Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava - danielaveres@yahoo.fr
Concepts contemporains liés à la migration dans la littérature-monde contemporaine : hybridité culturelle, mixité sociale, eurislam… / Contemporary Concepts Linked to Migration in Contemporary World-literature: Cultural Hybridity, Social Mix, Eurislam…
Abstract: The key concepts of the contemporary socio-literary field revolve around the search for a “welcoming land” in the context of the movement of peoples. This movement takes the form of exile or self-exile, voluntary or forced migration, change of scenery, deterritorialization, uprooting depending on how this experience is experienced by human beings. Thus, we speak in contemporary literary studies of forms of literature whose themes are the quest for self, construction of identity, migrant writing, emerging literature, experiences and testimonies of the postcolonial period.
Keywords: identity hybridity, African literature, world literature, migritude, interculturality, emerging literature, postcolonial literature.
Vincentziu PUŞCAŞU
Universitatea din Bucureşti, Centrul de Excelenţă în Studiul Imaginii, SD-SITT - vincentziul@gmail.com
Corpusul artistic şi corpusul curatorial, între exil şi remanenţă – conexiuni diacronice către o pragma-dialectică a artelor contemporane / Curatorial and Artistic Corpuses Between Exile and Remanence – Diachronic Connections towards a Pragma-Dialectics of Contemporary Arts
Abstract: This paper investigates the pragma-dialectic methodology of curatorial research and assembling contemporary art exhibitions. Due to the fact that (most of the times) art contains a non-verbal type of discourse that is being widely instrumented by the curatorial method of exhibiting, and considering that the art object has a diversified specter of manifestations, curatorship facilitates a wide array of display types which can be useful in interpreting and evaluating the aesthetic object. In this article I will investigate the argumentative status of the art object and its pragma-dialectic premises. Moreover, I will question the tensions between the artistic corpus and the prevalence of the curatorial textual argument. Finally, I will address a couple of notions from the linguistic and philosophical sciences, arguing for the reunification of the artistic language with its aesthetic practice, via pragma-dialectics. The aim of the article is to point out a different perspective on the curatorial discourse regarding the contemporary art corpuses. This shows the prevalence of the propositional arguments, therefore the “exile of the aesthetic object”, which can be counter balanced by using the aforementioned methodology.
Keywords: pradma-dialectics, contemporary art, curatorship, artistic discourse, exhibition, image.
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi / Università degli Studi di Torino - harieta.topoliceanu@unito.it
Consecinţe lingvistice ale migraţiei: limba română în context italian. Studiu de caz / Linguistic Consequences of Migration: the Romanian Language in the Italian Context. A Case Study
Abstract: The present paper focuses on a brief description of a complex phenomenon that concerns the current multiethnic and multicultural society, that is the linguistic consequences of emigration, particularly regarding the Romanian immigration in Italy. The research is based on the analysis of the written productions of the students native speakers of Romanian language who attended a laboratory of Romanian language offered by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures of the University of Turin, and aims at highlighting the influences exerted by the Italian language on the Romanian language of the mentioned subjects and the dynamics of the Romanian language written and transmitted by these young people, members of the Romanian community in Turin, one of the largest communities of foreign residents in Italy.
Keywords: contact linguistics, linguistic interferences, linguistic transfer, languages in contact, Romanian language in immigration context.
Monica COCA
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - monicabilauca@yahoo.com
Lingvistica românească de exil: o perspectivă diacronică / Exile Romanian Linguistics: A Diachronic Perspective
Abstract: The aim of the present paper is to reconstruct the picture of Romanian linguistics in exile through the exploration of various factors, such as motivation, circumstances, cultural activities, and particularly the manner in which Romanian linguists were received abroad and in their home country. Our analysis is not a mere restitution of history. Based upon the writers’ personal observations, the paper aims to identify the common features with respect to the way they perceived the exile experience.
