Emilia DAVID
Universitatea din Pisa - emilia.david@unipi.it
O punte peste timp: accepţiile Primei Conflagraţii – de la scrisorile lui Tristan Tzara către interlocutori din Italia pînă la Recviemul lui Matei Vişniec / A Bridge Over Time: Implications of World War I – from Tristan Tzara’s Letters to Italian Interlocutors to Matei Vişniec’s Requiem
Abstract: The epistolary exchanges to be presented in this article focus on several of the multiple cultural relationships established by Tristan Tzara, one of the founders of the Dada movement, with futuristic antimarinettieni interlocutors and Guillaume Apollinaire, highlighting the strength and conviction with which avant-garde artists confessed to each other the proudly affiliation to a certain homeland (the native one) and the trust in the justice of some ideals fulfilled through the “pan-Latin” alliance of the First World War. Turning to Matei Vişniec’s play, in Recviem (the title in Romanian, and Le retour à la maison in French), the memorial element gains a central role in the text economy, at the review of the events a century later from the end of the war, the significations are sending, only in the author’s first language version, to a still painful memory and full of uncomfortable interrogations, the one of the communist dictatorship which marks the period of a grotesque history that proved able to deny the sense of ethical and collective responsibility. The proposed exposition makes possible a bridge over time, the situations comparison clearly pointing the difference between the two historical contexts, illustrated by the texts that will be commented upon. There are, therefore, different types of discourse: the epistolary correspondence, that appeals sometimes to drear tonalities, that takes the form of “authentic”, “sincere” communication or confession, and engaging integral the conscience, sensibility and the human intellectual honesty of the “emitters”, and, on the opposite site, the ludic sarcasm, aggressive or ironic, of some dominant voices, that
demagogically manipulates the historical memory of combatants-victims, the latter participants in events whose dynamics will remain obscure.
Keywords: The First World War (The First World Conflagration), war, Dadaism, Futurism, The Avant-Garde, bilingual versions, re-write.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - daniela.petrosel@gmail.com
Limitele metodei în critica literară / Limits of Method in Literary Criticism
Abstract: The paper questions the relevance and limits of critical approaches. Since each act of critical reading is a battle between the critic’s commitment to the rigid principles of literary methods and the text’s free will, literary criticism faces the menace of vanity, suspicion and futility. The innate instability of any literary text makes almost impossible the preservation of methodological coherence. In this context, the intricate relationships between literary history, literary theory and criticism configures a rather provocative epitome of Romanian literature.
Keywords: critical approach, literary criticism, reception theory.

Maria-Marilena CIOBANU
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iaşi - maria_marilena_ciobanu@yahoo.com
Limbă literară şi limbă naţională. Politici lingvistice după Primul Război Mondial / Literary Language and National Language. Linguistic Policies after World War I
Abstract: Language, a link between people and a key element, has circulated worldwide, using both oral and written forms. In his treaty, Politics, Aristotle develops the idea that man is distinguishable among primates due to his capacity to use language, logos – meaning the word – being a vital element of daily human interaction.
The Romanian language, generous in forms and meanings, is a national language, being accepted as the official language of Romania. Used by our people with well-established roots since Independence, the language is also used in the Republic of Moldova and Serbia. Thus, Romanian is one of the languages that have crossed the borders of their country being spoken by other people, too.
World War I brings – along with the unexpected attacks – particular changes in the structure of the Romanian language. From a positive perspective, the evolution has become visible, and this fact represents the success of the Romanian people to overcome their limits and to move into a new stage.
Keywords: language, logos, word, World War I.
Cipriana-Elena PEICA
Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca - cipriana_peica@yahoo.com
O pledoarie pentru o gramatică oficială a limbii române / A Plea for a Romanian Official Grammar
Abstract: In school textbooks, Grammar and its parts are not clearly defined, thus providing the teacher with the choice of whether to formulate them or not and, if defining them is considered useful, the way in which it is done (mostly by the Romanian Language and Literature professors) is not unitary, which is explainable considering the fact that we do not have an official grammar. The fact that, by force of habit, Academy Grammars have represented the official grammar that both theoretically and practically appeared in the school textbooks is obviously not valid anymore, for the reasons that we will mention and argue.
