Antonietta SANNA
Università di Pisa - antonietta.sanna@unipi.it
Comment dire la guerre? Le regard d’une génération infortunée / How to Say WAR. The View of an Unlucky Generation
Abstract: This article deals with the great theme of history, which is the First World War, as described by several French authors in their writings published in the first part of the XXth century: Maurice Génevoix, Georges Duhamel, A. Gide, Paul Valéry. War is a paradox and especially World War I does not look like any other war in the history of mankind. The whole continent was “wounded” after the battles the authors speak about and this is why Europe is full of war cemeteries.
Keywords: World War I, French literature, paradox, Maurice Génevoix, Georges Duhamel, A. Gide, Paul Valéry.
Université « Al. I. Cuza » de Iaşi
Réaliser l’unité des communications verbales par l’hypostasiation et la conversion des fonctions syntaxiques / Achieving Unity in Verbal Communication through Hypostatization and Linguistic Conversion
Résumé: L’auteur propose un procédé spécifique d’étudier l’unité des communications verbales – texte, contexte, phrase, proposition et partie de proposition – à savoir la constatation de la reprise des fonctions syntaxiques (hypostasiation) et de leur transformation (conversions) en d’autres fonctions syntaxiques, par les parties de proposition qui les expriment.
Mot clefs: unité des communication, hypostasiation, conversions.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mircea_a_diaconu@hotmail.com
Teoria maioresciană asupra culturii. O recitire / Titu Maiorescu’s Cultural Theory Revisited
Abstract: What else does Maiorescu’s 1868 study entitled În contra direcţiei de azi în cultura română [Against Today’s Direction in the Romanian Culture] manage to impart to Romania’s present-day readers? Is his theory of culture, known as the theory of forms without substance, still valid today? The present study questions the posterity of Maiorescu’s theory, equally embraced and continued by the advocates of the Europeanization of Romanian Culture and its integration into the European system of values, and by the supporters of Nationalism and local ethic values. In fact, we reconsider the concept of truth, which needs to be understood within the context of all rhetorical strategies employed to make a change in the Romanian society. We argue that the changes envisaged by Maiorescu were meant to foster the adherence of the Romanian society to the European values.
Keywords: Maiorescu, the theory of forms without substance, Europeanism, Romanian identity.
Elena-Brânduşa STEICIUC
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava - selenabrandusa@yahoo.com
« Le suprême effort de la matière cherchant à s’alléger… » : l’art chrétien du Moyen Âge français dans La Cathédrale de J. K. Huysmans / The Supreme Effort of Matter Seeking to Alleviate Itself: Elements of French Medieval Christian Art in The Cathedral by J.K. Huysmans
Abstract: The Cathedral, novel published by the French author Joris-Karl Huysmans in 1898 is an important attempt to investigate the lost senses of the Christian symbols of mediaeval art, as seen by the author in the complex architecture of the Chartres Cathedral. Taking into account the rich information given in the sixteen chapters of the novel, this article aims at pointing out some of the most interesting aspects of a masterpiece of Christian art, seen through the eyes of Huysmans, well-known for his art criticism as well.
Keywords: Middle Ages, French literature, Joris-Karl Huysmans, Christian art, symbol, architecture, cathedral.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - otiliaungureanu83@yahoo.com
(Re)construcţia identitară. Între memoria trecutului şi „memoria viitorului” / (Re)constructing Identities: From the Memory of the Past to the “Memory of the Future”
Abstract: Starting from the idea that the history exerts a major importance over the portrayal of the human being, the present paper aims to analyse the way in which the consciousness of the individual who fights with the historical mechanism of surviving reflects in literature. The recalled history achieves different extents according to the person who relates the facts. Joining four memorial writings led us towards the assumption that a human can choose to remember the past in a resigned way or on the contrary he may project a macabre vision of the lived reality. Thereby the memory places face to face two types of consciousness, defining itself as a restoring act, a manner of the recovery of the self but also as an instrument of revenge or image of absolute despair. Verbalization stands against silence and oblivion so as to preserve the memory and implicitly the man’s identity who’s reconciled with himself and with his destiny or the man’s identity who is caught in the trap of the past, being emptied of the hope of a bright future. Intellectual’s perspective is vehemently against the dilution of the trauma through Christian filtration, accepting the burden of hate, revolt, and despair in the name of those who were victims of Communist system.
