Luminiţa-Elena TURCU
Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava - luminitaturcu@litere.usv.ro
Post-scripta Manent
Abstract: The postmodernist culture of recycling is accustomed to reusing texts and to adding sequels to them in an urge to explain and “close” texts up. The range of paratexts, especially of postscripts, is impressive and such discursive practices are employed not only by writers of fiction but also by critics, philosophers, and theoreticians. Any text may have a sequel. Even death is followed by a provision of funeral texts. Text and death are similar in that they are incomprehensible.
Keywords: paratexts, postscripts, Genette, Kierkegaard, death.
Salsabil GOUIDER
Université de Sfax, Tunisie - salsabil-g@live.fr
Le post-scriptum dans « Le Sahara » de Théophile Gautier entre l’interprétation critique et la réécriture / The Post-scriptum in “Sahara” by Théophile Gautier between critical interpretation and re-rewriting
Abstract: Criticism is a staple activity for Théophile Gautier. It is strongly linked to interpretation, to analysis and also to rewriting. In order to relate this activity to the postscript in his work, we have chosen to examine Le Sahara as a text reflecting fruitful work on multiple levels. This is a text showing the image of a sublime eastern desert which attracts the reader’s attention on a travelogue entitled Un été au Sahara by Eugène Fromentin. It is also a text based on the alternation between interpretation and rewriting, presenting Le Sahara as a new text that has allowed us to see the desert as a place of cultural and literary encounter of two writers. The aim of our paper is to study the different characteristics of critical interpretation as well as the rewriting in Le Sahara by Théophile Gautier with the goal of demonstrating its interest as a major form of an undeniable textual postscript.
Keywords: Théophile Gautier, Eugène Fromentin, critical interpretation, rewriting, postscript, textual addition, desert, light.
Abderrahim EL BAHI
Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Royaume du Maroc - abderrahimelbahi@yahoo.fr
Analyse stylistique du Chapitre XL de « L’Éloge de la folie » d’D’Érasme / Stylistique analysis of the XL chapter of Erasmus’ “Praise of madness”
Abstract: This study addresses some stylistic devices used by Erasmus in chapter XL in order to build a complex argumentative structure in the service of a denunciation of superstitious religious practices and an exposure of the corruption of the men of religion of his time. The Erasmian theory on religion is all the more constitutive than instituting: it puts the reader in front of tragic tables representative of the decay of Man and the crumbling of religious values, but nevertheless lays, in its backgrounds, the foundations of a sublime religious ideal.
Keywords: satire; denunciation; superstition; religion.
Yvonne GOGA
Université Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca - yvonne_goga@yahoo.fr
L’épilogue des « Choses » de Georges Perec, fin ou début ? / The epilogue of “Things” by Georges Perec, end or beginning?
Abstract: The Epilogue of Georges Perec’s Things: An Ending or A Starting Point? As the narrative’s ending point, the epilogue usually reveals the completion of the narrated story. In his first novel, Things, Georges Perec adds to the epilogue (which has indeed an ending function) a quote by Karl Marx that does not seem related to the plot whatsoever. Given Perec’s habit of transposing in the literary domain theoretical notions coming from other domains, I propose an analysis of the theoretical dimension of this quote in order to see how it transforms the epilogue into a theory on writing instead of merely being the
narrative’s ending point.
Keywords: reality, epilogue, authenticity, totality.
Maria Inês BICO
University of Lisbon - mariainesb1@campus.ul.pt
The revision of a 15th-century Portuguese manuscript and its importance to the textual tradition of “Espelho da Cruz”
Abstract: This paper offers insight into the method and reasons for the revision of the Portuguese text of Domenico Cavalca’s 14th-century work Specchio di Croce, specific to the ALC 89 manuscript, one of the two known manuscripts of the Portuguese tradition. The revision of this manuscript distinguishes itself in its bold, subsequent second-hand corrective interventions. Given their quantity and quality of these interventions, they stand as a crucial element to define the textual affinity between both Portuguese manuscripts. To better understand the importance of the revision, it is first needed to know how the reviewer performed it, how he intervened in the text, what different methods he used and if there was a pattern to his actions. Going forward and beyond the methods employed, this paper explores some of the reasons for the revision, namely the unique multilingualism of the text, as suggested by Martin (1956), Cornagliotti and Piccat (1991) and Cambraia and Santos (2019), but also the coherence and affinity with other traditions and the completion of the text. Ultimately, this paper will explore this intermediate status of both the revision and the ALC 89 manuscript itself and how they stand as evidence of the mobile nature of the text.