Consequently, given the present situation, our proposal is to establish which is the official Grammar of the Romanian language. As we will show in this study, it is our belief that there is no compatibility between the contents of the school grammar and the new academic researches that, on the one hand, are heterogenic and sometimes contradictory as far as their content and terminology are concerned, and, on the other hand, sometimes are insufficiently adapted to the Romanian language’s specific traits. For these reasons, for now and in their current form, they are not fit for pre university didactics, therefore a decision has to be made regarding the contents to be used by the ones that conceive school textbooks, but also by the teachers who have freedom in choosing the contents they want to teach, as well as the pupils, students or any other person interested in the study of Romanian contemporary grammar.
Keywords: official grammar, morphology, syntax, Romanian language, academic research.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - vladgafita@yahoo.com
Limbajul totalitar prin prisma teoriei viral-metamorfice / The Totalitarian Language through the Lens of the Viral-Metaphorical Theory
Abstract: Although there has never been a complete domination of totalitarianism over language, their influence on social communication has been significant, due to factors such as the special nature of totalitarian ideologies (but their viral-metamorphic character); Teleological (target-oriented) vision of society’s development; The promise of a bright future that will make people forget the everyday difficulties, the paternalist nature of antipluralist ideologies (which prepares the ground for mental manipulation); Sacrificing power by creating the cult of the ruler. The language, transformed into totalitarian discourse, has the following dominant traits: the oratory and the declamatory style; Campaign tone; triumphalism; Ideology and the attribution of symbolic meanings to political concepts; The creation of ideologies–different in meaning, to the usual meaning of words; Scientism and exaggerated abstraction, to the detriment of logic; Lofty criticism and fervor, often false; The intense use of slogans or mantras; The assertion of absolute truth.
Keywords: viral-metamorphic character, teleological vision, totalitarian discourse, ambiguity, obscurity, triumphalism, campaign tone, declamatory style.
Ciprian POPA
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - ciprianpopa@litere.usv.ro
Ion Heliade-Rădulescu şi modernizarea limbii române / Ion Heliade-Rădulescu and the Modernization of Romanian
Abstract: The 19th century represented for Romanian the most important period in its language history in terms of unification, normalization and modernization, which underwent fundamental transformations. Ion Heliade-Rădulescu played a very important role in the modernization of the Romanian thanks to the innovative principles and ideas presented in his works: realization of linguistic unity, establishment of common norms, change of spelling, substitution of popular language terms with neologisms that had better reflected the new linguistic realities.
Keywords: language, modernization, spelling, norms, neologisms.

Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos”, Galaţi - simoantofi@yahoo.com
Amintirile despre război ale lui G. Topârceanu – spaţiu discursiv al memoriei compensativ-recuperatorii / G. Topârceanu’s Memories of War – the Discursive Space of Compensatory and Recuperating Memory
Abstract: By using recuperating narrative strategies and Memory itself, G. Topârceanu’s Memories of War (Amintiri despre război) recollect Turtucoaia historical conflict. This piece of history is narratively revisited due to the recuperating Memory which turns the historical events into an (a) typical fabula rooted in the condition of the intellectual ‘thrown into History’.
Keywords: Memory space, recuperating discourse, First World War, confessing history.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mircea_a_diaconu@hotmail.com
Graniţe, ficţiuni istorice şi literare. Studiu asupra reprezentărilor identitare în Sud-Estul Europei / Borders, Literary and Historical Fiction. A View on Identity Representations in the South-East of Europe
Abstract: The premise upon which the present study stands is that Romanian literature is a literary translinguistic system whose configuration is determined diachronically by the fractures occured in the political realm of the 20th century, such as World War I, the rise and fall of the Communist system, etc., which generated major changes all over Europe in terms of the borders of nation-states. The description of this system may make use of such concepts as microliterature and intra- and extra-territorial literature, which we have actually proposed and defined elsewhere [Diaconu, 2018]. For the proposed description of literature to be properly connected to reality and its concepts to be used effectively, a synthetic survey of the political background of Transylvania, Bassarabia, and Bukovina is necessary, focusing on the way in which writers viewed their relationship to the centre, to languages, and various other systems. The analysis of some new concepts (Transylvanism, Bukovinism, Moldovenism) is also needed as they render the phenomenon of oscillation between several centres, expressing the need for an identity, even for the construction of some specific traits depending on location but also on ideology. The present study addresses all of the above-mentioned topics.