Keywords: (re)construction of identity, memory, Herta Müler, Aniţa Nandriş-Cudla, Liliana Corobca.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mariaepatov@gmail.com
Identitate şi memorie în Tache de catifea de Ştefan Agopian / Identity and Memory in Velvet Tache by Ştefan Agopian
Abstract: Tache de catifea (Velvet Tache) by Ştefan Agopian is a polyphonic novel in which memory and history are constantly redefined by a polyphony of narrative voices that build a universe in which time and space are rethought. The paper aims to analyze the mechanisms of the construction of the fictional universe, focusing on the polyphony of narrative voices, changing the perspective on history and memory, as well as analyzing the identity marks of Ștefan Agopian’s writing.
Keywords: identity marks, memory, polyphony, narrative voices.

Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava
Ovidius la Tomis: satul global şi vocile exegezei actuale / Ovidius at Tomis: the Global Village and the Voices of Contemporary Exegesis
Abstract: Our paper Ovidius at Tomis: The Global Village and the Voices of the Contemporary Exegesis presents the project The Revenge of Barbarians. 2000 Years without Ovidiu at Tomis, coordinated by Dorin Popescu. We consider that the project, an anthology of “essential” texts, presents a local and chronological image of the Ovidius cultural construct, which enlarges its limits towards more distant cultural spaces from Romania and Italy. Our analysis takes into consideration the contributions of the most important classicists, exegetes and historians who use different perspectives and methods in interpreting the opera and the ovidian artistic personality, emphasizing their influence on European thinking and sensitivity, arts and fiction. Recontextualization in critical discourses contributes to the problem of ovidic artistic representation and the relationship between reality, history and (self)fiction, highlighting the dynamic connection between paradigms of antiquity and postmodernity.
Keywords: Ovidius, Tomis, history, fiction, critical perspectives, postmodernity.
Anca Elisabeta TURCU
Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza”, Iaşi - turcuancaelisabeta@yahoo.com
Consideraţii asupra limbii germane din Bucovina din perioada habsburgică / Considerations on the German Language in Bukowina during the Habsburg Period
Abstract: The article analyses the role played by the German language in the definition of the so-called “Bokovinian identity” as imposed on or willingly chosen by the subjects of the Habsburg Empire.
Keywords: German, Habsburg Empire, Bukovina, schools.
Lenuţa-Otilia NIŢU (DOINA)
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - lenusotilia@yahoo.com
Suprarealism şi postmodernism în Iubirile de tip pantof. Iubirile de tip umbrelă… / Surrealism and Postmodernism in Shoe-type loves. Umbrella-type loves…
Abstract: Published in 2016, Matei Vișniec’s novel entitled Shoe-type loves. Umbrella-type loves… reveals an existence as authentic as it is surprising by appealing to a surrealist imaginary. The various themes that Matei Vișniec proposes in the 73 chapters of his novel initially seem to give rise to a unique but fragmented story. As the title suggests, the fragments speak of love, they also talk about death, as any reader notices the cyclic structure of the novel; they are ultimately about theater, because the author offers, by quoting his own characters, at least 100 definitions of the term, and they are also about food, because there is a highly poetic description of French breakfast. Here’s what the author says about his novel: “This novel, comprising seemingly disparate stories, practically wrote itself. Originally, I wanted to go on a single thread, following my love for words and drama, for gestures and ceremony. The book has turned into a journey and it has taken me from the center of the world (from Rădăuţi, the city where I was born) to the outskirts, namely to Paris and Avignon (great capitals of the theater). Keep in mind that if you enjoy your journey, there is nobody to make you return…” [Vişniec, 2016: cover 4]
Keywords: Matei Vişniec, surrealist, theater, love, death.