Keywords: textual criticism, revision, manuscript tradition, textual transmission.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mircea.a.diaconu@gmail.com
Incursiune în critica anilor ‘70-‘80. Post-scriptum / A Survey of the 1970s and 1980s Literary Criticism. Post-scriptum
Abstract: Part of a larger study on Laurenţiu Ulici and the liberal spirit of the 1970s generation’s criticism, the following pages approach the condition of Romanian literary criticism in the years of Communism. To be more precise, we identify the context in which Laurenţiu Ulici’s generation appears and propose a classification of the hypostases of literary criticism (alongside a series of categories, such as the recovered, the reformed, and the Westerners) as well as a synthetic presentation of the previous generation, represented by literary critics such as Eugen Simion, Nicolae Manolescu and Mircea Martin. At the same time, this study proposes a contextual dissociation of the 1960s criticism from that of the 1970s.
Keywords: Romanian literary criticism, Communism, the 1970s generation, Laurenţiu Ulici, Eugen Simion, Nicolae Manolescu, Mircea Martin.
Felicia DUMAS
Felicia DUMAS Université « Alexandru Ioan Cuza » de Iaşi - felidumas@yahoo.fr
Les « Annexes » d’un dictionnaire bilingue spécialisé et leurs fonctions discursives / “Annexes” of a specialized bilingual dictionary and their discursive functions
Abstract: The present paper provides an analysis of the discursive functions of a section of Annexes that appears at the end of the first edition of a bilingual French-Romanian Dictionary of Orthodox Religious Terms. We intend to shed light on the diachronic evolution of these Annexes between the first and second edition (revised and enriched) of this specialized bilingual dictionary, and therefore, of their functions, from one of cultural and cultic (liturgical) legitimation of French-speaking Orthodoxy (and of its specific terminology, listed by the dictionary) to a lexicographical one, of contextual illustration of the normative fixation of this terminology.
Keywords: specialized bilingual dictionary, Orthodox Christian terminology, French language, Annexes, discursive functions.
Monica COCA
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - monicabilauca@yahoo.com
Câteva particularităţi lingvistice ale epitafurilor din Cimitirul vesel de la Săpânţa / Some linguistic peculiarities of the epitaphs from The Merry Cemetery from Săpânţa
Abstract: The Merry Cemetery of Săpânţa highlights its originality both in terms of traditional art and culture, and in terms of language, which reflects not only the popular mentality, but also “the diversity and expressivity of the popular Romanian language in the region of Maramureş” (Florica Dimitrescu). This paper investigates several linguistic features (phonetic, morphological, lexical, stylistic), as reflected in the epitaphs of the Merry Cemetery in Săpânţa, which confirm both the conservative nature of the Maramures subdialect and its openness to innovation.
Keywords: epitaph, linguistic analysis, the subdialect of Maramureş, The Merry Cemetery.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - monica.timofte@litere.usv.ro
Valenţe semantice ale locuţiunilor adverbiale în veci, pe veci în epitafurile de la Săpânţa / Semantic valences of adverbial phrases în veci, pe veci (forever, always) in the epitaphs of Săpânţa
Abstract: The present paper proposes an analysis of the lexical meaning of the adverbial phrases în veci(e) / pe veci(e), as used in the epitaphs of the The Merry Cemetery in Săpânţa. The contexts in which they appear favor the decryption of their lexical meanings in close connection with the semantic valences they have in the religious language of the Bible.
Keywords: în veci(e)/ pe veci(e), lexical meaning, semantic feature, variable semantics, religious language, functional style of language.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - otiliaungureanu83@yahoo.com
Reprezentări ale vieţii private în opera macedonskiană. „Moartea” în oglinzi paralele / Representations of private life in the work of Macedonski. „Death” in parallel mirrors
Abstract: The article analyses Macedonski’s imaginary universe, seeking to observe, out of several intimate themes which are grafted into the poet’s individuality, the theme of Death only. Having it permanently written on his own nature, on his long-disputed duality, Macedonski can only have contradictory options, referring to the finality of life. Hoping for a spiritualized life, a transition towards a superior life, the poet carries and transfers in the same time in his works the restlessness of individual dissolution and the infirmities resulting from a possible penetration into the mysteries of Death. The spasms of these anguishes are materialized at the creation level for Macedonski is revaluing his options, filtering the figure of Death through a caricatured magnifying glass that is darkened by the terrible spectrum of existential finality. Extremely prolific, stripped off sentimentalism,
stylized by the spectacular macabre, Death spreads everywhere a subtle grotesque, slightly tamed by humour.
