Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava - ketkatm@yahoo.com
La montée de l’islamisme – une approche transdisciplinaire des
romans de Yasmina Khadra et Tahar Ben Jelloun / The rise of Islamism –
a transdisciplinary approach to the novels of Yasmina Khadra and Tahar
Ben Jelloun
Abstract: Our article intends to point out the connection between corruption in the Maghrebian society and islamism, as it is depicted in the writings of two novelists of French expression: Yasmina Khadra (Algeria) and Tahar Ben Jelloun (Marocco). The ideology of islamists is based on the Koran and the Sunna and these holy texts are given false interpretations, in order to obtain more power, especially by the djihad (“the holy war”) and the terrorist actions, by manipulating and frightening ordinary people.
Keywords: Islam, islamism, ideology, violence, corruption, Yasmina Khadra, Tahar Ben Jelloun.
Florentina Roxana ROŞU
Universitatea ,,Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - roxanarazvan@yahoo.com
Interdisciplinaritate şi creativitate în actul didactic /
Interdisciplinarity and creativity in teaching
Abstract: The paper starts from theories and concepts regarding interdisciplinarity and addresses its relationship with the originality and creativity of the teaching act. The advantages and disadvantages of the interdisciplinary perspective and the levels of integration are presented. The traditional characteristics of teaching-learning-assessment and the ways of their creative integration in the didactic act are highlighted. The paper is based on a broad theoretical structure.
Keywords: interdisciplinarity, integration, creativity, advantage, disadvantage, perspective, pedagogy, linguistics, strategy.
Aliona GRATI şi Marina MIRON
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova & Asociația de Dezvoltare a Turismului în Moldova, Republica Moldova - office.adtm@gmail.com
Cultura promovării imaginii oraşelor din Republica Moldova prin intermediul artei şi mitopoeticii: abordări inter- şi transdisciplinare în cadrul unui proiect ştiinţific / The culture of promoting the image of cities in the Republic of Moldova through art and mythopoetics: inter- and transplinary approaches in a scientific project
Abstract: In this discourse, we start from the premise that fine arts, sculpture, architecture, music, cinema, literature, history with all the legends and life stories of some prominent personalities, etc. they are efficient and expressive ways of building the identity and image of a city. Within the project a team of experts from various socio-human fields creates an interdisciplinary scientific research model to promote the representation of cities Chişinău, Bălţi and Cahul through art and mythopoetic, which will serve as a support for all those concerned with the image of the Republic of Moldova. During the project there is a collection of materials, which will include the urban landscape and cultural universe of several cities in the Republic of Moldova (Chişinău, Bălţi, Cahul), able to shape the imagination, collective ideology individual, unconscious and intentional representation of representatives of other nationalities and states, interested in getting to know us. Thanks to interdisciplinary research (philologists, architects, critics of literature and art, historians and ethnologists), training and dissemination activities planned within the project, in a short time the various, truthful, interesting information related to our mentality, and urban culture will be available to those who work directly with city and country guests.
Keywords: interdisciplinary scientific research model, the culture of promoting, art and mythopoetic, urban landscape and culture, cultural tourism.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - patraucean_delia@yahoo.ro
Popularizarea ştiinţei: un proces interdisciplinar. Analogia – procedeu-ancoră în discursul de popularizare a ştiinţei / Popularization of science: an interdisciplinary process. Analogy – procedure-anchor in the discourse of popularization of science
Abstract: Science popularization discourse is an inter- and transdisciplinary discourse in itself because it is composed through different disciplines and various themes. The present paper proposes to study a procedure that contributes to the formation of science popularization discourse, analogy. Analogy is a frequently linguistic procedure in science popularization and is characterized by its capacity to bring together distinctive territories in order to create explanation and dissemination of information.
Keywords: science popularization, analogy, association; interdisciplinarity, common lexicon, mediation.
Florentina Roxana ROŞU
Université «Ştefan cel Mare» de Suceava - florentina.ocnasu@student.usv.ro
Quelques idées sur l’interdisciplinarité / Some ideas on interdisciplinarity
Abstract: The paper draws a well-argued parallel between modernism and integrated traditionalism, highlighting the appropriate methods which are used in the two spheres. We highlight the advantages of content integration, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the advantages of traditionalism. The conclusions drawn are the basis of the concepts of interdisciplinarity stated above and develop a series of theories in the field of terminology.