Anda-Andreea AVRAM (GRIGORE)
Universitatea ,,Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - anda_avram19@yahoo.com
Florin scrie un roman – metatext pe înţelesul copiilor / Florin Writes a Novel – A Metatext to Be Understood by Children
Abstract: In this paper we intend to follow how Mircea Cărtărescu’s discourse is built in a text written specifically for children and, at the same time, to identify whether there are elements of continuity between the type of writing which consecrated the author and such text intended for children. Thus, what interests us at the end of this work is the identification of the way the childhood universe is rebuilt and the analysis of the application of the postmodernist narrative techniques. As in the consecrated texts, Mircea Cărtărescu also gives a special attention to the structure of the text and discourse, managing to build a dense story with multiple levels of interpretation, even if it is a text dedicated to children. Built on the scheme of the story in the frame, Florin scrie un roman is a fine example of how a postmodern writer builds a text for children reader without indicating the used processes and without naming the features of postmodernism.
Keywords: children’s literature, Postmodernism, narrative techniques, Mircea Cărtărescu, metatext.
Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi - oxana.stantieru@gmail.com
Relaţia tată-fiu în cartea de memorii Tata Vasile în 73 de episoade şi XIV scrisori de Vladimir Beşleagă / Father-Son Relationship in the Memoirs Father Vasile in 73 Episodes and XIV Letters by Vladimir Beşleagă
Abstract: Memoirs are often centred on rebuilding one’s coming of age story, through the child-parent relationship, from the perspective of four combinations: the son writes about the father, about the mother; the daughter writes about the father, the mother. This type of memoirs justifies an almost universal motivation: children feel the need to rediscover their parents through a process of remembrance for a conciliatory effect. In this regard, the memoirs of the Bassarabian canonical writer Vladimir Beşleagă described in Father Vasile in 73 Episodes and XIV Letters are more than a documentary fixation of the historical framework from the left bank of the Nistru river, of the authentic language and sketches that marked their existence. The author confesses and lets the father himself speak through his letters, in order to reconcile with his parent’s way of being, with his own perception of his father. This article aims at highlighting the characteristics of the father-son relationship evoked in the book of memoirs Father Vasile in 73 episodes and XIV letters, in the light of the narrator’s need to forgive and accept, to free himself from his own frustrations and to give new dimensions to this relationship.
Keywords: Vladimir Beşleagă, memoirs, Bessarabian writer, retrospective awareness, childhood remembered.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mironcostina@yahoo.com
Euphorion, o carte-manifest / Euphorion, A Manifesto Book
Abstract: The publication of the volume Euphorion marks the editorial debut of the literary critic Nicolae Balotă. This book is a manifesto for the kind of criticism that the exegete proposed, stating precisely its aesthetic and philosophical concepts and formulating a clear concept about art. Euphorion brings to attention a vast critical program combining the assimilation of existing viable elements in Romanian criticism and the orientation to the evolution of critics by opening the axiological perspective, reflexivity, etc. This trend is rooted in the poetics of the Literary Circle of Sibiu, where the Euphorion project was born, that aims to integrate the Romanian values into the European ones.
Keywords: literary criticism, manifesto, axiological, reflexivity, European values.
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi - antonadamut@yahoo.com
Hegel despre feminism şi feminitate (şi puţin Noica) / Hegel about Feminism and Femininity (and a Short Reference to Noica)
Abstract: The problem with Hegel is to find out whether in the Phenomenology of Spirit we encounter different types of fight against domination. The first type is that of the liberation of the slave through work. The worker finds his satisfaction in the result of his work and thus finds his own value, that which is denied by his master. It is not enough, since consciousness finds in work only the intuition of its own freedom. My thesis is the following: a feminist reading of Hegel, through the episode of Antigona’s revolt, offers a fruitful different starting point compared to the above-mentioned in order to formulate a critique of domination on the basis of a new type of social relations: Antigona’s experience of collective mobilization against the pre-established order. A short reference to Noica is a good comparison for this study.
Keywords: Hegel, Noica, feminism, feminality, ethical world, Antigona.
Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi, Republica Moldova - oxana.stantieru@gmail.com
Recuperarea identităţii prin memorii: cazul Nicolai Costenco / Regaining Identity through Memoirs: Nicolai Costenco’s Case
Abstract: Prison memoirs are, undoubtedly, a true testimony of experiences and events kept in the hidden drawer of the author’s consciousness. Nicolai Costenco, a Bassarabian writer was marked by the totalitarian system, being deported and experiencing enforced uprooting, humiliation and intimidation. All these were recovered and materialized through the memoirs The Tale of the Eagle published posthumously. However, the memoirs represent the truth necessary for the literary rehabilitation of the author who, prior to the deportation, considered himself able to oppose, to have the right of reply. Having returned from Siberia, precaution and fear coexisted with the rebellious spirit of N. Costenco who was pushed to the limit. This inner struggle gave birth to two diametrically opposed works about Russian prisons: the novel Severograd and the volume of memoirs The Tale of the Eagle. The article aims at analysing Nicolai Costenco’s works in the attempt to identify the role of the process of reconstructing the past for the narrator who has experienced both uprooting and detention.