Keywords: Alexandru Macedonski, dark vision, macabre, death, duality.
Petru Ştefan IONESCU
Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia - petru.ionescu@uab.ro
Modernist Open Endings
Abstract: The following article intends to offer a brief overview of the concept of open-endings in the context of Modernism and Postmodernism in literature and the arts while detailing aspects of it with references to specific works of literature or art. We shall try to illustrate how the idea and use of open endings in art reflect modern life’s new realities, with its complexities and contradictions, anxieties, and lack of meaning. The latest facts shaped by historical and social evolution and the traumatic experiences of two world wars doubled by the instalment of terrible tyrannies in the forms of communism and fascism transformed individuals and nations, obliterating prior beliefs and complements in favour of meaninglessness, absurdity, and anxieties. The literary and artistic word reflect, as always, the transformations mentioned above and concerns, but this time they seem to lack answers. The perplexing and innumerable questions posed by our modern and contemporary world and the diversity and multitude of attitudes, ideologies, and opinions of today make(render) it impossible to reach even a very loose and fragile consensus. The fragility of the modern world is the one that keeps us away from close endings. In such a volatile world, any firm conclusion would prove fleeting.
Keywords: open ending, modernism, unfinished, literature, art.

Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi - antonadamut@yahoo.com
Amicus Plato – câteva episoade romaneşti / Amicus Plato – Some literary episodes
Abstract: This is a study about locis obscuri. That is: whom does the phrase “Amicus Plato sed magis amica veritas” belong to? When and where was it first uttered? Its origin being hidden, the names of Plato and Aristotle come into play most often (The Republic and The Nicomachean Ethics). Aristotle seems to have been troubled by the words of Plato from The Republic (595b-c). Aristotle answered ironically, without mentioning Plato, but evidently referring to him, in The Nicomachean Ethics (1096a). Anyway, the name of Homer can never be related to this saying. Leaving aside the philosophical questions, I try to identify relevant
literary episodes where this saying is explicitly mentioned or at least suggested. This is the aim of the following article.
Keywords: Socrate, Platon, Aristotle, truth, friendship, literature.
Mariana BOCA
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mariana_boca_ro@yahoo.com
Exilul lui Boris Pasternak / The exile of Boris Pasternak
Abstract: The study analyzes representations of exile and interprets Boris Pasternak’s vision of exile. Jivago’s Christian figure and Pasternak’s non-modern art are under focus. Boris Pasternak and his hero, Dr. Jivago, in which he projects his entire philosophy of life and art, have the power to live simultaneously the inner and the social exile, the aesthetic and the cultural exile, without any aggressiveness, without even the justified revolt of the (self) excluded from the social game, by an assumption as non-negotiable as it is calm, which confused even the Soviet authorities and Stalin himself. Boris Pasternak is an Odysseus who does not leave Ithaca. He takes alienation, social and aesthetic exile to the spiritual and inner mystical being in a solitary and singular way and into the entire European art of the 20thcentury.
Keywords: exile, Boris Pasternak, mystical consciousness, philosophy.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - daniela.petrosel@gmail.com
(Anti)arta kitsch-ului / (Anti)Art of kitsch
Abstract: Part of a more extended study on kitsch, the present article investigates the (anti)aesthetic features of kitsch, as portrayed by various theoreticians (Clement Greenberg, Matei Călinescu, Thomas Kulka, Hermann Broch, etc.). Thus, the patterns of imitation and repetition of clichés, the producer’s mercantilism, the failed artistic dialogue with the consumer, the predilection for edulcorated themes are a few of these traits. As opposed to Art, Kitsch generates a surrogate for aesthetic experience, consolidating, but not enriching user’s perspectives on reality. Moreover, a sign of kitsch’s aesthetic deficiencies is its anesthetic effects on a public trained to consume fake art.