Keywords: Literary geography, microliteratures, intra- and extra-territorial, Hungarian and German literature written in Romania, Romanian literature written in Bassarabia/the Republic of Moldova, former Yugoslavia/ Serbia, Bukovina.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava
Mircea Eliade şi Generaţia Marii Uniri. Corespondenţă cu profesori, prieteni şi oficiali (I) / Mircea Eliade and the Generation of the Great Union. Correspondence with Professors, Friends and Officials (I)
Abstract: Mircea Eliade began his intellectual formation and rose to prominence in the years immediately following the Great Union, an age dominated by important polemics concerning the relation between traditionalism and modernism, ethnicity and Europeanism, as well as the means of artistic expression of the national specific character and the rise of new aesthetic directions. Eliade’s correspondence with outstanding writers, theorists, and critics of the Great Union generation is a reflection of the recognition of the intellectual, literary, and ethical worth conveyed by the younger contemporary’s journal articles, essays, and novels; it refers to the cultural turmoil of that time, to the texts that generated it and to the personalities that orchestrated it, also evoked in subsequent memorialistic writings. He stood by his own vision of literature, which was close to that of the modernist group, but also open to tradition – like Şerban Cioculescu, Camil Petrescu, and Cezar Petrescu, to whom I shall refer in my paper, Mircea Eliade and the Great Union Generation. Correspondence with Writers and Literary Critics.
Keywords: polemic, traditionalism, modernism, ethnicity, Europeanism, interwar.
Mariana BOCA
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mariana_boca_ro@yahoo.com
Memoria războaielor şi a păcii din Principatele Române, în jurnalele călătorilor occidentali Patrick O’Brien şi James O. Noyes / Memory of Wars and Peace in the Romanian Principalities in the Records of the Western Travellers Patrick O’Brien and James O. Noyes
Abstract: In the present study, we capitalize on the very close integration in the Romanian culture of two travel journals published in the middle of the nineteenth century (1854-1858) by the Irish Patrick O’Brien and the American James O. Noyes. The two authors, talented storytellers, undertake a subtle and sometimes anticipatory analysis of the situation of Moldova and Ţara Românească, occupied successively and used as a theater of war by the Tsarist army and the Ottoman army in the Crimean War. The comparative reading and analysis of the two exceptional texts, which refers to the same historical moment, gives the reader a spectacular restructuring of profound memory where we anchor the origin of modern Romania and the present destiny of the Romanians.
Keywords: memory, history, Romania, journal, Crimean War.
Laurenţiu ICHIM
Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi - laurentiuichim@yahoo.com
Reflectarea Primului Război Mondial în versurile lui Camil Petrescu / Camil Petrescu’s Poetry Mirroring World War I
Abstract: In “The Cycle of Death”, Camil Petrescu creates a series of poems in which the image of the universal cataclysm of war is perceived and rendered from the perspective of a small combatant, whose senses register from below, from a short distance, and in hypertrophy the horrors the individual falls victim to, trapped without escape in the body mixer beyond which nothing else remains but the spirit. The lyrical essence accompanying the poetic description of the disaster – the carnage accompanied by fearless words, unimaginable terror – amplifies and metaphysically opens this overturned world in which dehumanization has replaced any system of values.
Keywords: World War I, lyricism, hyperbolisation, representations of death, metaphysical.
Alina-Viorela PRELIPCEAN
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - alina.prelipcean@litere.usv.ro
La voz dormida o la historia silenciada de las mujeres durante la posguerra civil española / The Sleeping Voice or Feminist Silent
History during the Spanish Civil War
Abstract: In history, we often find times of silence and censorship, when courage was the only possible and dignified weapon against torture, humiliation and death, the only means to overcome the suffocating feeling of loss and irremediable defeat. This paper aims to highlight the role of women during a few such periods in the history of Spain and also the importance of keeping history alive for generations to come.
Keywords: Dulce Chacón, historical novel, post-civil war years, Francoist prisons, Republican women.