Keywords: Nicolai Costenco, biographical prose, prison memoirs, Severograd, The Tale of the Eagle, identity.

Monica Geanina COCA
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - monicabilauca@yahoo.com
Limbă, cultură, mentalitate: politici financiare reflectate în frazeologia românească / Language, Culture and Mentality: Financial Policies Reflected in Romanian Phrases
Abstract: The ways of managing property right during different historical periods is reflected in the economic, political and legal mentality of each people. That fact found its expression in historical languages as well. The present paper investigates the stable constructions, i.e. language facts which passed the test of time, thus displaying themselves as a record of the mental changes concerning the acquisition and alienation of goods.
Keywords: language, mentality, finances, property, phraseology.
Ioana-Crina PRODAN
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava - crinacoroi@litere.usv.ro
Mentalités et identité nationale dans la revue littéraire « Albina » / Mentality and National Identity in the Literary Journal “Albina” (“The Bee”)
Abstract: The present paper aims to provide a comprehensive image on the Romanian journal “Albina” (“The Bee”), a publication concerned by the mentalities and image of Romanian society, with articles also concerning the field of language and literature. In this sense, the journal “Albina” has been one of the literary journals that have published dedicated authors in the field of literature, folklore and art, offering readers new perspectives for the approach and modernization of the Romanian social and cultural space, which has allowed the emergence of a certain type of linguistic imaginary in the minds of journalists and readers.
Keywords: language, literary journal, literature, linguistic imaginary, cultural space.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - cornelianichifor@yahoo.com
La voce degli scrittori e la Prima Guerra Mondiale / The Voice of Writers and the First World War
Abstract: Focused on the memory of people, places and things, on the language and its situation 100 years ago, on literature as a repository of the memory of these events, the tragic experience of the Great War left a profound mark in the literary production of all the countries involved, also because many were the poets and writers who participated in first person as soldiers. The trenches were also a melting pot of immense feelings and emotions. Pain, suffering and death mix with each other as excipients, giving voice to the oppressed souls. Among these stands out for literary involvement and poetic skills the Romanian writer Hortensia Papadat Bengescu and the Italian writer Giuseppe Ungaretti.
Keywords: existential desolation, man’s fragility, attachment to life, courage to live.
Ioana-Daniela BĂLĂUŢĂ
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - daniela.balauta@gmail.com
Ipostaze discursive în ghidurile turistice despre România. Perspectivă evolutivă asupra mutaţiilor formale şi de conţinut / Discursive Hypostases in Travel Guides about Romania: an Evolutionary Perspective on
Formal and Content Changes
Abstract: In this article, we propose the evolutionary approach of the tourist guides about Romania, both from the Romanian space and the French one, in order to reveal the formal and content mutations. The discourse of the tourist guide is first of all descriptiveinformative, but it also has appreciating and formative valences and induces the readertraveler some socio-cultural representations corresponding to the age in which it is written. Socio-historical mutations are also reflected in the discourse of tourist guides, which becomes the mirror of these mutations encoded in speech at the time of enunciation. Revealing in this respect is our observation regarding the communist period of the Romanian history, when the discourse of the tourist guides was subject to ideological constraints imposing the circumvention of certain references representing taboo themes of the period: royalty, religious symbols, Saxon heritage in Transylvania, etc. An analysis of the discourse in the tourist guides, both from an evolutionary perspective and from a synchronous perspective, is a perceptible way of also surprising the formal changes that have taken place in this type of discourse.
Keywords: tourist guide, ideological constraints, formal mutations, interdisciplinary, comparative perspective.
