Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava, Roumanie - simonamanolache@litere.usv.ro
Des femmes, des concierges et de la littérature/ On Women, Concierges and Literature
Abstract: The article below highlights the theme of this issue of Meridian Critic. It proposes an analysis of the way in which the portrayal of the concierge is carried out in French literature and considers the changing dynamic underlying the relationship between women and their careers.
Keywords: women, career, concierge, Georges Simenon, Muriel Barbery.
Raluca-Nicoleta BALAŢCHI
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava, Roumanie - raluca.balatchi@usm.ro
Lire et Traduire conjugués… au féminin : Muguraş Constantinescu, traductrice, entre autres, de La lectrice/ Reading and Translating together… in the Feminine: Muguraş Constantinescu, Translator, among others, of La lectrice
Abstract: Is reading a profession? A feminine one? It was the question addressed in a ludic style by the French writer Raymond Jean in his novel La lectrice, translated into Romanian (among many other languages) by Muguraş Constantinescu, an experienced translator of French literature into Romanian, who is also well-known for her theories in the field of Translation Studies, especially for concepts such as lecture critique de la traduction [critical reading of translation], as well as for her plea to include media discourse on translation in Translation Criticism. Reading and translating are, in this paper, two sides of the same coin handled by women that we will analyse in the light of Translation Criticism methodology.
Keywords: La lectrice/ Cititoarea, Muguraş Constantinescu, Raymond Jean, Translation Criticism, ludic style.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava, România - daniela.petrosel@gmail.com
Ioana Em. Petrescu. Nivelurile unei cariere refuzate/ Ioana Em. Petrescu. The Levels of a Declined Career
Abstract: The paper is rather an essayistic reading of Ioana Em. Petrescu’s immersing perspectives on literary criticism, as they are reflected in her Jurnal. All her major critical works sum up different ontological models, closely connected with her psychological states and with her distinctive ways of understanding the role of literary criticism.
Keywords: Ioana Em. Petrescu, Jurnal, career, literary criticism.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava, România - mariaepatov@gmail.com
Jeni Acterian par elle-même. A scrie – A exista/ Jeni Acterian par elle-même. To write – To exist
Abstract: Our study aims to analyse the way in which the relationship between the author Jeni Acterian and her writing is constructed. We are interested in highlighting the relationship between writing and existence, as well in the way in which the activity of a writer influences her destiny. What we desire is to illustrate the path of the writer’s artistic development, as well as the way in which the awareness of the responsibility to write is depicted in Jeni Acterian’s Diary.
Keywords: Jeni Acterian, diary, interwar, feminine, career.
Cercetător independent, Ucraina - stefanhostiuc@gmail.com
Aniţa Nandriş-Cudla. Istoria unei cărţi şi a unui om/ Aniţa Nandriş-Cudla. The Story of a Book and of a Human Being
Abstract: The memoirs of Aniţa Nandriş-Cudla, a countrywoman from the North of Bukovina, occupy an important place in what regards the literature dedicated to the Stalinist deportations of the post-war period. The detailed analysis of the facts depicted, the thorough investigation of the historic conditions of the events that make up the epic weaving of the narrative, the scrupulous examination the Siberian course of a family cut short by the war in all the stages of its absurd deportation lead to the conclusion that Aniţa Nandriş-Cudla’s memoirs represent a document of utmost importance for the understanding of the national, social and political processes that Bukovina had to pass through in the 20th century. Thus, these memoirs posses a triple value: historical, literary and philological, constituting an important source of information for the historiography of Bukovina and also a vast material for such academic disciplines as Linguistics or Literary History.
Keywords: Bukovina, Aniţa Nandriş-Cudla, deportation, the slum, the gulag, peasant aristocracy, genetic endowment, narrative instinct.
Université de Péloponnèse, Corinthe, Grèce - olympia.antoniadou@gmail.com
Mémoire(s) d’exil : vers une autobiographie ethnique ou une autofiction au féminin ? L’exemple des écrivaines de la diaspora iranienne/Memory(-ies) of Exile: Towards an Ethnic Autobiography or a Feminine Autofiction?