Università di Pisa - m.delcolombo@outlook.it
La Grande Guerra nell’opera di Massimo Bontempelli / The Great War in Massimo Bontempelli’s Work
Abstract: The essay focuses on the theoretical reflection of Massimo Bonntempelli, in which the Great War has a direct role: it marks the passage from a nineteenth-century culture, that is still behind, and a modern and innovative one, also the result of the destruction promoted by the avant-gardes, above all Futurism. In the second part of the essay, a short Bontempellian story, entitled Mio zio non era futurista, is interpreted: it clearly reflects the author’s ideas about the First World War as a cultural event.
Keywords: Massimo Bontempelli, First World War, Meridian Critic, futurism, avant-gardes.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - anca.cojocariu@yahoo.com
Memorie interdiscursivă în textele Hertei Müller / Interdiscourse Memory in Herta Müller’s Writings
Abstract: In most of her books Herta Mϋller has a discourse which is dominated by the political reality of the communist regime or by the World War II period. The novel “The Hunger Angel” brings forward a striking cognitive reality, also a shocking one, which reflects into a series of memory elements at the level of the discourse.
Herta Muller’s discourse is built as an intratextual memory and the text succession creates a true discoursive community. The relationship between the writer and the discoursive memory is uncommon because Romanian as a language acts mostly on German, ensuring its identity through a series of conservation mecanisms of the discoursive memory.
Keywords: text memory, history, discourse, mentality, Herta Müller.

Elena-Brânduşa STEICIUC
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava - selenabrandusa@yahoo.com
La mémoire du goulag roumain dans les écrits de Lena Constante / The Memory of the Romanian Goulag in Lena Constante’s Writings
Abstract: One of the most interesting painters of the early forties in Romania, Lena Constante (1909-2005) is the author of the novel L’évasion silencieuse (The Silent Escape) written in French and published in the Western world. In this writing she makes extensive use of her fabulous memory, in order to tell the whole world about her gulag experience in Romania, during the first years of the communist regime, when lots of Romanian intellectuals were sentenced to death or to many years in prison simply for not agreeing to the new political order and leaders. In her book, Lena Constante tells how she was framed, simply for being close to Lucreţiu Pătrăşcanu’s wife (a political figure who was going to be killed as well) and she narrates her long years in prison, as a witness to many atrocious crimes committed by the dictatorial leaders of that time.
Keywords: Lena Constante, Francophone literature, memory, gulag, dictatorial regime.
Camelia-Maria PAPUC
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iaşi - cameliaoniciuc@yahoo.es
Contribuţia idealismului românesc la Războiul Civil Spaniol / The Contribution of Romanian Idealism to the Spanish Civil War
Abstract: The exaltation for the recovery of folklore and mystique as ideals of the Romanian legionnaires has found a prolific space in Franco’s Spain, as the Spanish Civil War captures the legionnaires’ interest. Some of them decided to take part in a war that was not theirs, for they considered they needed to defend a series of common ideals, like the national cause and the values of Christian culture. On November 24, 1936, a small team of six brave legionnaires left for Spain. None of them spoke Spanish, nor did they have a proper military training. As a consequence of their idealism, two of them die on the foreign ground they defended like it was their own. The moment of the death of the two Romanian heroes turned into a source of inspiration both for the Spanish and Romanian writers, such as José María Castroviejo, Agustín de Foxá or Mircea Eliade.
Keywords: war, folklore, Christian culture, legionnaires, idealism.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mariaepatov@gmail.com
Istoria alegorică – realitate afectivă şi discurs ficţional în Manualul întâmplărilor de Ştefan Agopian / The Allegorical History – Affective Reality and Fictional Discourse in Ştefan Agopian’s Handbook of Happenings
Abstract: Manualul întâmplărilor by Ştefan Agopian is a postmodern fairytale of the attempts to establish the rules at the base of the good functioning of the universe, composing a game of the interdiscursive memory that slides between real and fantastic, reality and dream, allegoric history and utopia, grotesque and sublime, sacred and diabolical. The short study intends to explore the allegoric valences of travelling in a world that progressively builds itself as intratextual memory, a world beyond time, a world in which the memory of shapes generates a universe at the border between contemplation and the need to verbalize a Logos, a world in which emotional memory is essential, enabling the exit from time and space limits.