Institutul de Lingvistică al Academiei Române „Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti” - iulia.barbu@gmail.com
Aspecte privind elementele introductive ale discursului raportat în presa anului 1918 / Several Considerations on the Introductory Elements of Reported Speech in the 1918 Press
Abstract: In this paper, we analyze the means of reporting speech used in written Romanian press in 1918, when Transylvania, Bessarabia, and Bukovina were reunited with the Romanian Kingdom, in The Great Union event, with special attention to the group of verbs or phrases designating the speech (verba dicendi), oral or thought. We are interested in what kind of verbs were selected for reporting direct or indirect speech, the position of the verbs towards the reported speech, and the effect towards the reader.
Keywords: communication; direct vs indirect speech; journalistic; reported speech; (written) press; saying verb; verba dicendi.
Silvia-Corina POPOVICI (NUŢU)
“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava - silviacorina_nutu@yahoo.es
The Battle for Words in the Digital Era
Abstract: The present study is intended to reveal the most important aspects that have led to vocabulary changes in both Romanian and Spanish due to the massive use of new technologies, with users (i.e. communicators using social media) turning to social networking sites in order to communicate with each other or to express their attitudes and feelings. Whether synchronous or asynchronous, communication uses a dynamic language, which is brought before our eyes and modified by the users – a fact that has led to real “battles of words” as to whether the change should be viewed as linguistic enhancement, refinement and progress or degradation, downfall and ruin. Obviously marked by informality, the new language used in communication, often referred to as Globish, Netlish, Weblish or Neoespañol, is more flexible, playful and eloquent than ever. Focusing on three major perspectives in the analysis of the new language used in computer-mediated communication, namely practicality, convenience and novelty, the following analysis attempts to explain how some words have gained popularity and come to prevail over others; that is, how language alters and readjusts or “updates” itself, in order to suit the speakers’ need for socialization in an era dominated by technology.
Keywords: linguistic changes, social networking sites, informal register, new languages, language creativity.
Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca / Centrul Universitar Nord Baia Mare - ioanadavid75@yahoo.com
Valoarea eufemistică a unor structuri fixe cu nume proprii / The Euphemistic Value of Fixed Structures with Proper Nouns
Abstract: Thorough study of fixed structures with proper names from a semantic perspective could help us understand the way people relate to different situations in their lives and how they influence, by language, the other participants of communication. They have at their disposal / have access to several styles of speech (standard, literary, colloquial, traditional etc.). In certain contexts, speakers could add a touch of euphemism, since phraseological units – including those that denote unpleasant aspects of human existence – as complex linguistic units, have penetrated into all areas of activity, reflecting certain attitudes. Taboo represents the main source of euphemistic expression.
Keywords: euphemism, phraseological unit, proper name, taboo.
Călin-Horia BÂRLEANU
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - calin.barleanu@gmail.com
Simboluri şi acţiuni simbolice în romanul Zgomotul şi furia al lui William Faulkner / Symbols and Symbolic Actions in The Sound and The Fury by William Faulkner
Abstract: Despite the hypotheses and theories, countless already, which claim that Benjamin Compson would be an imago Christior that he’s closer to the animal kingdom, rather than the human one, Faulkner introduces him in the middle of ”his” family projected in the novel, as son, brother, and after all, simply as a human. Through the character that opens the narrative flows of the novel we get access to a world, with its own family customs, in which sometimes the gestures conceal, as well as the eyes have the ability to distort the essence of the truth. The debut of the novel, beyond Benjy’s inner flow, is marked by a few details that become relevant when it is discussed the perception, imaginary and the differences occurred in the register of meanings.
Keywords: psychoanalysis, symbol, unconscious, synesthesia.
Universitatea „Transilvania``, Braşov - dragnea79catalin@yahoo.com
Pădurea spânzuraţilor – Multiculturalismul unui spaţiu literar traumatizant / The Forest of the Hanged: the Multiculturalism of a Literary Traumatic Space
Abstract: The present paper proposes the achievement of a theoretical construct, analyzing some of the most defining aspects, such as: multiculturalism, interculturality, identity, alterity, fiction, testimony, document, myth of national consciousness. This article has, at least, two main aims: on the one hand, it is a retrospective research and aesthetic recovery of a traumatic time, The First World War, and also of a tragical space, Transilvania, regarding a reference novel of the genre: Forest of the Hanged by romanian writer, Liviu Rebreanu, and, on the other hand, the reavelig of some critical concepts able to emphasize the need for an updated approach for a way to understanding the reporting of contemporary man to a tragic period and to a cosmopolitan space belonging to the Habsburg Empire. This area of complementarity, plurality and difference, in which the ultimate ethnic conflict of the old world, of Europe s different nations, reached in the modern age in the reigning moments of their redefinition, will find, in Forest of the Hanged a very rich and diverse mythological substrate.