The Example of Iranian Diasporic Writers
Abstract: This article seeks to demonstrate that there is a particular quality of the writings of Iranian Diaspora authors. Women who were forced to leave their homeland chose the language of the host country to express the traumatic experience of the (self-)exile, the process of assimilation to the foreign land and their gradual integration into it. Autobiographical texts ranging from pure autobiography to autobiographical novels form a species of female writing that simultaneously traces the literary production of an entire generation of exiles.
Keywords: exile, literature, Iranian diaspora, woman autobiography, identity, memory.
Elena-Camelia BIHOLARU
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava, Roumanie - cameliabiholaru@litere.usv.ro
La femme écrivaine et les affres de la création/ The Woman Writer and the Pangs of Creation
Abstract: The article consists in an analysis of literary representations and metadiscursive forms relating to the question of the woman writer. The body of study is an open and free debate in the form of an investigation of contemporary writers of the Romanian literary space. The poietic approach seeks to explore the particular configurations of the theme and the dilemma of motherhood in relation to the requirements and the experience of writing, in harmony with the experience of motherhood.
Keywords: process of creation, metadiscourse, woman writer, writing, motherhood.
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava, Roumanie - olgagancevici@litere.usv.ro
La mère : des représentations autres/ The Mother: Other Representations
Abstract: This study marks the beginning of an ample research into the mother figure in French literature during the past hundred years, mainly addressing autobiographical and autofictional works published since the second half of the twentieth century. Steering clear of the stereotypical idealised motherly figure, we focus on unconventional portraits: cold, absent, abusive, unstable, suicidal, tyrannical, unworthy, imperfect. The idea of motherhood as the iconic image of unconditional love has not changed; however, perspectives have multiplied. It is here that our focal point lies: inventorying (without any intention to exhaust) a series of books revolving around the maternal figure represented with the frankness and the lack of taboo that characterise contemporaneity, far from stereotype or conformism, all along intentionally avoiding Hervé Bazin’s Folcoche, primarily the typed hateful mother.
Keywords: mother, cruel mother, maternity vs. femininity, childhood, autobiography, autofiction.
Rituparna DAS
Techno India University, India - ritu.seasonflower@gmail.com
The Reluctant Mother: A Study of ‘Motherhood’ as a Tool of Patriarchy in Bollywood Films
Abstract: A 2021 advertisement by Preganews, a pregnancy toolkit, celebrating upcoming Women’s Day, has attracted public attention for its sensitive portrayal of infertility in women. The advertisement portrays a joint family where the younger daughter-in-law is being pampered by everyone as she is heavily pregnant. But the elder daughter-in-law who is an accomplished teacher is wistfully sighing at the attention lavished upon the younger one. The camera pans through the awards and certificates that she has obtained through her outstanding accomplishments. The background narration identifies her as unhappy because she is incapable of conceiving a child. The advertisement ends with a message emphasising the need to “embrace those women who are complete” in themselves. Behind this embracing message, therein lies a sinister implication that normalises motherhood as an obvious phenomenon of adult female life and portrays childlessness as some form of disability or deformity that needs compassionate understanding.
Keywords: mother, motherhood, patriarchy, Bollywood films.
Felicia DUMAS
Université « Alexandru Ioan Cuza », Iaşi, Roumanie - felidumas@yahoo.fr
Les femmes devenues saintes dans l’Orthodoxie ou sur l’option pour un type particulier de « carrière » / Women of Holiness in Orthodoxy or On the Option for a Particular Type of “Career”
Abstract: The present paper provides a discursive and lexical study of the biographical peculiarities of some women who became holy in Orthodoxy; or in “secular” terms, using the words of the contemporary modern man, a study of the main aspects of what might be called a particular type of female “career” in holiness. We will refer to holy martyrs of the first centuries of Christianity and to contemporary saints, including one who lived in the previous century, as well as to other saints, mentioned as wives, mothers or sisters of holy men, analyzing both lexically and discursively their proper names and the stories of their lives contained in the Synaxarion. We will use the most extensive Synaxarion written in French by Father Macarius of the Athonite monastery of Simonos Petra, an abridged version of which is used liturgically at the French Orthodox monastery of Saint-Antoine- Le-Grand, metochion (or dependency) of Simonos Petra in France.
