto y se convierte cada vez más en una forma de equiparar conceptos y nociones entre culturas independientes. El traductor necesita ser un buen conocedor de la realidad, de la historia y de las particularidades socioculturales de otro espacio, ya que todos esos rasgos se reflejan en la lengua fuente y es preciso reflejarlas, de alguna manera, en el texto meta. Hemos identificado una variedad de elementos idiomáticos estrechamente relacionados a las particularidades de cualquier comunidad etnolingüística, que clasificaremos y analizaremos en nuestra ponencia.
Palabras clave: traductología, culturema, argot, colocación, eufemismo.
University of Craiova - dragoiescu.violeta@yahoo.com
A Short Mapping of the Ways of Expressing Agreement in Romanian
Abstract: This communication represents a section/segment of our doctoral thesis titled Discursive Manifestations of Agreement and Disagreement in the Area of Romanic Languages. Pleading for an Intercultural Paradigm and its objective are to describe certain mechanisms of building the speech in order to show the complexity and importance of this linguistic phenomenon in communication. The speech is one of the preferred domains to apply pragmatic patterns, its analysis guiding us towards certain logic of the actions. Based on/supported by the language, the speech is under the constraint of both constitutive (structural) rules and efficiency principles. In the process of communication, there are at least two factors involved, one of them is that which initiates the action and the other is the beneficiary of the action previously initiated. They can perceive and issue a plethora of constative and performative sentences/utterances. The speech/ discourse analysis is mainly preoccupied with oral speech, especially with natural conversations’ analysis. By natural conversation, we understand any verbal interaction either face-to-face or away from each other (phone, letter, mail, a.s.o.) where situational, contextual, gestural, intonational factors play an important part. The first part of our endeavor/ step will be dedicated to defining and categorizing natural conversation (face-to-face), gestural communication and in the second part of our communication we shall describe and analyze the discourse markers of agreement and disagreement in the Romanian language, insisting also upon the consistency of the text, as an essential element in constructing, issuing and processing the information.
Keywords: agreement/disagreement, discourse analysis, discursive markers, discursive coherence.

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