Keywords: multiculturalism, interculturality, identity, alterity, novel, myth.
Georgeta Pompilia COSTIANU (CHIFU)
Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi - pompiliacos@yahoo.com
Cămaşa în carouri şi alte 10 întâmplări din Bucureşti sau despre puzzle-ul narativ în opera Doinei Ruşti / The Checkered Shirt and 10 Other Stories from Bucharest: the Narrative Puzzle în Doina Ruşti’s Work
Abstract: Doina Ruşti’s book is a volume of stories that, through the narrative threads, that provide the thematic coherence of the book and connect with other stories, can be considered a novel in the true sense of the word. This is the place where the first faults of reality appear, the first signs of fantastic phenomena that will be manifested with varying frequency and intensity throughout the other prose. The author prints a playful style to the book and seems to play with the space-time continuum more than Einstein. The fantastic prose written by Doina Ruşti is in the descent of Eliade’s novels, but we can remark the originality of the style and the reader’s involvement in the decipherment act of the text. The insistence on the space of Bucharest also reminds us of Eliade, the screen on which the fantastic percussions of the characters are projected. Interestingly, this frame is not two-dimensional, but it has the historical depth of stories such as that of Ema-Bojorina or stories like that of Iane Farmacistu, a 18th –century figure in Bucharest. Thus, the image of a prose volume of thematic originality and the indisputable stylistic refinement is outlined.
Keywords: fantastic phenomena, stylistic refinement, narrative fiction, Doina Ruşti.
Florin-Daniel DINCĂ
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - z_fdd@yahoo.com
Dinamica discursului literar reconstructiv sau Puterea, poeţii şi „Colocviul naţional de poezie (Iaşi, 1978)” / The Dynamics of the Reconstructive Literary Discourse or The Power, the Poets and the National Poetry Colloquium (Iaşi, 1978)
Abstract: The National Poetry Colloquium at the Vasile Alecsandri National Theater in Iaşi (October 18-20, 1978) remained a memorable literary event, especially because there, the resistance through culture, about which we speak and write in various ways today, has received its identity card in the sight and in the hearing of all. Today’s reader who learns about the National Poetry Colloquium in Iaşi, properly wonders about what Ştefan Augustin Doinaş and Dorin Tudoran said there at that moment since their speeches brought to light the scoundrels of the Romanian culture, thus it was considered necessary that these ones, besides others, should be followed, using the specific means of Ceauşescu’s State Security Department. What we set ourselves to do through The dynamics of the reconstructive literary discourse or The Power, the poets and the “National Poetry Colloquium (Iaşi, 1978)” is to get back the historical literary truth from what we have got at hand. After having talked about The National Poetry Colloquium in Iaşi in his Poezia este sau nu este, interview given to Valeriu Stancu for “Opinia Studenţească” (no. 7-8/1978), Dorin Tudoran would write Cizmare, nu mai sus de sanda! (“România literară”, May 21, 1997), starting from what he discovered in Cartea Albă a Securităţii. Istorii literare şi artistice (1969-1989), on this topic: The National Poetry Colloquium in 1978. The persistence of the distorted image of The National Poetry Colloquium in Iaşi is a reality that cannot be corrected from a simple reason: Doinaş’s indictment and Dorin Tudoran’s pamphlet are not entirely accessible to us. He who reads the notes and reports in Cartea Albă a Securităţii. Istorii literare şi artistice (1969-1989) and in Eu, fiul lor. Dosar de Securitate on The National Poetry Colloquium in Iaşi, will notice that everyone was talking about the equivalence between Adrian Păunescu and the imaginary Necesias and Lychesias, but the officers and the informers did not dare say a word about the equivalence between the shoemaker Apelles and Ceauşescu, all of them sneaking behind the formula “serious political interpretations”. Publishing Cazul Doinaş (“Apostrof”, no. 2/2014), Gelu Ionescu, an eyewitness to The National Poetry Colloquium (1978), was to evoke the figure of Doinaş who shuffled the audience through the assumption of his paper. Having written Elegiile unui pamfletar, the preface to the volume România ca părere (2015), Sorin Antohi, another eyewitness, was to evoke the figure of the seditious Dorin Tudoran.