Keywords: kitsch, aesthetics, esthetic perception, imitation, Clement Greenberg.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - getamorosan@litere.usv.ro
Valeriu Anania. Despre „a îndrăzni” / Valeriu Anania. On “daring”
Abstract: V. Anania’s play The Pearl Thief is a dramatization of the well-known biblical parable of the Prodigal Son and it even preserves, at the level of the surface structure, the patterns of the support text. But the metamorphosis of the parable’s content begins from this very first level, on which the author’s own surprizing personal intrusions become conspicuous. First, he changes the title, suggesting that the matter might be different. Another intrusion consists in his naming the places where the events unfold; he also increases the number of characters and gives them symbolical names (Ely, Eliabar, Rimon, Ariadna, Humbaba, Critias), resorting to the mythological, biblical or literary/philosophical inventory, thus confirming, but most of the time radically changing, turning upside down, the name symbolism in the mentioned sources. The characters’ names are not arbitrarily chosen; in fact, they trigger the text’s semiotic process, building the articulations of the deep structure. It is at this level that the author’s vision discreetly displaces the scene of the action, placing it either in the sphere of the mundane, or on a transcendent plane, skilfully using the principle of the correspondence between the two levels. The implications of this kind of approach and the conveyed message surprize the reader/the spectator by their complexity, by the depth of the mystery, by daring and novelty.
Keywords: Anania, parable, pearls, Eli, Eliabar, Humbaba.
Anamaria GAVRIL
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava - anahert@yahoo.com
Un écrivain en conditions d’exil (Base sur le roman de Mykhaïlo Ivassiouk « Dans le royaume des matons ») / A writer in exile (Based on the novel by Mykhaïlo Ivassiouk “In the kingdom of the guards”)
Abstract: The article analyzes the autobiographical novel In the Kingdom of Wardens written by the prominent Ukrainian writer Mykhailo Ivasiuk. It substantiates that in his novel the author exposes true Soviet reality and the Stalinist dictatorship; he condemns totalitarianism and the dictatorship of communist power. The main attention is drawn on the psychology of the artist, who under conditions of exile and isolation from his native land managed to preserve the best human qualities, did not lose faith in returning from a long exile and serving for the benefit of the Ukrainian people.
Keywords: Mykhailo Ivasiuk, autobiographical novel, writer, exile, psychologism, dictatorship.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava farmusioan@yahoo.com
Ficţiunea puterii şi puterea ficţiunii în „Creanga de aur” de Mihail Sadoveanu / The fiction of power and the power of fiction in Mihail Sadoveanu’s “The Golden Bow”
Abstract: Traditionally, literary critics have read Creanga de aur [The Golden Bow], Mihail Sadoveanu’s novel, as a utopia, foregrounding its fairy-tale structure, a feature of the narrative discourse that no one can deny. Written in the hostile context of the interwar years of the 1930s, a time of great unrest when the author went through some traumatic events, the book is nevertheless a story of love’s capability to endure, a story of an initiation, of a belief in an ideal of morality, order and reason. But it is also a bitter
meditation on power, as Irina, the Byzantine Empress, rules over a space of continuous deceit. The story follows Kesarion Breb, the Dacian magus, sent by his master on an initiation journey –first to Egypt, then to Byzantium– to bring back the answer to two
major questions: if people living under the new (Christian) law are happy and if these new rulers of the world bring about an increase in wisdom. In order to gather knowledge, Breb also assumes the responsibility of finding the chosen future wife of Constantine, the Empress’s vicious son. Thus the story has a remarkable resemblance to the Cinderella archetype as it has long been observed. Yet ambiguities overturn the meaning of the story into a dystopia, as the above-mentioned archetype turns out to be a political frame, a fiction told for the masses in order for the empress to damage the image of her son (made to look as if he had inherited the demons of his father) and to keep the power for herself. Read this way, Sadoveanu’s novel is an allegory on the power of fiction, one of his favourite themes of his major books.
Keywords: Sadoveanu, power of fiction, Cinderella archetype, ambiguity, widow topos.
Alina-Daniela HAIDĂU
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava - dani_elle_85@yahoo.com
La thématique de la souffrance dans l’oeuvre de Marie-Claire Blais / The theme of suffering in the work of Marie-Claire Blais
Abstract: This article aims to analyze the theme of suffering as it is illustrated in the work of Marie-Claire Blais in general and then to study it in the novel Soifs (1995). Our study will show how this novel displays a universe marked by illness, violence, fear, injustice. The writer stages various characters: children, young people, artists, the rich and the poor. They all feel the misery and the social injustice of the world they live in. We will also observe how, through the characters’ thoughts, Marie-Claire Blais tackles several subjects concerning our world: the condition of women, the marginalization of homosexuals, racism.
Keywords: Quebec literature, Marie-Claire Blais, pain, solitude, misery.