Keywords: holiness, holy women, Orthodox Christian faith, French, Synaxarion, hagiographic discourse.
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava, Roumanie - cdrahta @yahoo.fr
La femme dans l’évangile de Luc / The Woman in the Gospel according to Luke
Abstract: In this paper we focus on the feminine presence in the first ten chapters of the Gospel according to Luke. We try to emphasize evangelist Luke’s admirative attitude towards women, presenting them in the context they appear in. Figures like Elisabeth, Virgin Mary, prophetess Anna, the Nain widow, Martha and her sister Mary are mentioned here in the background they emerge.
Keywords: evangelist Luke, Gospel, feminine presence, admirative attitude, Elisabeth, Virgin Mary, prophetess Anna.
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France - morettilaria@gmail.com
«Nous sommes toutes inadéquates ». Métabiographie d’une enseignante précaire dans Storia di Roberta d’Aldo Nove / “We are all Inadequate.” Metabiography of a Precarious Teacher in Aldo Nove’s Storia di Roberta
Abstract: The purpose of our article is to explore the theme of female precariousness described in a story by Aldo Nove entitled Storia di Roberta. Our idea is to analyze the protagonist’s experience through the perspective of her profession: Roberta is a teacher and an intellectual with a passion for politics and civil causes. Our interest is to understand how the perspective of meta-biography – where the story of the other becomes the privileged stratagem to express the point of view of the author – allows the emergence of a series of social problems indispensable for the understanding of the reality of women at work in contemporary societies. In particular, we focus on the overlapping – from which the notion of professional intersectionality derives – of gender, work, and desire. If Roberta’s experience insists on the precarious condition of women in today’s society, at the same time this story raises the question of gender to illustrate how job instability becomes the source of a series of problems that are corollaries of economic fragility.
Keywords: temporary employment, teacher, intellectual work, professional intersectionality, motherhood, meta-biography, desire, emotional exile.
Luminiţa-Elena TURCU
“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania - luminitaturcu@litere.usv.ro
A Governess with a Mission: Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre
Abstract: The article analyses Charlotte Bronte’s celebrated protagonist from the perspective of Foucault’s notion of governmentality via an investigation of the semantics of the word ‘governess’ and of the status of this professional woman in mid- and late-Victorian England. The aim of the approach is to demonstrate that the governess acts as an instrument of rectification in the novel, working to governmentalize a system that has been chaotic and has taken for granted woman’s subordination.
Keywords: governess, Charlotte Brontë, Foucault, governmentality, governmentalization normalization, subordination, madness.
Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, România - rodica.grigore@gmail.com
Modelul victorian şi oglinzile sale postmoderne: Jane Eyre, Antoinette Cosway, Thursday Next / The Victorian Pattern and Its Postmodern Mirrors: Jane Eyre, Antoinette Cosway, Thursday Next
Abstract: Victorian fiction has always represented an aesthetic pattern for many English writers. Within this context, Charlote Brontë’s masterpiece, Jane Eyre, has been constantly reinterpreted according to the specific tendencies of modernist or postmodernist tecniques in order to adecquately express the true spirit of each new cultural age. Virginia Woolf herself often underlined the importance of this text and of feminine fiction in general in the Victorian period, and also analyzed the influence of certain canonical Victorian writings on the literature of her own time. Later on, authors like Jean Rhys re-read and rewrote
the well-known doomed love story, nevertheless finding new points of interest, especially in the figure of the “mad woman in the attic”, Edward Rochester’s secret wife, who is turned into the most important character in the novel Wide Sargasso Sea.
Contemporary authors are still fascinated by the old story of Jane’s forbidden love, but they interpret everything in a postmodernist key, using the strategies of irony, parody and pastiche, as we can find in Jasper Fforde’s novel, The Eyre Affair.
Keywords: Victorian fiction, postmodernism, narrative strategy, feminine character, irony, parody, pastiche.