Keywords: traditional school, modern didactics, integrated teaching, content integration, concept,
interdisciplinarity, terminology.

Universitatea ,,Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - daniela.petrosel@gmail.com
Titu Maiorescu faţă cu kitschul / Titu Maiorescu facing Kitsch
Abstract: The article investigates how Titu Maiorescu, without using the word kitsch, develops a coherent perspective on both aesthetic and social kitsch. The Romanian critic accurately identifies the use of clichés, the failure of the cathartic experience, the appeal to sentimentality, elements that nurture the poetry he looks down on. Equally, he identifies a kind of social kitsch with national undertones, which leads him to issue his famous theory of culture.
Keywords: kitsch, Maiorescu, aesthetic experience, sentimentality.
Anamaria GAVRIL
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - anahert@yahoo.com
G. Skovorda – Aspecte doctrinale. Ontologia / G. Skovorda – Doctrinal aspects. Ontology
Abstract: The article surveys Skovoroda’s original notion of what he calls “srodnost”, the given nature of each human being. It is here that Skovoroda parts with the classical image of the self as it was described by Aristotle and takes sides with Plato’s vision as revealed in The Republic. Skovoroda proposes a new hypothesis according to which an individual has got a unique identity and a singular set of traits that make him or her fit for a specific type of work.
Keywords: Skovoroda, srodnost, theology, ontology, human nature, happiness, virtue.
Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu - iulia.deaconu@ulbsibiu.ro
Manasse – Imaginea evreității între tradiție și modernitate. Trei generații evreiești /
Manasse – The image of Judaism between tradition and modernity. Three Jewish generations
Abstract: In this article we will analyze how Ronetti-Roman constructs, in the drama Manasse, a portrait of the Jew seen from the perspective of the three generations of the same family: the old Manasse, representative of Jewish conservatism (keeper of Jewish values and tradition), Nisim Cohanavici, son of Manasse, and his wife, Esther, representatives of an intermediate level of the two worlds (they keep both Jewish customs, but simultaneously take over those of Romanian society) and Lelia and Lazăr, grandchildren of Manasse, representatives of the modern Jew. At the same time, it is necessary, within the research of the image illustrated by different age generations, to bring into question the way in which the Jew perceives himself and is perceived by the Romanian society from the beginning of the 20th century.
Keywords: Manasse, Ronetti-Roman, Jew, Romanian society, 20th century.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mariaepatov@gmail.com
Text şi metatext în povestirile lui Bedros Horasangian / Text and metatext in the stories of Bedros Horasangian
Abstract: Bedros Horasangian’s prose world is built at the intersection of text and metatext. In the spirit of the late 20th century, Horasangian’s writing is a living fabric, in which characters, space, time, author, narrator are pawns on the chessboard of literature. The stakes of Horasangian’s writing are the story of the story, so one of the interesting aspects of his style is the relationship between text and metatext. Irony, gentle humour, simplicity, natural expression are some of the features that turn Horasangian’s texts into real slices of life translated into words. The text creates a new world, in pure postmodern fashion, but at the same time the text turns in on itself, questioning its existence, its principles, its function.
Keywords: Bedros Horasangian, text, metatext, postmodernism.
Anca-Elisabeta TURCU
Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi - turcuancaelisabeta@yahoo.com
Cultul obiectului şi noua economie a emoţiei în Neue Sachlichkeit / The cult of the object and the new economy of emotion in New Objectivity
Abstract: The article consists in a survey of German culture between the two World Wars and examines its fascination with new technology, motion, and progress. It also focuses on the New Objectivists’ cult of the object and their desire to make it significant in the new economy of emotion. The constant, almost aggressive, progress of technology inject into the aesthetics of Modernism innovative modes of representation while widening the spectrum of cultural competence.