Keywords: viral-metamorphic character, teleological vision, totalitarian discourse, ambiguity, obscurity, triumphalism, campaign tone, declamatory style.

Coman LUPU
Universitatea din Bucureşti - comanlupu@gmail.com
Datarea, o problemă mereu actuală, cu ilustrări pe română şi pe spaniolă / Dating, an Ever-present Issue, with Illustrations in Romanian and Spanish
Abstract: Dating, a chronological hierarchy of the words in written language, proves useful for establishing the features of the vocabulary in various steps of evolution of a language. For the Romanian linguists, dating represents a major problem, as there are very few Romanian dictionaries that offer information related to the first written attestation of a word. This article presents some examples of lines of study provided by the analysis of a text from the point of view of dating.
Keywords: dating, dictionaries, attestation, source-version.
Vasile-George URSU
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - ursuv.george@gmail.com
Geograful francez Emmanuel de Martonne şi mediul românesc. Elemente de imagologie şi constatări proprii din Basarabia postbelică / Emmanuel de Martonne, the French Geographer, and the Romanian Milieu. Elements of Imagology and Personal Remarks on Post-War Bessarabia
Abstract: In the post-World War I period, the Romanian environment was receiving particular attention from the international academic environment, in particular, because of the political and diplomatic questions that begin to be formulated worldwide, among which the most important question was the way how the new frontiers of the Romanian state should be drawn. In the context of these questions, perhaps the most “illustrious connoisseur” of the Romanian environment, in the person of the French geographer Emmanuel de Martonne, will undertake a series of documentary journeys in the Romanian environment for the Paris-Versailles Peace Conference. His reports, as Secretary of the Romanian Affairs Committee, grounded political and diplomatic decisions in the case of Romania, and the concept of “Great Romania”, that was created after the war, bears his mark. Following his voyage to Bessarabia, a report was published that included his personal findings in the region. They give us a true image of the Bessarabian environment, describing elements regarding the population of the region, elements of infrastructure and, most importantly, elements regarding the ethnic perceptions of the population.
Keywords: World War I, new frontiers, Great Romania, Paris-Versailles Peace Conference.
“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava - lavinia_seiciuc@yahoo.com
Conflictive Situations and Their Linguistic Expression. Euphemisms of War
Abstract: Human life is an unexhausted source for the creation of linguistic forms whose expressivity appears to increase whenever such relations are on the negative side. Conflicts of all sorts populate the repertoire of any language, due probably to the way human emotions react to situations that imply suffering, fear and death, which are abundant in world history. Our paper analyzes the way the image of such conflictive statuses is attenuated or enhanced by their linguistic expression, in an attempt to decipher the euphemistic and dysphemistic mechanisms that describe them.
Keywords: conflict, language of politics, political correctness, euphemism, dysphemism.
Anamaria POPESCU
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - anamarialepcaliuc@yahoo.ca
Democratizarea relaţiilor internaţionale. Preocupări constante ale României pentru creşterea rolului O.N.U. / Democratizing International Affairs. Romania’s Constant Efforts to Enhance UNO’s Role
Abstract: The paper surveys the main phases of the process of democratizing foreign affairs, taking into account Romania’s efforts to enhance the UNO’s position during the Communist Age. The documents in the archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Nicolae Ceauşescu’s speeches may offer a general view on Romania’s involvement in the general peace politics, a type of politics that was mainly fictional and hypocrite, aiming at distracting attention from the economic reality of global arms trade.
Keywords: Charter of the United Nations, democratization, conflict, peacebuilding, peacemaking.
Cristina BLEORȚU & Alina-Viorela PRELIPCEAN
Universitatea din Zurich - cristina.bleortu@uzh.ch & Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - alina.prelipcean@litere.usv.ro
LVLR, teoria kabatekiană şi studiul disponibilităţii lexicale (DL) în Bucovina / LVLR, the Kabatekian Theory and the Study of Lexical Availability in Bukovina
Abstract: In this paper, first of all we will present Linguistic variation in Romanian language (LVLR) and Kabatek’s theory. Then we will formulate a methodology for the lexical availability in Romanian language. This subject is not new; it originated in France in 1950s and it studies the words that spring to our mind in response to a ‘topic prompt’ (the countryside, the city, food and drink, clothes etc.).