Daniela-Maria MARŢOLE
“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania - danielamartole@yahoo.com
Lady Macbeth, Ruthless Murderess or Career Scapegoat
Abstract: Our paper seeks to investigate Lady Macbeth’s critical career, focusing on her hypostases, as they emerge from various readings of Shakespeare’s text. Following the motif of the double present in the play, the critical images of Lady Macbeth’s character oscillate between the magically empowered ruthless murderess at the beginning of the play and the passive carrier of her husband’s guilt. The article offers two other interpretations of the character, based on Roger Caillois’ study on the praying mantis and on the Derridean concept of pharmakos, respectively. The research also dwells on the relationship between the critical approaches to Lady Macbeth’s character and the evolution of social attitudes towards women.
Keywords: Lady Macbeth, witch, praying mantis, hysterica passio, pharmakos.
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava, Roumanie - corina.iftimia@usm.ro
Au bonheur des dames – L’histoire de l’ascension d’une femme / Ladies’ Paradise – The Story of a Woman’s Ascent
Abstract: This article presents in a descriptive and narrative way the fate of Denise Baudu, the heroine of the novel Au Bonheur des Dames by Émile Zola. This story breathes new life into literature where women, even if they occupy the central place, are still
confined to known classic roles. With Denise, the author creates the prototype of the modern, independent, strong, creative woman who is able to build a successful career and rise above her class in a society dominated by men, thanks to her merits. We first present the era – the birth and development of high commerce, – then the micro-society in which the character evolves, the Bonheur des Dames novelty store and the shops in the neighborhood and finally, the rise of Denise, her career by stages, all this accompanied by a few considerations concerning the art of the naturalist writer.
Keywords: réalisme, naturalisme, déterminisme, roman expérimental, Au Bonheur des Dames
Nicoleta-Loredana MOROŞAN
“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania - nicoletamorosan@litere.usv.ro
Representations of “la Parisienne” in a British Relocation Narrative
Abstract: This paper investigates an Englishman’s representations of French women, with particular focus on the portrayal of a Parisian lady, as revealed by a first-person narrative belonging to the relocation memoirs. Considered either as a “full-fledged genre”, under the name of literature of accommodation (E. C. Knox), or as a subgenre of travel literature, under the name of relocation narrative (L. A. Mastellotto), where Anglophone writers have lifestyle migrants relate their experience of settling in a French locale, these home-abroad books offer a window on the views held on the natives both before and after the narrators’
settlement in the country of their choice.
While relying on the premise that no individual can be the absolute quintessence of the culture he lives in, our analysis retraces the dynamics of the traits creating the portrait of what makes a Parisienne be a Parisienne, as perceived by an Englishman in Paris.
Keywords: representation, relocation narrative, life style migration, la Parisienne.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava, România - farmusioan@yahoo.com
Un caz de mimetism social privit din exterior. Ela în „Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de război” de Camil Petrescu / A Case of Social Mimicry Viewed from the Outside. Ela in “The Last Night of Love, the First Night of War” by Camil Petrescu
Abstract: This paper is a reading of Camil Petrescu’s novel Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de război through his theatre theory as the author is a well-known drama writer, theoretician and theatre journalist of the Romanian interwar period. That is why I try to prove that there is a strong connection between his theatrical philosophy and the „ecriture” of his novels, influences that can be seen on multiple levels: the vision upon existence that the novelist promotes (life is often perceived in his prose as a theatre scene that stages all kinds of dramatic encounters between characters belonging to different worlds), character building (the author focuses not on the psychological depths of his characters, but on their social behaviour, on their day-by-day play) or his writing philosophy (the possibility of reading his novels through a series of concepts that he places at the centre of his theatre theory: theatricality, dramatic situations, dramatic participation, value). I start from the definition that Cristophe Wulf gives to the concept of mimesis, defined as a „mise-en-scene”, in order to create a link between mimesis, theatre and ritual,
and relate it to the definition that Camil Petrescu gives to the phenomenon of social mimetism that he explores in both of his interwar prose writings. In the novel that I analyse, the phenomenon is studied from the outside: the becoming mondaine of Ştefan Gheorghidiu’s wife, Ela.
Keywords: theatricality, theatre, mimesis, ritual, social mimetism.