Keywords: German Modernism, New Objectivity (Neue Sachlichkeit), Jewish writers, Victor Wittner, exile, technology.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - otiliaungureanu83@yahoo.com
Capriciile idealismului în proza macedonskiană / Whims of idealism in Macedonski’s Prose
Abstract: Our present paper starts from the premise that one of the constant dimensions of Macedonski’s prose explores the ideal universe of distempered personalities, partially or totally abstracted from the real space, by amending the gratuitousness and the abandonment of individuals in the chimeric space. Living in the world but in the same time out of it, the characters of Macedonski’s prose penetrate the infinite sides of the universe, proving an impressive opening for the metaphysical space. A real philosophy about life, Bovarism authenticates the ideal projections of the humans, as extensions of the real personalities. This mechanism belongs to the inside the borders of an ascending or descending dialectic that implies the progress or, on the contrary, the eradication of the individual and the real universe he lives within. The dynamism of the conservative instinct generates the vital function of the characters that projects abroad the self, giving to it a trajectory whose first aim is to revive the original self or the permanent denial of this one and the entire assimilation of the alternative universes. Different shades denote the borders between physiological and pathologic, but at the same time the limits between the progressive possibilities and those disruptive of dream cracks. Therefore, it is possible to build the Bovarism as a harmless self defence system against the harshness of life, without a total detachment from the authentic self, but rather existing as an ideal extension of it, but it may also activate the permanent revocation of the real personality.
Keywords: Alexandru Macedonski, prose, Bovarism, ideal space, real space.
Monica-Diana ROPCIUC
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - monica.ropciuc@yahoo.com
La vision dystopique du monde chez Amin Maalouf et Boualem Sansal / The dystopian vision of the world in Amin Maalouf and Boualem Sansa
Abstract: This is a mad world. We fight constantly with an enemy that has no face, no body, even no gender or race; the depression, the alienation and the fear of never being alone or watched are just some elements that keep us in a destructive loop and make us feel lonelier day by day. This is a very sad approach, but if we turn our attention to what it has been written lately on this subject, we can easily see that this feeling is in fact part of a behavior that all the people of this world are blindly embracing and this is only the beginning. Reading some of the novels and essays of the Lebanese author Amin Maalouf, as well as some of the Algerian writer, Boualem Sansal, we arrived at the conclusion that they have a strong visionary spirit that they use to build their literary works, but they also combine it with their historical knowledge to warn us about what is yet to come. Using Boualem Sansal’s novel Le train d’Erlingen ou la Métamorphose de Dieu (2018) and Amin Maalouf’s essay Le Naufrage des Civilisations (2019) we aim to discover a lot of common approaches that seem to be taken directly from Orwell’s dystopia 1984: firstly, they agree on the subject of the war by declaring that it is imminent, that it will be very fast and destructive and nobody will see the face of the enemy; secondly, they say that in case of war it will always be a segment of the population that will be used as bait, to give the others more time to run, and lastly, they disagree on the historical accuracy during a crisis, Sansal stating that in this case the rich will flee but they will take the time to ensure that the history shall paint them as saints. So in the end we wonder, who and what can we trust?
Keywords: war, dystopia, history, truth, abandon, visionary spirit.
Elena-Cristina VANCEA (FILIGEAN)
Universitatea ,,Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu - cristinafiligean@yahoo.com
Elemente de realism magic în Mistreţii erau blânzi de Ştefan Bănulescu / Elements of magical realism in Wild Boar were gentle by Ştefan Bănulescu
Abstract: Generally, the imaginary is a complex system of relationships, a whole world, more or less ideal/real, more or less possible. It is another reality, which operates according to its own rules and has in common with reality the same understanding of representation. It is that universe specific to each writer’s imagination, a place hidden from the prying eyes of others, but which is depicted in the literary text in an original manner meant to highlight the personal and unique vision of a writer. In Ştefan Bănulescu’s prose, the imaginary is emphasized through the use of myths, symbols, images or metaphors that open the interpretation to multiple variants without annihilating any opinion for or against, thus following the patterns of South American literature. Well-knowing the Romanian traditions and customs from the Bărăgan area, the writer analyzes and interprets ancient folk beliefs from the local folklore so that they can be transformed according to his own will and rendered into his own ‘imaginary kingdom’. He creates everything carefully, captures the world around him in an unusual light, subtly leaves the well-known frames of reality without the reader noticing it and, at the same time, pays attention to the details that induce a universe full of meanings. Therefore, the aim of this article is to highlight the motifs, myths and symbols that Ştefan Bănulescu uses in his short story Mistreţii erau blânzi to insert the magic into the reality plan, keeping the sense of truthfulness of the narration to outline a fictional universe specific to ontological magical realism.