Alexandru COCETOV
Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad - alexandru@crestin.md
Arhetipul Paştelui în opera lui Nicolae Gogol / The archetype of Easter in the work of Nicolae Gogol
Abstract: For Gogol, Easter is the biggest and most important holiday. He acknowledges that both for him and for the Russian people, there has not been and will not be a more important spiritual holiday than the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Gogol also explained his love for this holiday through the very national character of the Russian, who acknowledges that Christ also came for him, that in the Russian people there is that flame of passion for Him, and that this holiday is celebrated first in Russia and only then in the rest of the world. Gogol brings to attention the special joy that the Russians experience, exclaiming aloud: Christ is risen!
Keywords: Gogol, Easter, literature, Russia, holiday.
Alina-Viorela PRELIPCEAN
“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava - alina.prelipcean@litere.usv.ro
The influence of Dante Alighieri’s work on Pre-Renaissance Spanish literature
Abstract: The present study focuses on the importance of the Spanish translations of Dante Alighieri’s work, on its receptivity and impact, but especially on the influence of The Divine Comedy on Spanish authors during the Pre-Renaissance period. We will consider how Italian contributed to the modification of Spanish versification, focusing mainly on the poet named Marquis of Santillana, don Iñigo López de Mendoza, one of the first authors who tried to assimilate the vibrant cultural spirit of the work of Dante, who was considered to be a precursor of Humanism.
Keywords: Dante, Humanism, Marquis de Santillana, Juan de Mena, Pre-Renaissance.

Johannes KABATEK & Cristina BLEORŢU
Universitatea din Zürich, Elveţia - kabatek@rom.uzh.ch & cbleortu@hotmail.com
Corespondenţa dintre Marius Sala şi Eugeniu Coşeriu / Correspondence between Marius Sala and Eugeniu Coşeriu
Abstract: What we intend in this communication is to present the contents of the letters between Eugeniu Coseriu and Marius Sala from the 60s. To achieve this, we divided our communication into two: an overview of the project “Beyond structuralism. Letters from Eugeniu Coseriu and the history of linguistics in the 20th century”, a project based on 40,000 letters received by Eugeniu Coseriu, between 1940-2002, from linguists from all over the world (Alexandru Rosetti, Iorgu Iordan, Maria Manoliu, Boris Cazacu, Stelian Dumistrăcel, Eugen Munteanu, Gheorghe Moldoveanu, Marius Sala, Emilio Alarcos Llorach, Leiv Flydal, Roman Jakobson, Rudi Keller, Yakov Malkiel, Ramón Menéndez Pidal, Tomás Navarro Tomás, Antonio Quilis, Uriel Weinreich etc.) and the presentation of the content of the letters
Keywords: Eugenio Coseriu, letters, Marius Sala, 20th century.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - dorelfinaru@yahoo.com
Lingviştii şi poezia / Linguists and poetry
Abstract: The notations contained in this text follow the ideational reactions of some of the world’s greatest linguists to the poetic text, often viewed in comparison with language-as-such or with the so-called “usual language”.
Keywords: usual language, poetic language, form, evocation, alterity, poetic function.
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Republica Moldova - gobjila.natalia@gmail.com
The semantic relation of meronymy in the terminology from the domain of biomedical engineering
Abstract: Meronymy is a semantic relation of major importance for structuring concepts in the conceptual system of a particular field by establishing part-whole relationships that are formed between the concepts and, respectively, the terms that designate these concepts. The present paper aims to study how the relation of meronymy was treated as an object of linguistic investigations as well as the representation of this relation in the terminology from the domain of biomedical engineering in English and Romanian, focusing on the identification and classification of meronym pairs based on a comparable corpus of original texts.
Keywords: semantic relation, meronymy, terminology, biomedical engineering.
“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava - dana_humoreanu@yahoo.com & roxana_filip@yahoo.com
Dynamics of the communication process at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in Suceava, the first quarantined city in Romania (I)
Abstract: The dynamics of the communication process during the quarantine to limit the spread of SARS-CoV2 was analysed in Suceava, the first city in Romania where this measure was imposed between March 30 and April 13, 2020. The quarantine was established after an outbreak of Covid-19 in the “Sfântul Ioan cel Nou” County Emergency Hospital, the largest hospital in Suceava County, with 1,500 employees and 1,300 beds.
We analysed communication within the hospital, by distributing a questionnaire to employees, which was answered by 57 people, communication through the media, by following three local publications from the point of view of community interest in pandemic
news and the measures imposed, as well as the speech of the authority in the crisis situation.
Keywords: communication; message; speech; management; pandemic.