Mariana BOCA
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava, Roumanie - mariana_boca_ro@yahoo.com
Les femmes et les hommes d’Amos Oz / The Women and Men of Amos Oz
Abstract: The study offers an analytic hypothesis about the search of “the master” and of “real knowledge” in the fictional world created by Amos Oz in several autobiographical novels. Although Amos Oz does not belong to literary postmodernism, he is touched by the spirit of the postmodernists, by their ambiguous agnosticism. He detaches himself from both the Jewish heritage and the radical nihilism of the (post) modernists, but he isolates himself, through the conscience of his heroes and their life stories, in a skeptical relativism, attentive to the internal movements of being, but refusing any clear spiritual solution.
Keywords: knowledge, woman, fictional world, autobiographical novel, analytic hypothesis.
Ozana-Ioana CIOBANU
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava, România - ozanaciobanu@yahoo.com
Evoluţia imago-ului feminin în romanele Ludmilei Uliţkaia / The Evolution of the Feminine Imago in Ludmila Ulitkaia’s Novels
Abstract: The literary creation of the Russian writer Lyudmila Ulitskaya represents a remodeling of the Eastern European literature, due to the integration, at the level of the narrative structures, of a personal vein that radiates to multiple areas of interpretation. Bringing a new vision of the Soviet area and contemporary Russia, LyudmilaUlitskaya uses the presence of the female image to render the transition that the female hypostasis has accessed to move from the patriarchal sphere to a new social typology.
Keywords: feminism, maternity, corporality, social roles.
Universitatea din Piteşti, România - i_rinap@yahoo.com
Evoluţia imaginii femeii, desăvârşită de ea însăşi / The Evolution of Woman’s Image Perfected by Herself
Abstract: The theme I approached in the present paper comprises a brief evocation of significant moments in history, through which women proved their capacity to be equal with men in all fields of social activity. I limited the grounds of this research to two countries: France and Romania, as there is an important connection between them, in the sense of the impact French culture had on the development of Romanian spirituality. From an immense canvas of instances, I chose a few figures who have accomplished, through their will and aspirations, the sum of wishes of the ones who did not have the possibility to express them in a concrete manner.
Their victory was not accidental; it was predictable because the male prejudices they were fighting had no rational grounds.
At times, it was precisely the absurdity of a support which was more difficult to prove, and it can be stated that women managed to do that not only through words but also through their deeds. The period I analysed was until WWII which brought about major changes in the world. From that moment on, women began to obtain most of the rights requested throughout time and feminism acquired new facets. At the same time, the mass media through which women exposed their problems became more complex and they can represent the object of another type of analysis.
Keywords: women’s status, prejudices, evolution, freedom.
Kasia OZGA
Université Paris 8, France - kasia.ozga@gmail.com
Être et exposer : révéler les problématiques de genre au travail dans l’art contemporain / Being and Showing: Revealing Gender Issues at Work in Contemporary Art
Abstract: How can artists explore the rise of women in an institutional and cultural context that does not value female perspectives? In order to represent their professional experiences and those of other workers, both in the domestic sphere and beyond, artists implement strategies including self-portraiture, documentation, and interventions. Through humour, inversion and shock tactics, artists seek to raise awareness of the unseen work carried out daily in our midst, in order to encourage viewers to see and act differently. At the margins of literary fiction, narrative-based visual artworks offer another way to explore and to witness the inequalities of gender-based relationships to paid labor.
Keywords: contemporary art, work and gender, social reproduction, female employment, female artists.

Muzeul Naţional al Literaturii Române, Bucureşti, România - luigi16sem@yahoo.com
Symposion canonic. Dezbaterea canonică occidentală şi ofertele ei teoretice. Raport bibliografic / Canonical Symposium. The Western Canonical Debate and its Theoretical Contributions. Bibliographical Information
Abstract: The selection of the essential elements for the circumscription of the cultural canon has been the subject of heated debate over the years. The following article provides a critical summary of the most important moments and works that have contributed to the identification of arguments capable of supporting various canonical models, highlighting their limitations, but also their hermeneutic or emulative value.