Keywords: methodology, lexical availability, Romanian language, topic prompt.
Monica COCA
Universitatea ,,Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - monicabilauca@yahoo.com
Memorie şi locuri: prezenţa toponimelor în frazeologia românească / Memory and Places: The Presence of Toponyms in Romanian Phraseology
Résumé: L’article vise à illustrer les implications linguistiques et pragmastylistiques de l’utilisation des phraséologismes contenant des noms de lieux dans le discours répété et dans le discours publique. Nous avons analysé des toponymes roumains et étrangers présents dans des expressions, des proverbes, des clichés internationaux, dans la forme canonique et dans la forme modifiée, tels qu’ils apparaissent dans la collection de proverbes de Iuliu Zanne et dans les publications Academia Caţavencu et Jupânu.
Notre investigation a révélé le fait que les toponymes, par leur symbolisme, imposent le sens positive ou negative à la structure et illustre en même temps, la nécessité d’avoir une expression raffinée. Dans le cas des phraséologismes modifié, leur présence est tout simplement ludique.
Mots clé: toponymes, phraséologismes, discours répété, discours publique, ludique.

Universitatea ,,Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - neli_popoveniuc@yahoo.com
Discursul didactic – componentă a acţiunii educative în dezvoltarea competenţei de comunicare a elevilor din învăţământul primar / The Didactic Discourse as a Component of Educational Action in Developing Pupils’ Communicational Competence at the Primary Level
Abstract: The article comprises and examination of the articulation degree, within the didactic discourse analysis, of the communication skills of pupils in the first classes. The article analyzes the communicative model and its purpose of focusing on communication, proven by the following functional categories: the communication situation, the functions of language and communication skills. In these categories, the two views on communication (as a process used by A to send a message to B which has an effect on him and as a process used to negotiate and to change meaning), do not only interact, but also interfere. What is also analyzed is the problematic of a global didactic approach on communication, by integrating both of the views, communication being the transmission of cognitive experiences in order to create an understanding of the transmission.
Keywords: didactic discourse, learning process, communication skills.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - ursutunicoleta@yahoo.com
Elemente paratextuale în discursul religios. Analiză semio-lingvistică pe un corpus de presă scrisă / Paratextual Elements in the Discourse of Religion. A Semio-Linguistic Analysis of a Corpus of Written Press
Abstract: The paper offers a semio-linguistic analysis of a corpus of religious written press taking into account the title as a paratextual element of the religious discourse.
Keywords: semio-linguistic analysis, written press, religious discourse.
Magdalena IURESCU
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - magda_iurescu@yahoo.com
Echivalenţe ale timpurilor prezumtivului românesc în limba italiană / The Italian Equivalents of the Tenses of Romanian Presumptive
Abstract: Expressing uncertainty, doubt and probability, the presumtive mood is realized by specialized morphemes only in Romanian language. It is actualized into two tenses [present and perfect], that mark simultaneity, respectively anteriority towards the moment of speach. From the morphological point of view, it is characterized by three sets of paradigms: the present tens is realized by the help of the future, subjonctive and conditional of the auxiliary „to be” and the gerund of the basic verb, whereas the perfect has homonymous forms with the anterior future, the perfect subjonctive and the perfect conditional ones. Since Romanian is the only language of the Romanic family that presents specialized forms for expressing the modal meaning of probability, this paper proposes to find correspondences between the Romanian presumtive and the italian unspecialized means of expression that contain this modal value. For this purpose, it will be analyzed a corpus that comprises fragments of Alberto Moravia’s novel, „Ciociara”, translated into Romanian by George and Adriana Lăzărescu. The study will try to explain the reason why some of the modal or temporal forms from the source text are transposed by the translators into presumtive in Romanian language.
Keywords: modal values, interpretations of presumtive forms in Romanian specialty works, correspondences between Romanian presumtive and other moods in italian.