Keywords: Romanian linguistics, exile, diachronic, restitution, memory.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - oanazugravu1980@gmail.com
Eugen Ionescu şi literatura absurdului. Imposibilitatea circumscrierii într-un şablon / Eugen Ionescu and the Literature of the Absurd. The Impossibility of Circumscription in a Template
Abstract: Is Eugene Ionescu or not the creator of “the theatre of the absurd”? What is his position in this innovative literary movement or, more precisely, what is the role he plays in creating this formula? The fact is that “the theatre of the absurd” represents a syntagm that consecrates him, on the one side, but also “leads to some sort of labelling of this writer”, to the detriment of understanding the essence of his work, on the other side. Isn’t Eugene Ionescu, by any chance, a visionary spirit for whom the right formula has not been discovered yet? In this context, isn’t it exactly the impossibility of circumscribing Eugene Ionescu’s work to a pattern, (except through a “trendy” word, as the playwright put it himself), the one leading to new critical approaches? It is obvious that the formula suggested by Martin Esslin is in a certain cultural context, when there wasn’t a movement or an artistic program to define the new literary phenomenon. However, the signifier doesn’t fully “cover” the signified, that is why further research is required.
Keywords: theatre of the absurd, innovation, pattern, existentialism, avant-garde, visionary spirit.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - lilliseddya@yahoo.com
Etica inevitabilului în filosofia lui Emil Cioran / The Ethics of the Inevitable in Emil Cioran’s Philosophy
Abstract: Can there be an ethic of the inevitable in dead-end visions, in traps, in voluntarily aroused utopias, in paradoxes? This is the big challenge. Does Emil Cioran find subterfuges, possibilities, statements to save the imminence? The inescapable Cioran stands firm on the edge of ethics through all the variations of position he adopts, through the constant vulnerabilities, the utopian approaches, the risky outbursts, the dark valences of the nihilism with which he constantly curls the ethical border.
Understanding ethics on the foundations of the deconstruction of nihilistic imminence becomes impossible when the history of one’s own existence loses its importance. Without a transfer of consciousness in a space of simultaneity with the basic landmarks of ethics, where the laws of the normal exist, we cannot build the anthropological aspects at the center of which Cioran’s vision stands. Ethics begins to claim its rights when it observes that man, in our case Cioran, is beyond the transcendent and starts a demonstration of demonstrative rebellion at the end of which he would like to become the hero of his own existence, believing that the being can be saved by itself.
Keywords: Cioran, ethics, inevitability, nihilism, existence.
“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava - codrutserban@litere.usv.ro
Migration as Creation. The Case of Two Native American Creation Stories
Abstract: This article discusses the motif of migration in two Native American creation stories – The Creation and Early Migrations (Caddo) and Old Man Leads a Migration (Blackfoot). Through this migration, a sine qua non to the fulfillment of creation, people settle in their homeland; once settled, they are taught the fundamental behavioral patterns; ultimately, they acquire collective identity.
Keywords: creation, migration, errand-man, myth, history.

Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mircea.a.diaconu@gmail.com
Bucovina. Din nou despre Andrei Popovici / Bukovina. Andrei Popovici Revisited
Abstract: This article reopens the discussion on Andrei Popovici, the village priest in Udesti, who was the focus of one of our previous studies on Bukovina, published in Meridian Critic (Diaconu 2018). This rereading is based on the discovery of a text written by V. Simiganovschi, himself a priest in Udesti between 1908-1936, in which he wanted to reveal what he called “the mythology” created around this emblematic figure. However, a close analysis of the facts and contexts calls into question V. Simiganovschi’s hypothesis and allows for new interpretations of priest Andrei Popovici s decision to not make a formal oath of allegiance to the Austrians in 1777. Moreover, the whole anecdotal evidence also highlights certain particularities of the Bukovinian spirit, which no longer fits common stereotypes.
Keywords: Bukovina, Andrei Popovici, Ion Grămadă, V. Simiganovschi, multicultural.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava / Institutul „Bucovina”, Rădăuţi - elenapascaniuc@yahoo.com
Culegerea datelor culturii populare în Bucovina (până la 1918) prin metoda chestionarului / Collection of Folk Culture Data in Bukovina (until 1918) by the Questionnaire Method
Abstract: In this article we present some initiatives, belonging to both institutions and some personalities in the field, which led to the foundation, in Bukovina, of an “exceptional tradition” of collecting and publishing folklore (which began in the middle of the 19th century) and subsequently, its cultivation. Thus, we will refer to the moment when the first questionnaires were distributed in Bukovina, the context in which they circulated, the impact that these methodological tools had on the circle of Bukovinian intellectuals, targeted as possible collaborators/respondents, the motivations of those who answered them, the final results of the use of this method in the ethnofolkloric space of Bukovina and their contribution to the development of Romanian folklore, at a certain moment of its evolution. I. G. Sbiera, S. Fl. Marian, Dimitrie Dan, Constantin Morariu, Matthias Friedwagner, Alexandru Voevidca are some of the people to whom the folklore in Bukovina owes its existance and its achievement level, which is quite remarcable.