The author’s conclusion is that, rather than a political (liberal-conservative) perspective, an essentially culturalist perspective is needed in understanding the canon. Canonical conflict has the pattern of a typological adversity (classicism – mannerism) and must be integrated into a recurring phenomenon (the old – new opposition), most likely at the foundations of any culture. In this polemical foundation resides the agonistic character of cultural systems.
Keywords: cultural canon, canonical models, Great Books, synchronic model, diachronic model.
Tatiana CIOCOI
Universitatea de Stat Chişinău, Republica Moldova - taniaciocoi@yahoo.it
Ultimul roman al lui Serafim Saka: istoria ca sinegrafie, memorie şi amnezie ludică / Seraphim Saka’s Latest Novel: History as Biography, Memory and Playful Amnesia
Abstract: The present study discusses the problem of the aesthetic memory of communism. The concept of aesthetic memory is formulated within the contemporary Western studies about the theory of memory and reflects the way in which the subjectiveprivate memory or the objective-public one turns through the creative-imaginative methods into poetic (aesthetic) memory of the past. The concept of aesthetic memory is studied on the basis of more novels of the Bessarabian writers among whom a special role is attributed to the “fact-novel” Pe mine mie redă-mă (2013) by Serafim Saka. The central problem of the study is represented by the cultural memory of the Bessarabians, which supports the collective identity and assures through diverse forms and practices the maintaining of the national identity. The results of the study outline the faulty report of memory and, through ricochet, the impossibility to distinguish between truth and lie, which comes out to be the distinctive sign of the great post-communist disclosures. The study demonstrates that the theme of memory is fundamental to the understanding of the human history that just retrospectively, by the confrontation of a “now” and “then”, is being fixed and produced as discourse and consciousness.
Keywords: memory, playful amnesia, tragic amnesia, amnesia-amnesty, biography, “selfgraphy”, dialectal memory.
Anca-Elisabeta TURCU
Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza”, Iaşi, România - turcuanacaelisabeta@yahoo.com
Der Querschnitt. O revistă berlineză interbelică sub direcţia unui poet bucovinean
Abstract: The article tackles the impact of the illustrated magazine Der Querschnitt on the interwar German culture as well as the contribution of Victor Wittner, a Bukovinean poet and an Editor-in-Chief of the publication, to the development of modern press. The philosophy of the magazine, which was Wittner’s own philosophy, assisted the reader’s acknowledgement of cultural actuality and of alternative worldviews and highlighted the obligation to be acquainted with foreign languages and cultures. Der Querschnitt opened up a serene perspective on humanity that was able to debate congenially in the pages of a magazine from a Germany that had been defeated in war but was undaunted in its desire for progress.
Keywords: Der Querschnitt, Victor Wittner, German press, interwar magazine.
Ovidiu MORAR
“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania ovidiumorar10@yahoo.com
The Romanian Surrealism before the War
Abstract: This approach points out the most significant aspects of the Romanian Surrealism between the Wars, starting with its poetics, and ending with its poetry, of which the main representatives are Ilarie Voronca, Geo Bogza, Gellu Naum, and Gherasim Luca. The mechanisms of the poetic discourse and the structures of the Surrealist imagery are analyzed in order to highlight the specificity and uniqueness of the Romanian Surrealism in the European context.
Keywords: Surrealism, poetry, revolution, dream, libido.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava, România - oanazugravu1980@gmail.com
Eugen Ionescu. Păpuşa de tărâţă şi arlechinul – arhetipuri într-un tipar inovator / Eugen Ionescu. The Bran Doll and the Harlequin – Archetypes in an Innovative Pattern
Abstract: Eugen Ionescu’s Romanian writings, starting with the poems in the volume Elegies for small beings, continuing with Nu, the pages of his diary, and with his first play of the absurd – English without a Teacher – reveal a subtle writer who, from the very beginning, expresses that astonishment in front of the spectacle of the grotesque but also the mundane’s loss of the miraculous, by employing a style that takes him out of anonymity and can represent a value in itself, before the writer’s consecration in world literature. The creative self, regardless of the textual pattern he may choose, illustrates two archetypes in
an innovative technique, namely the bran doll and the harlequin. Through these two symbolic hypostases, the author conveys his inner tearing, which is triggered by man’s condition of a puppet facing destiny. Complementary to them is that of a jester or a
mountebank, the only option of survival that the artist has in a universe where one does not always have freedom of choice. These projections are of tragic origin and anticipate his dramatic art in which he will express not only one’s helplessness in the face of the
misfortune of being born and of experiencing the oppression of history and society, but, above all, that aforementioned astonishment.