Andreea-Marcela POP
Universitatea „Petru Maior”, Târgu-Mureş - andreea.6p@gmail.com
Mutaţia funcţiei descriptive în proza lui Alexandru Vlad / The Mutation of the Descriptive Function in Alexandru Vlad’s Fiction
Abstract: The present study follows the evolution of description in Alexandru Vlad’s prose, as it presents itself in a moment of metamorphosis of his literary formula. Appeared after his two first volumes of short prose – Aripa grifonului (1980) and Drumul spre Polul Sud (1985) –, where the density of the descriptive element had triggered a mutation of the text that was reconfiguring the narrative structures, Frigul verii (1985) not only marks a compositional change – from the inflsexibilities of storytelling to those of the novelistic genre – but also a change in descriptive stylistics, at the same time. Under the patronage of a historical reflective discourse, especially, the function of the description therefore mutates from the intensely sensuous, almost symbolical, debut prose to the simplified representation of the novel, which lacks the initial visionariness. Of course, this does not happen without consequences in the following projects of the author.
Keywords: discourse, mutation, reflection, history, narrative.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mechno_ioana@yahoo.com.au
Memorie discursivă şi discurs didactic / Discourse Memory and Didactic Discourse
Abstract: Communication of all types always requires the interlocutor’s memory. In order to achieve the established objectives, the speaker refers to the context – linguistic and extra-linguistic reality, general knowledge, cultural particularities, etc. – symbolically constituted as notions in the memory of the interlocutor. Didactic discourse is a type of discourse that is gradually developed as intra-textual memory. Taking into consideration these facts, we propose a linguistic and pragmatic investigation of some corpus and/or sub-corpus of didactic text/discourse which reveals the fact that reference to previous statements is made by means of specific formulations. Thus, processes such as anaphora, textual connectors, deictic indices, etc., in other words, textual cohesion are closely related to the pupil’s discursive memory. Therefore, analyzing the way discursive memory functions in educational context emphasizes the fact that the students are gradually associating the knowledge previously acquired with new skills and contents.
Keywords: didactic discourse, discursive memory, context, textual cohesion.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - dmaruntelu@yahoo.com
Literatura – sub specie ludi / Literature – sub specie ludi
Abstract: The language that passes beyond the means of communication ensures itself the eternity. Thus, the writer proves the worth of a language, and by doing this he can out himself as the teacher of a nation. Thanks to the writers’s writings, we can open the locket of the language and thus finding here treasures born from feelings and emotions.” Poesis is a playful function”, writes Huizinga, underlying also that nowhere, in the area of the culture, the game is not at its home than in poetry.
The article is a fragment from a more extensive research that relies on the analogy between language and game, and becomes important for the understanding the events from the culture areas. As the language is not a static product but in a continuing making, this idea allows the linguists to give the language the main characteristics of the game- a free activity, which lies under the sign of the creativity, bordered by a set of rules which can apply in a certain context.
Keywords: word games, playful and belletristic style, holorhymes, palindrome, puns.
Niadi-Corina CERNICA
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - niadi.cernica@gmail.com
Război, memorie şi fantastic în romanul În căutarea oii fantastice de Haruki Murakami / War, Memory and the Fantastic in Haruki
Murakami’s A Wild Sheep Chase
Abstract: The paper is articulated through a series of arguments built around the plea for the need to identify the main role of warfare in shaping the narrative of the great Japanese writer, Haruki Murakami. The theme of war is changed into the trauma of war, to which the fantastic is added as a form of experiencing and surviving this trauma.
Keywords: Haruki Murakami, war, trauma.
Cristina BLEORŢU
Universidad de Oviedo / Universidad de Zúrich - bleortucristina@uniovi.es / cristina.bleortu@uzh.ch
De la identidad regional a la identidad urbana. To be or not to be. Otra forma de movimiento de “brain drain” que se puede convertir en “brain regain” algún día / From Regional Identity to Urban Identity. To Be or Not to Be. Another Form of “Brain Drain” Movement that Can Be Turned into “Brain Regain” One Day
Abstract: In this paper we analyzed the variation between regional and urban Romanian features in the variety of Romanian in Dărmăneşti village. The analysis focused on the alternation o/am să merg/ voi merge. Our (poor) objective was to explore the distribution of each linguistic variant in the speech of two native women from this village. We also wanted to see if the variation is socially constrained.
Keywords: Romanian future, Dărmăneşti, linguistic variation, social factors.