Keywords: literature, colloquium, subversion, Security, totalitarianism.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - dmaruntelu@yahoo.com
Ars combinatoria în poezia lui Şerban Foarţă / Ars Combinatoria în Şerban Foarţă’s Poetry
Abstract: Although word games are present almost everywhere in everyday language, in news or in advertisments, literature provides us sophisticated phenomena and allow thus a complex, sharp and multi-shaded analyses according to many criteria. The originality of the poet from Timişoara, Ştefan Foarţă came clearly forward by the shape of the poems and the word games which they contain. By mixing up sounds, syllabes, syntactical structures and especially meanings, throughthe word games the author reveals his great art. By carefully moving beyound and through the borders, Foarţă proves his sound daydreaming; fantasy; he rethinks the borders, changes the codes and thus allow us to unveil, causing addiction between word games and creativity. The author, in his own characteristic style, mixes the puns with the anagrams, holorhymes, playful or cipherea statements. The article aims to sum up the main figures that can be found in Foarţă’s poetry by applying a stylistical method.
Keywords: figures, play, word games, creativity, holorhymes.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - neli_popoveniuc@yahoo.com
Metoda performanţelor diferenţiate – un alt fel de discurs didactic / The Differentiated Performance Method as a New Type of Didactic Discourse
Abstract: The article describes an innovative didactic strategy, the differentiated performance method, analyzed from a discursive perspective, with emphasis on the formation and development of communication skills in pupils of primary classes. The article analyzes the communicative model having as its starting point the act of communication which includes the concrete conditions for its production, exemplified by the following functional categories: pragmatic approaches of communication situations, language functions and communication competence, semiotic process, syntactic axis of language, linguistic production and conditions.
Through these categories, the two approaches to communication (communication as a process by which A sends a message to B, a message that has an effect on it and communication as negotiation and change of meaning) not only does it interact but it also interferes. It also analyzes the issue of a differentiated didactic approach to communication by integrating the concept of differentiated instruction in communication, which is for all categories of educators, regardless of the intellectual potential and the level of knowledge they possess, transmission of cognitive experiences in view of the production of meaning and the realization of the understanding process.
Keywords: didactic speech, method, communication skills.
Cristina BLEORŢU
Universitatea din Zürich - cbleortu@hotmail.com/cristina.bleortu@uzh.ch
Studiul diminutivelor în Pola de Siero (Asturia, Spania) / The Study of Diminutives in Pola de Siero (Asturia, Spania)
Abstract: Our paper aims to provide an overview of the diminutives using a spontaneous speech corpus from Pola de Siero (Asturias, Spain). This paper presents the results of the research undertaken on 24 speakers that we selected taking into account three ‘basic’ social variables: age, gender, and educational background. We also consider each speaker’s mother tongue, occupation, social class and direct ties with the Asturian language and the consequences each may bring, among others.
Keywords: Pola de Siero, diminutives, Asturian, Spanish, sociolinguistics.
Université de Craiova - mateescu_dana@yahoo.fr
Dimension narratologique du théâtre des « exilés du langage » / The Narratological Dimension of the Theater of “Language Exiles”
Abstract: This paper is based on Genette’s concepts [Figures. III, 1972] and on the distinction he makes between “history”, succession of events, “narrative”, narrative statement, oral speech or writing that assumes the relationship of an event or series of events and “narration”, the act of narration. The narrative mode will be treated from theatrical works that, according to Jean-Pierre Ryngaert [2008: 10-11], appear as “imitating action, thus showing actions intended to be performed on the stage by actors”. Even more, we retain from Charaudeau and Maingueneau that “Narration (act of narrating) must be reintegrated into the broader linguistic phenomenon of enunciation (here narrative) and facts of enunciative polyphony”. [2002: 485] Applied to dramatic writing today, her ideas confront new forms of theater, such as stage writing and neo-dramatic drama, both of which profoundly question theatrical performance strategies and speaking strategies. These aspects interest us and will be treated on a corpus formed by works of “exiles of the language” (Anne Rosine Delbart, title of a study dedicated to the writers of French expression, published in 2005). The theme of the war, treated here, is in a form that recalls either its general meaning (conflict situation, with or without armed struggle) – Arezki Mellal (The Black Star) or the actual fight in the name of a cause – Darina Al Joundi (My Marseillaise). The aim is to observe how the traditional structure of theatrical writing decomposes to be recomposed in alternations of narration, dialogue, repetition, description, and how the action is born from the subtle combination of this amalgam.