Keywords: Bukovina, folklore, questionnaire method.
Ozana-Ioana CIOBANU
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - ozanaciobanu@yahoo.com
Ethosul bucovinean între elementul mistic şi cel civilizator în Lupul din Ţara huţulilor, de Mircea Streinul / The Bukovinian Ethos Between the Mystical and the Civilizing Element in The Wolf from Hutzul Land,
by Mircea Streinu
Abstract: The literary creation of the Bukovinian writer Mircea Streinul has as a central point the valorization of the Romanian cultural space and the spiritual conduct specific to the local population. The present study is an analysis of the novel The Wolf from Hutzul Land, seen as the projection of the Bukovinian ethos, which combines in its structure the mystical valences, in which the human being is in a perfect stage of relationship with the natural environment, and the civilizing coordinates imposed on the archaic background by foreign domination.
Keywords: Mircea Streinul, Bukovina, ethos, archetype, civilization.
Iliuţă MALEŞ
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - iliutamales@yahoo.com
Despre etnii în romanul Când ne vom întoarce de Radu Mareş / On Ethnicities in the Novel When We Return by Radu Mareş
Abstract: The tragic fate of the land of Bukovina is captured by Radu Mareş from the perspective of an evolution, experienced by the heroes who enliven his narrative work. However, these heroes live in a complicated political and social period, known as Greater Romania, which precedes the Second World War. It is known that in those days, the rise of the Iron Guard influenced the history of many people. From a certain perspective, the fate of some characters presented in the book also foretells the tragic fate of this beautiful land, located at the edge of the world.
Keywords: Bukovina, ethnic mosaic, multiculturalism, legionary influence, identity cliché.

Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - daniela.petrosel@gmail.com
I.L. Caragiale – fragmente de kitsch social şi literar / I.L. Caragiale – Fragments of Social and Literary
Abstract: The present paper discusses two forms of kitsch, social kitsch and literary kitsch, as they are embodied in some of Caragiale’s texts. The Romanian author keenly scrutinizes the newly born bourgeoisie and satirizes its social behaviors. Moreover, the kitsch literature of his time becomes the main ingredient of Caragiale’ parodies. Texts such as Smărăndiţa. Roman modern or Noaptea Învierii both comprise and reject many of the artificial literary devices used by Caragiale’s contemporary authors.
Keywords: social kitsch, literary kitsch, I.L. Caragiale, parody.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - farmusioan@yahoo.com
Feminitatea performată. Cazul Zoe Trahanache / Performing Feminity. The Case of Zoe Trahanache
Abstract: The following paper is an attempt to reposition the only feminine character of Caragiale’s comedy The Lost Letter, whom the critical tradition has mingled with the rest of the characters of the play, thus failing to notice not only the uniqueness of her feminine presence, but also her subtle transgressive act. Even though her social position is a fragile one, placing her in a relation of dependency to the men around her, she manages to gain influence and to consolidate her position in society. She refuses to submit to the traditional image of the victim, even though she is blackmailed and thus threatened by Caţavencu (the political rival of her husband and her lover) to reveal her extramarital relationship with Tipătescu, her husband’s best friend. Furthermore, these constraints offer us the privilege to notice the strength of her essence (also implied by her name): her itality, her energy, her versatility, her active role, her political stroke. Performing her femininity, she denounces not only the social norms that threaten to destroy everything she has ever built, but also the constructed nature of femininity, as the private and the public becomes one and the same in the play.
Keywords: I.L. Caragiale, femininity, female character, performed femininity, victim.
Elena-Camelia BIHOLARU
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava - cameliabiholaru@litere.usv.ro
L’autobiographie et le palimpseste auctorial chez Agnès Desarthe / The Autobiography and the Auctorial Palimpsest in Agnès Desarthe’s Work
Abstract: The autobiography of a consecrated writer implicitly includes a redefinition of the complex relationships between reading and writing. The story of Agnès Desarthe, Comment j’ai appris à lire (2013) provides an unprecedented restitution and
reconstitution of reading experiences, a topic that claims the identity of not liking reading. Our approach aims to identify the configurations of self-representation and self-reference, specific to a retrospective exploration approach made by the writer. The
purpose of our analysis is to determine the specificity of the creation process and the conduct of the creating subject in the particular case of a paradoxical detour where writing is the necessary step in learning to read.