Keywords: real, imaginary, magical realism, Ştefan Bănulescu, myths, motifs, symbols.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - paraschivabuciumanu@yahoo.com
Memoriile lui Constantin Ţoiu / Memoirs of Constantin Ţoiu
Abstract: At the age of maturity, Constantin Toiu contemplates his life and feels the need to present readers the image of a life lived under communism. Freed from the pressure of the regime, the writer evaluates his own career and explains his creative path, intellectual adventure and spiritual development. Encouraged by the desire to recover the journalistic texts from “Literary Romania”, the articles from the volumes of essays Morsus diaboli, Caftane şi cafteli, Răvaşe din Kamceatka, the fragments from the notebooks and files found, which best show his evolution, Constantin Toiu gets to publish, from 2003 to 2010, five volumes of Memoirs, distinguished by their composite air. Although there are enough justifying or controversial pages, Constantin Toiu’s Memoirs are not governed by this aspect, because it was not the harsh revelations that interested the writer, but the thought of giving us a true “scholarly biography”, since travel notes and memos dominate his writings. In addition, in his balanced approach, the memoirs writer reveals to the reader the special concern for his literary inheritance.
Keywords: biography, article, heterogeneity, balance sheet, memoirs.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - elenachicos@gmail.com
Structurile textuale originale din drama Hamlet şi cele din traducerea lui D.P. Economu / The original textual structures in the drama Hamlet and those in the translation by D.P. Economu
Abstract: This paper focuses on the way Hamlet was translated in the nineteenth century and how the versions it was translated from affected the final Romanian versions. Taking into account the influence the French language had on the literature and traslations of the time, we will analyse the linguistic particularities of the text, the new entries and the archaic words, the synonyms, semantic relationships and some lexical aspects. Due to the socialpolitical life of the time, French became the most frequently used language leaving its traits into the Romanian language.
Keywords: Economu, Hamlet, translation.

Rodica NAGY
Universite « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava - rodinagy@yahoo.com
Quelques aspects de la modernisation de la syntaxe de la langue roumaine, mis en évidence par la grammaire bilingue de Vasile Alecsandri / Some aspects of the modernization of the syntax of the Romanian language, highlighted by the bilingual grammar of Vasile Alecsandri
Abstract: The syntactic level of the Romanian language recorded by Alecsandri in his grammar is not assigned a separate compartment, but the wide series of nominal, verbal and phrastic structures, illustrated during the grammar, can induce, for the student, the rules according to which words are combined into sentences in the language he must learn. In this sense, we also expose some syntactic characteristics of the Romanian language of the time of Alecsandri, deduced from the examination of some samples extracted from this handbook, characteristics that confirm the contribution of the writer to the process of modernization of the Romanian literary language.
Keywords: modernization, standard language, syntactic norms, persistence of the popular model, didactic variable.
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi - lumicarausu@yahoo.com
Mărci pragmatice de contact în discursul televizual românesc actual / Pragmatic markers of contact in in the current Romanian television discourse
Abstract: The aim of our study is to identify, inventory and analyze the pragmatic markers of contact, taking into account the pragmatic function they have in discourse (pragmalinguistic analysis) and the frequency with which they occur in the current Romanian television discourse (statistical analysis), because the cultural shows that we have selected are useful in terms of analyzing the way and the frequency in which contact markers are used in the two television “genres”, the talk show and the televised debate. Our study analyzes, from the perspective of contact markers that occur in discourse, four television shows that are included in the television discourse. These television shows have as a common element the guest of the show, Gigi Căciuleanu, choreographer and famous dancer. The contact markers that we have identified in talk shows and televised debates do not belong to a single part of speech, coming in fact from varied lexico-grammatical classes. According to our analysis, we have noticed that the contact markers identified in the television discourse differ from the contact markers that occur in other types of discourse, especially in spontaneous, unmediated and uncontrolled oral discourse, organized in the form of a dialogue (spontaneous, face-to-face interaction). We have also noticed that there are no differences between the contact markers used in talk show and those used in televised debate. Moreover, we have identified specialized linguistic elements as markers of the speaker, because they express the direct address to the interlocutor and his/her integration in communication, but also specialized linguistic elements as markers of the interlocutor, because they express the agreement/disagreement, confirmation and the involvement of the interlocutor to what has been mentioned before.
Keywords: pragmatic markers, pragmatic markers of contact, pragmalinguistic analysis, statistical analysis.
Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu - iulia.deaconu@ulbsibiu.ro
Manasse – Imaginea evreității între tradiție și modernitate. Trei generații evreiești /
Manasse – The image of Judaism between tradition and modernity. Three Jewish generations
Abstract: In this article we will analyze how Ronetti-Roman constructs, in the drama Manasse, a portrait of the Jew seen from the perspective of the three generations of the same family: the old Manasse, representative of Jewish conservatism (keeper of Jewish values and tradition), Nisim Cohanavici, son of Manasse, and his wife, Esther, representatives of an intermediate level of the two worlds (they keep both Jewish customs, but simultaneously take over those of Romanian society) and Lelia and Lazăr, grandchildren of Manasse, representatives of the modern Jew. At the same time, it is necessary, within the research of the image illustrated by different age generations, to bring into question the way in which the Jew perceives himself and is perceived by the Romanian society from the beginning of the 20th century.
Keywords: Manasse, Ronetti-Roman, Jew, Romanian society, 20th century.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - dorelfinaru@yahoo.com
City break la ruinele Turnului Babel / City break at the ruins of the Tower of Babel
Abstract: The following lines are trying to argue that far from being a divine punishment, the current Babelic diversity of the planet is a brilliant and complex expression of the huge cultural diversity of our planet, because the Language, in the historical form of languages, is a fundamental form of human culture. Linguists warn that, unless steps are taken to protect linguistic diversity, and in particular of endangered or endangered languages of imminent disappearance, half of the over 7,000 languages spoken today on the Earth will be gone in 2050.
Keywords: Tower of Babel, Ur-Sprache, language policy, linguistic diversity, endangered languages.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - monica.timofte@litere.usv.ro
Adverbul – probleme, soluţii (II) / The adverb – problems, solutions (II)
Abstract: This paper focuses on the inflection of the Romanian adverb as it is described in the Romanian grammars. The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages inherent to each way of defining this heterogenous part of speech enables an objective conclusion to be drawn as to which language description correcponds better to the nature of language facts. The evaluation of opinions on language theory is based upon the inductive approach to language description.
Keywords: synthetic inflection, analytic inflection, mixed inflection, inflectional suppletion, heterogeneous grammatical category.
Angela ROBU
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - angela.robu@usm.ro
Elemente de istorie şi structură dialectală ale limbii ucrainene / Elements of history and dialectal structure of the Ukrainian language
Abstract: Our paper aims to familiarise with some elements of the Ukrainian language history which allow us to talk about a form of individuality of the Ukrainian language amongst the Slavic ones, including Russian.
Keywords: individuality o of the Ukrainian language amongst the Slavic languages, phonetic traits, morphological structure, dialectal structure.
Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu - claudia.popa@ulbsibiu.ro
Anglicismele în limba română: între necesitate şi lux / Anglicisms in Romanian: between necessity and luxury
Abstract: In modern times, the language of ordinary people was different from the language of educated people by limiting these traditional lexical funds or, at most, by using a limited number of neologisms. The massive import of neologisms influenced the literary language, which went through a long process of taking over insufficient assimilated elements, a process that began a long time ago and will not end soon. In the current stage, the assimilation of neologisms marks an obvious acceleration of the rhythm. The current Romanian language includes a rich and varied lexicon, formed by various vocabulary enrichment procedures, traditional or innovative, of which an extremely important one is represented by the recent borrowings from English.
Keywords: anglicism, xenism, neologism, internet, English, cultism.
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi - loriaur25@yahoo.com & alex_maricica@yahoo.com
Metafora în discursul televizual românesc actual de tip interviu / The metaphor in the current Romanian television discourse of interview type
Abstract: This study focuses on identifying and analyzing the metaphor, as an argumentative strategy of the current Romanian television discourse type. The objectives of the paper are: to identify, classify and analyze the metaphor, following the role it plays in discursive practice.
The analysis is performed on two interviews. The analysis is performed on five television shows: Profesioniştii – The Professionals, on TVR1, which is moderated by Eugenia Vodă (interviews with Monica Macovei, Andrei Pleşu, Dem Rădulescu, Neagu Djuvara, Father Ilarion); Mic dejun cu un campion – Breakfast with a champion, on TVR 2 and TVR2 HD, hosted by Daniela Zeca-Buzura (interview with Andrei Pleşu, Corina Chiriac).
Keywords: metaphor, thinking figure, argumentation, cognitive function, television interview.