Keywords: tragic character, harlequin, preposterous, despair, revolt.
Constantin GRIGORUŢ
Université d’Otago, Nouvelle Zélande - constantin.grigorut@otago.ac.nz
De la terreur du Temps dans le théâtre de Samuel Beckett / On the Terror of Time in Samuel Beckett’s Theater
Abstract: In my article, I aimed to follow the metaphysical connection to Time in one of the most troubling plays written by Samuel Beckett: Fin de partie – Endgame (1957). Mirrored in its title, the central metaphor of the chess game is the core of my analysis, therefore I tried to follow its vectorial trajectory in a complex cultural environment from Greek philosophy (the Megarian School) to the Heideggerian concept of Dasein. In this light, Samuel Beckett’s theatre has a philosophical architecture of questions regarding the ending of everything from individual and collective life to literature itself, to theatre: absurd stalemate in a terrifying chess endgame played against Time.
Keywords: Beckett, Fin de partie, Time, Metaphysics, Dasein.
Amalia DRĂGULĂNESCU Institutul de Filologie Română ,,Al. Philippide”, Academia Română, Filiala Iaşi, România - amalita004@yahoo.com
Decăderea mitului. Emergenţa miturilor / The Decline of Myth. The Emergence of Myths
Abstract: The present paper tackles the idea according to which between the ancient (Greek, Oriental in the broadest sense of the word) and modern (Western) myths there is an obvious diachronic gap, though closed through a subtle process of sublimation of myths, primordial patterns, or original particles. This leads to the palingenesis of various myth(s) by deconstruction to reconstruction, because there is a reference point of existential search that still remains, as stated by Vassilis Vitsaxis. From Hercules to Superman, from titans to cyborgs, from the myth of Gyges to the invisible man, or even from the protean Hermes to the modern Matrix, the fragmentation of the myth itself occurs continuously, not absolutely, but in a fractal-like manner, i.e. reorganizing, up to a point, the ontological / cosmic chaos. Although, for some, myth is a kind of religion that no one believes in, it is still the only point of support on the thin line that (still) separates the Eastern (sometimes fanatical, fundamentalist) from the Western world (highly secularized).
Keywords: myth, deconstruction, androgynous, Don Quixote, superhero, reconstruction.
Université Cheikh Anta DIOP de Dakar, Sénégal - bour832002@yahoo.fr
Vouloir et pouvoir résurrectionnel de l’écriture poétique dans Cantiques des météores (2019) de Diokel Sarr / The Will and Resurrecting Power of Poetic Writing in Cantiques des météores (2019) by Diokel Sarr
Abstract: The two verbs in the title which are at the base of our reflection have enabled us to analyze the impact of the existential experience, which is death, in poetic writing. In the first part, we go beyond this intimate orientation to show that religious and cultural beliefs helped the poet to arouse his desire so as to resuscitate the loved ones. This has given us the opportunity to make use of the intertextual practices that underpin our argument. In the second part, we examine the stylistic dualism in the poet’s waltz between purism and rebellion. He obtains a linguistic hybridization symbolizing the subversive impetus on which the work is built.
Keywords: death, belief, stylistic dualism, hybridization.
Anamaria GAVRIL
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava, România - anahert@yahoo.com
G. Skovoroda. Simbolul, imaginea şi cuvântul / G. Skovoroda. Symbol, Image and Word
Abstract: Grigory Skovoroda has illustrated in his works the complex process of symbolizing that the Biblical writings employ. He takes as a starting point the story of Lot’s Wife that has often been analysed by Ukrainean writers and theologians from a moral
perspective. According to Skovoroda, Biblical symbols have always reflected the anthitetical structure of existence.