Universitatea „Petru Maior”, Târgu-Mureş - ganabella@yahoo.com
Gherasim Luca. Literatura şi revoluţia / Gherasim Luca. Literature and Revolution
Abstract: Known for his lyrical work connected with the last flickers of Surrealism, Gherasim Luca is also the author of some poems with a programmatic character as well as of a whole series of articles on the “Proletarian Poetry” that appeared in Cuvântul liber, a publication that was renowned for its Communist bias. The poet’s political engagement, the condition of the Proletarian Poetry as well as the latter’s so-called aesthetic dimension represent the main axes of the theoretical stand of the Romanian writer.
Keywords: Gherasim Luca, surrealism, revolutionary literature.
Silvia-Corina POPOVICI (NUŢU)
Universidad „Ştefan cel Mare” de Suceava - silviacorina_nutu@yahoo.es
La literatura española de posguerra sobre la infancia / The Postwar Spanish Literature on Childhood
Abstract: The Spanish literature of the post-war period is greatly indebted to young writers such as José María Sánchez, Sánchez Ferlosio, Camilo José Cela, Carmen Laforet, Juan Goytisolo, Ana María Matute o Miguel Delibes that were grouped by the literary critics under the denomination of The Generation of the 50’s, The Mid-Century Generation or, as Miguel Delibes himself once wrote, the group of “the children of the war”. It was a period in which the novel, as a literary genre, reemerged and came to be fully exploited with the means of literary creativity, going beyond its classic and modernist prototypes and moving towards the social realism as a new turning point in terms of themes, structure, plots and characters in order to suit the new realities of the time marked by censorship and the need for renewal. The new twist in literary vision, away from the praising of the glorious times of war, came to cast a new light over the war with the characters as victims of it in terms of thinking and acting. The new plots and ways of depicting characters and situations had to suit the new social realities seen as a revival of the gloomy years of the Civil War. The emergence of the theme of childhood, with the child as a protagonist, is fully justified by the need to go back in time and show thing as they actually were, or to talk about presentday contexts that otherwise could have been banned by censorship. The innocence of the child is therefore but a means to allude to post-war society in which the orphan, as the prototype of the child greatly employed in the novels of this period, is confronted with loneliness, misery, anti-models, lies, treachery and death.
Keywords: childhood, child, teenager, character, plot, Spanish Civil War, The Generation of the 50’s, social realism, prosopopoeia, picaresque novel, orphan, post-war society.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - getamorosan@litere.usv.ro
Portretul sau povestirea ca metadiscurs / The Portrait or the story as metadiscourse
Abstract: The Portrait, a short story in Valeriu Anania’s volume Amintirile peregrinului apter [The Memories of the Wingless Pilgrim], is an impressive artistic demonstration of the idea (formulated in the context of quantum physics) that, in certain circumstances, human consciousness, as an extension of cosmic consciousness, has the power to mould and even create material reality according to its own will by the force of thought generated by intense emotion and desire, captured in word, image and the human cry sublimated in song.
In a literary discourse that constitutes itself as metadiscourse – in which the word speaks about the word and about the possibilities of true, perfect interhuman communication, when the communion of feeling, thought, and desire may acquire demiurgic powers –, the author confers human proportions to the corresponding image of the primordial Logos.
Keywords: Valeriu Anania, human consciousness, cosmic consciousness, metadiscourse, primordial Logos.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - oananechita@yahoo.com
Hiponimia în terminologia nutriţională / Hyponymy in nutritional terminology
Abstract: Hyponymy is a lexical-semantic relation very common in specialized vocabulary. It refers to the lexical hierarchical ordering of concepts, in the genus-species type. Generally, all specialized terminology define and list concepts according to the hierarchical systems in which they are included. We analyzed the nutritional terminology of two Romanian nutrition guidelines, and we identified monolexical hyponyms as well as syntagmatic hyponymic constructions which contribute to the precise definition of nutrients, certain nutrition-related diseases and dysfunctions. We analyzed hyponymic hierarchies to highlight the rhetorical function of hypomymic units extracted from definitions, descriptions, enumerations and examples, considered resources which reflect the reality of nutritional discourse.
Keywords: semantic relations, hyponymy, terminology, nutrition.

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