Silvia-Anamaria PANOSCHI
Universitatea „Vasile Alecsandri” din Bacău - silvia.anamaria@yahoo.ro
Patrimonializare şi coduri interculturale. Discursul gastronomic de la scripturalitate la oralitate / Heritageand intercultural cods. Gastronomical discourse from scripturality to orality
Abstract: Heritage involves both physical space and human manifestation that can be seen in the disappearance of certain behaviors, mentalities and, implicitly, the ethnocultural forms they have generated. We consider that the revelation, from the interdisciplinary perspective, of some dominants specific to the scriptural and oral culinary discourse, can configure dimensions of our ethnocultural and ethnolinguistic identity. Regarding the scriptural discourse, we consider relevant the works belonging to the authors Păstorel Teodoreanu, M. Kogălniceanu and C. Negruzzi, Mihai Lupescu, Olivia Steer. We also took into consideration the works we found through the research period 2016-2018, in Blăgeşti commune, Buda village to illustrate the oral, evocative, procedural discourse. This comparative approach is the support for establishing similarities and differences between different ethnocultural and ethnolinguistic codes.
Keywords: interdisciplinarity, culinary discourse, patrimonialization, identity.
Simona-Elena PETREA
Universitatea ,,Vasile Alecsandri”, Bacău - b.simona_elena26@yahoo.com
Metoda povestea vieţii în cercetarea discursului gastronomic / The story of lifemethod in the research of gastronomic discourse
Abstract: Stories are constructed by the common man and implemented as specific to an identity. Currently, we live in a time of personal stories, of experiences, which, shared, can contribute to the preservation, affirmation and even recovery of identity values.
In our approach we will describe the triad of ethnography, ethnology, anthropology, which corresponds to clearly dissociated methodological stages. However, the transition from ethnography to ethnology and then to anthropology reveals an increasingly extensive process of generalization and comparison. This evolution leads us from the objective description of a population to a more comparative reflection, and then to an abstract and universal meditation on the becoming of cultures.
Life storytelling is largely an interdisciplinary approach, used to understand not only a single life over time, but also how individual lives interact with society. We want to emphasize the power of storytelling and retelling, of composing and recomposing stories,
of remodeling and extending it.
The life story method is used in multiple research areas. In terms of use in psychology, the story itself can be a valuable text to learn from other people’s experiences. The use of the method in sociology can help the researcher to become more aware of the diversity of possible roles and standards that exist within the human community. In anthropology and folklore, life stories highlight issues related to beliefs, values, customs, traditions and meanings of life. In anthropology, this method is used to obtain the shared cultural meanings of the individual, but also the vision of a community member on the dynamics of cultural change. In folklore, the story of life, focuses on the way in which the interviewee sees himself as a keeper of tradition, the holder of traditional teachings, beliefs, customs and practices.
Keywords: interdisciplinarity, culinary discourse,life story method, values, traditions.
Dimitria-Ileana CAMEN
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - camendimitria@yahoo.com
Consideraţii asupra dinamicii limbii române. Abaterile de la normă / Considerations of the dynamics of the romanian language. Deviations from the norm
Abstract: Language is a set of rules, its use is susceptible to violations of these rules, and the mistakes made in this way are on of the possibilities for the evoluation of language. Language mistakes are noticed not only by linguists, but also by other speakers. Finding the deviations provokes jokes, irony or disregard in the speakers, ways of sanctioning the one who is wrong.
Language error can be caused by insufficient knowledge of a language, speaker comfort or analogy. The importance of deviation, as an evolving aspect, varies from one language sector to another. In phonetics and grammar, especially in morphology, deviation is the main, predominant mode of evolution. The evolution of a certain linguistic fact depends on internal, linguistic factors, on the relationship between the different elements of the language at a given moment, and on external factors, on the history of the society in all its complexity, on the economic, cultural, political evolution. In conclusion, literary language is not immutable and evolves, to a large extent, by accepting at some point, some deviations.
Keywords: linguistics, norm, deviation, literary language, evolution.