Keywords: Skovoroda, Biblical symbols, image, Lot’s wife, metaphor.
“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania - codrutserban@litere.usv.ro
Historicizing the Horse. The Case of Three Native American Myths
Abstract: This article studies the process of historicizing the horse in Native American cultures by exploring its representation(s) in three Blackfoot myths – Thunder’s Gift of Horses, Water Spirit’s Gift of Horses, and How Morning Star Made the First Horse. The horse was a new historical reality for the Blackfoot; embedding it in myth was a method used to internalize it in the tribe’s narrative. The analysis focuses on how historicity of the horse was conditioned by its mythicity.
Keywords: horse, myth, Blackfoot, acculturation, historicization.

Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava, România - monica.timofte@litere.usv.ro
Sensul variabil al locuţiunilor adverbiale în veci, pe veci în epitafurile de la Săpânţa şi în textul biblic / The Variable Meaning of the Adverbial Phrases forever, always in the Epitaphs of Săpânţa and the Biblical Text
Abstract: The present paper is the second part of a study on the lexical meaning developed by the adverbial phrases în veci(e)/ pe veci(e) (for ever/ forever) as used in the epitaphs of the The Merry Cemetery in Săpânţa. The contexts in which they appear favour the decription of their lexical meanings in close connection with the semantics they have in the religious language of the Bible which we examine here.
Keywords: în veci(e)/ pe veci(e) (for ever/ forever), lexical meaning, [+ limited/ unlimited meaning] semantic feature, variable semantics, Bible language vs. church language, religious style of language.
Ioana-Crina PRODAN
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava, Roumanie - crinacoroi@litere.usv.ro
Une perspective interdisciplinaire – l’informatique et la linguistique / An Interdisciplinary Perspective – Computer Science and Linguistics
Abstract: This article aims to give a global perspective of the direct connection between two fundamental fields, linguistics and computer science, as well as their importance for everyday communication in today’s socio-professional communities. The interdisciplinary relationship created between the two fields is quite visible in the process of computerassisted translation, a relatively new discipline not only in the educational space, but in everyday activities, a sociolinguistic reality which requires the translator to master computer programs and metalanguage. We will also present some examples of computer terminology and some of the machine translation programs currently in use.
Keywords: linguistics, computer science, interdisciplinary, terminology, metalanguage, machine translation programs.
Arthur SUCIU
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava, România - arthur.suciu@usm.ro
Cum se nasc industriile culturale? Brandul Loredana Groza ca fir roşu / How are cultural industries born? The Brand Loredana Groza as a Red Thread
Abstract: The article follows the avatars of the Loredana Groza brand, started in the 80’s, when the artist began her career, until today. The purpose of the analysis is to highlight the forces that acted and led, in the post-communist period, to the formation of a capitalist music industry. In this regard, Loredana Groza, who was a major player in this industry, is a suitable case study. The article combines theoretical resources of cultural studies and media with hermeneutic analyses of musical discourse in the Romanian context. In fact, the overall analysis targets the discourse and has nothing to do with any “musicological” or “fashionable” approach. Last but not least, the article explains the way in which the star system tried to create an image of the new woman in the postcommunist era.
Keywords: Loredana Groza, pop music, post-communism, cultural industries, marginal.
“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania - dana_humoreanu@yahoo.com & roxana_filip@yahoo.com
Dynamics of the Communication Process at the Beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Suceava, the First Quarantined City in Romania (II)
Abstract: The article analyses the dynamics of the communication process during the quarantine meant to limit the spread of SARS-CoV2 in Suceava, the first city in Romania where this measure was imposed between March 30 and April 13, 2020. The quarantine was established after an outbreak of Covid-19 in the “Sfântul Ioan cel Nou” County Emergency Hospital, the largest hospital in Suceava County, with 1,500 employees and 1,300 beds. We have analysed communication within the hospital by distributing a questionnaire to employees, which was answered by 57 people, the communication through the media, by
following three local publications from the point of view of the community’s interest in pandemic news and the measures imposed, as well as the authorities’ discourse in crisis situation.
Keywords: communication, message, speech, management, Covid-19 pandemic, Suceava.