Keywords: theater, narration/story, text/speech, theatrical/narrative.
Adriana Maria ROBU
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iaşi - adriana_robu@yahoo.com
Tradiţii discursive în discursul parlamentar românesc / Discursive Traditions in the Romanian Parliamentary Discourse
Abstract: Starting from the distinction made by Eugeniu Coşeriu [2002] between the universals of language (semanticity, alterity, creativity, materiality and istoricity), we will refer to the concept of istoricity so as to point out some elements which distinguish the Romanian parliamentary discourse. In this analysis the concept of discourse tradition becomes a very useful instrument if we consider the types of historicity as they were classified by Johannes Kabatek [2016]. We will analyse the specific of the parliamentary discourse concerning its belonging to a functional style, but also with reference to the rhetorical genre and structure, all of them showing that it builds up a discourse tradition.
Keywords: parliamentary discourse, historicity, discourse traditions, universals of language.
Alina-Ioana STAN
Universitatea din Bucureşti - alinaioanastan@yahoo.com
Dimensiunea evaluativă a discursului critic / The Evaluative Dimension of Critical Discourse
Abstract: The aim of this paper, The evaluative dimension of the critical discourse, is to demonstrate the evaluative dimension of critical discourse in book reviews and to establish a classification of the values invoked by the reviewer. Moreover, our analysis will identify different types of evaluation and the influence of the discourse structure on the evaluation process. The main theoretical references and models of analysis that we use are the study of Monika Bednarek, Evaluation in context (2006), the research J. R. Martin and P. R. White, The language of evaluation. Appraisal in English (2005), and Evaluation in context, a study published in 2014 and edited by Geoff Thompson and Laura Alba-Juez.
The corpus our analysis is based on consists of 100 book reviews written in the Romanian cultural space by the Romanian reviewers. The book reviews were published during July 2016- December 2017 on the 11 of the most famous Romanian cultural journalʼs websites: “Astra”, “Convorbiri literare”, “Dilema Veche”, “Echinox”, “Observator cultural”, “Orizont”, “Ramuri”, “România literară”, “Suplimentul de cultură”, “Tribuna” and “Vatra”.
Keywords: critical discourse, book review, evaluation, values, structure.
Maria-Mădălina BUNGET
Université de Craiova / Université de Liège - bungetmaria@gmail.com
L’image de la Guerre dans les manuels roumains de FLE / The Image of War in the Romanian FLE Textbooks
Abstract: Authentic document – model, the (non)literary text which can be found in the FFL textbooks (French as Foreign Language; FLE in original) accomplishes several functions and participates at the reconstruction of an interactive network around the discourses which support it. An analysis of French textbooks used in Romania during the communist regime will offer an image of the discourse building method at the interior of a vital institution of any society, namely the school.
The main research question revolves around the image of War as illustrated in the textbooks chosen in the corpus.
Several secondary questions are also tackled:
(i) What is the role of the (non)literary text on the topic of War in the discursive complexity of Romanian FFL textbooks?
(ii) Does the choice of a given small piece of (non)literary text illustrate the political realities of the respective historical period?
The corpus which serves as a basis for our analysis is comprised of 6 FFL textbooks utilized during the communist regime, textbooks which were indispensable tools for the teachers at that time.
The ending consists in a study of the image of War as illustrated in the FFL textbooks with a focus on the political orientation as well as its implications as to the content of the abovementioned textbooks and, simultaneously, a study of the (discursive and textual) functioning of the (non) literary texts during the transition from one historical period to another.
Keywords: literary text, nonliterary text, war, ideology, class practice.

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