Universitatea ,,Al.I. Cuza” din Iaşi - miha_moraru1980@yahoo.com
Factori (extra)lingvistici ai strategiilor politeţii pozitive (complimentul, mulţumirea) în discursul televizual românesc actual / (Extra)linguistic factors of positive politeness strategies (complimenting, thanking) in current Romanian TV discourse
Abstract: The aim of the present paper is to analyse expressive speech acts in Romanian, complimenting and thanking, used like positive politeness strategies in media discourse. We explored, sequentially, in own recorded transcripts, representing the current spoken Romanian corpus, cultural television programs (talk show, TV debate and interview): Garantat 100%, moderated by Cătălin Ştefănescu, Nocturne, show moderated by Marina Constantinescu, Profesioniştii, made by Eugenia Vodă, COOLtura, by Mirela Nagîţ. Media texts represent forms of social interaction, discursive macrostructures in which television generets an imaginary, a so-called “collective catharsis” (Daniela Zeca-Buzura) of a social nature consisting in the release of impulses, of taboos buried in the unconscious, the viewer being subjected to a show therapy. Emotional attitudes are very important in expressing responses to complementing and thanking (minimizing the debt, expressing pleasure, reciprocating, acknowledging the thanks, expressing intimacy, greeting, congratulating, apologizing, welcoming etc.), thus illustrating the involvement of the (extra)linguistic factors that determine these strategies of positive politeness.
Keywords: politeness; compliments; thanking; negative politeness; positive politeness.
Ioana-Daniela BĂLĂUŢĂ
Ştefan cel Mare University, Suceava & Université de Poitiers, France - daniela.balauta@gmail.com
Corpus de ghiduri turistice generale despre România, redactate în română şi franceză. Constituire, tratare, instrumente de lucru şi tipuri de analize / Corpus of general tourist guides about Romania, written in Romanian and French. Composition, treatment, working tools and types of analysis
Résumé: Dans notre recherche, nous visons à expliquer comment nous constituons un corpus électronique et comment nous devrions le traiter pour l’exploiter avec des logiciels de lecture. Nos objectifs sont de présenter la méthodologie utilisée pour obtenir un corpus électronique à partir de textes imprimés, ainsi que quelques possibilités d’édition et de formatage des données pour les mettre sous la forme acceptée par les paramètres de fonctionnement des logiciels. Nous expliquerons le fonctionnement des programmes d’analyse de données textuelles IRaMuTeQ, Lucon et Cordial Pro, afin de présenter les types d’analyses possibles, étant donné que les outils statistiques, utilisés judicieusement, peuvent soutenir les efforts du chercheur pour mieux observer les propriétés linguistiques du corpus soumis à l’analyse.
Nous considérons que l’analyse statistique de notre corpus de guides touristiques offre un champ important pour aborder les différentes classes grammaticales liées à la spécificité générale du genre discursif du guide touristique. Par exemple, la réalisation d’une analyse comparative des guides à travers la distribution du nom nous permet d’identifier les champs thématiques conceptuels les plus pertinents, sur lesquels est basée la construction linguistique du référent – la Roumanie.
Nous pensons que l’utilisation d’outils informatiques nous permet de donner plus de visibilité aux résultats quantitatifs, valables et pertinents, pour les insérer dans la démarche qualitative. Il convient de noter que les logiciels, qui assistent le travail du chercheur avec des analyses automatiques et des calculs statistiques, ont acquis une notoriété importante dans la recherche linguistique actuelle, en général. Cependant, les choix méthodologiques et l’interprétation des résultats appartiennent au chercheur.
Mots-clés: corpus électronique, édition, mise en forme, logiciels de lecture, analyse statistique.
Mihaela MIHAI
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mihaelasv@gmail.com
Modalităţi lingvistice de realizare a actului adresarii în corespondenţa oficială administrativă din Bucovina interbelică / Linguistic means of accomplishment the act of addressing in the official administrative correspondence from interwar Bucovina
Abstract: Addressing, par excellence, is a form of communication, and is achieved through the use of linguistic means, accompanied or not by non-linguistic or paralinguistic elements. The official addressing is considered to be closely related to the conditions of public life and is characterized by a high degree of formalization and cliché of politeness formulas. The linguistic means used for realization the act of addressing are divided into two categories by Charaudeau & Maingueneau in the Dictionnaire d’analyse du discours, namely, in nouns or substitutes – adjectives and numerals with substantive use – and in pronouns, especially pronouns of politeness. In our research, we aim to analyze from this perspective the linguistic means used to perform the act of address, used in official correspondence from the interwar period in Bukovina, based on a corpus consisting of official correspondence of prefectures in Southern Bukovina, documents in conservation at the Suceava County Service of the National Archives.
Keywords: Bucovina, administrative correspondence, addressing formulas, linguistics, pronouns of politeness.