Keywords: autobiography, writing, reading, self-representation, self-reference, process of creating.
Călin-Horia BÂRLEANU
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - calin.barleanu@gmail.com
Botul devorator şi arhetipul pâinii la Dostoievski / The Devouring Jaws and Dostoevky’s Bread Archetype
Abstract: Two hundred years after the birth of F. M. Dostoevsky, his work of exemplary dimensions and depth for the entire world literature attracts with the same power. Vladimir Marinov saw in the “profound realism” of Dostoevsky’s characters not just the insertion into a plan of hallucination, but also an affinity, rare for writers, to the dream and even the archetype. The exclusivity which psychoanalysis can claim in approaching literature in general must be carefully monitored, reducing the artist to neurosis only being one of the errors that the present approach will try to avoid, as much as possible. The archetypal elements, on the other way, which are related to a certain structure of the collective unconscious, usually make the difference between the literary creation linked to boundaries and the one that transgresses the boundaries of the space in which it appears in order to impose itself, with its cultural specificity, by accessing that common fond. Two of the most complex archetypes identified in Dostoevsky’s novels are the mouth that devours, called by G. Durand “devouring jaws”, and the archetype of bread.
Keywords: archetype, imago Christi, instinct, christianity.
Alina-Viorela PRELIPCEAN
“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava - alina.prelipcean@litere.usv.ro
Early Cultural Attitudes Towards Women
Abstract: In all cultures of the world, women seem to hold a special symbolic place as their multifaceted roles and purposes enabled the collective consciousness to associate them to magical powers and practices, to natural phenomena and supernatural
dimensions. They are creators, they are muses, both powerful and delicate, both fertile and androgynous, earthly and astral, and therefore are extensively represented in rituals and art in such impressive, captivating and diverse manners that they seem infinite. A thorough analysis, though, reveals a number of universal attitudes and views towards the ways in which various civilizations understand and depict women.
Keywords: mythology, women, deification, Mother Earth.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - ketkatm@yahoo.com
Le passé et le présent – une analyse thématique des romans de Yasmina Khadra et Tahar Ben Jelloun / The Past and the Present – A Thematic Analysis of the Novels of Yasmina Khadra and Tahar Ben Jelloun
Abstract: Our research tackles the novels of two Maghreb authors – Yasmina Khadra (Ce que le jour doit à la nuit, Les anges meureunt de nos blessures) and Tahar Ben Jelloun (Le dernier ami, Au pays). Our aim is to highlight the contemporary political consequences of the French colonialism in these countries. We want to underline the fact that politics holds a central role in these novels. The process of acculturation of Maghreb populations and the social inequalities affect in a very profound way these nations,
leading to an identity crisis. World War II and Algeria’s War of Independence represent the framework for the action of the novels and exert a major influence on the destinies of the characters, who fight for a better life. The abuses of power and the means of
coercion and repression of the colonized populations determine very disturbing and complex social impacts. The socio-political problems and the exclusionary relations from Morocco and Algeria mirror these mutilated societies, which seek to rediscover themselves and overcome a period fraught with abuse. The past of the two countries is under the sign of foreign oppression and the struggle for liberation, which has led to a present of disappointment and corruption.
Keywords: colonialism, acculturation, Yasmina Khadra, Tahar Ben Jelloun.

Daniela HĂISAN
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - daniella.haisan@gmail.com
Approximation in Translation: Recipe (Pseudo-)Partitives in 30-Minute Meals (Romanian vs. English)
Abstract: The present paper considers the issue of (pseudo-)partitives as used in English culinary texts and contrasts them with their Romanian translation. Based on a corpus made of 50 recipes included in Jamie Oliver’s 30-Minute Meals (2010) and its
only Romanian version to date (i.e. Găteşte în 30 de minute cu Jamie, signed by Andreea-Rosemarie Lutic, 2012), our analysis is aimed at the solutions the Romanian translator finds for one of the most common challenges posed by a cookery text (i.e. imprecision). Compelled by translation ethics, translation universals as well as by common sense to produce a more explicit text than the original, the translator deals with one particular situation at a time rather than apply an over-all coherent strategy.
Keywords: food writing, culinary terminology, (pseudo)partitives, translation, equivalence, approximation.

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