Emilia DAVID
Universitatea din Pisa - emilia.david@unipi.it
Avangarda românească: o receptare târzie şi lacunară / The Romanian Avant-garde: Its Belated and Flawed Reception
Abstract: This paper will present some aspects regarding the reception of the Romanian historical avant-garde in Romanian literary criticism, taking into account authors who were active in the movement that was formed in Bucharest around the magazines “Contimporanul”, “Punct”, “75 H.P.”, “Integral”, and “unu”, but whose importance was “overlooked” or insufficiently highlighted on an editorial and exegetical level. One such example was the poet and theorist Stefan Roll.
Romanian criticism has yet to examine the numerous echoes in the cultural press of an outstandingly significant event, such as the visit to Romania of the leader of the Futurist movement, F.T. Marinetti, in 1930. What is also lacking is a catalogue of the considerable number of Futurist manifestos and editorial notes that were disseminated in 1907-1910, before the founding of the Romanian avant-garde, in publications such as “Democraţia”, “Biblioteca modernă”, etc.
On the other hand, we will show that in Romanian culture, unfortunately, there has been a belated and noticeably flawed recovery of the literary or cultural relations and exchanges that the Romanian-born representatives of the European avant-gardes, such as Tristan Tzara and Marcel Janco, established between the Dadaist magazines and Futurist or modernist literary periodicals from Italy, led by the directors with whom the two Romanian artists had interesting epistolary correspondences. I will illustrate these absences and gaps in the Romanian culture by referring to the only correspondence published so far in Romanian, between the friends Tzara-Iancu and Francesco Meriano. Meriano had a polyhedral evolution, in the sense that he experienced the first phase of Futurism, adhered to the spirit of the Dada movement and evinced, in the “La Brigata” magazine, which he led in Bologna, a sensible openness to other movements and branches of modernism and the European avant-gardes.
Keywords: Romanian avant-garde, Dada movement, futurism, anti-Marinettians, literary magazines, epistolary correspondence, manifestos.
Elena-Brânduşa STEICIUC
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava - selenabrandusa@yahoo.com
L’auteur francophone Amin Maalouf et la restitution transculturelle/transtextuelledes écrits anciens / The Francophone Author Amin Maalouf and the Intertextual/Intercultural Restitution of Old Writings
Abstract: Member of the French Academy since 2011, Amin Maalouf was born in Lebanon in 1949. He left his country during the civil war in the late seventies and settled in France, where he started writing in the language of his new country, becoming a Francophone writer. His novels, as well as his essays – in which he deals with topics such as origin, identity, and cultural gap – brought him many awards, as he is one of the most outstanding writers of French expression. Two of them are particularly interesting from the point of view of transcultural and transtextual restitution of old writings, real or fictional: Léon l’Africain and Samarcande. This is why our article attempts to point out Amin Maalouf’s way of bringing to the present day such writings, more or less explored.
Keywords: Francophone literature, Amin Maalouf, transcultural, transtextual, identity, origin.
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi - lumicarausu@yahoo.com
Arsenie Boca. Cărarea împărăţiei şi Cuvinte vii. Structuri analitice la nivel de flexiune şi la nivel sintactic / Arsenie Boca. Cărarea împărăţiei (Kingdom’s Path) and Cuvinte vii (Living Words). Analytical Structures at Inflexion Level and at Syntactic Level
Abstract: This paper includes the analysis and the illustration with examples taken from the editions Cărarea împărăţiei and Cuvinte vii authored by Arsenie Boca of various types of analytical structures at inflexional level within the verbal grammatical categories of mood, tense and voice and of two types of analytical structures at syntactic level represented by complex predicates with modal and aspectual operator.
Keywords: analytical structure, complex predicate¸ modal operator, aspectual operator.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mircea_a_diaconu@gmail.com
Arhiva Dugan-Opaiţ. O paranteză necesară în investigarea culturii române din Bucovina / The Dugan-Opaiţ Archive. A Necessary Disgression in the Investigation of the Romanian Culture in Bukovina
Abstract: In 1961 Ilie Dugan-Opaiţ (1886-1962) donated to the State Archives of Iaşi “the ‘archiveʼ of the old Romanian academic societies Arboroasa (1875-1877) and Junimea (1877-1938) from the University of Czernowitz, first an Austrian university and later a Romanian one”, as it had been organized by his brother, Arcadie Dugan-Opaiţ (1878-1951). “Your deed”, Gh. Ungureanu, the administrator of the archives, said, “will be preserved in the annals of Romanian culture eternally”. The commendation is not inflated even though his donation has been almost forgotten. The collection is made up of thousands of biographical records, more than 2,000 photos, letters, a.s.o.
In 2015, the Ştefan cel Mare University Press of Suceava published a volume of what the author named “The Great Album” of the two aforementioned societies, actually a very small part of the donation made to the State Archives of Iaşi. The present article explores this volume, taking it as the starting point for the reconstruction of various aspects that are informative in regard to both the author (he developed his own methodology as well as the instruments, he planned everything in detail and as a whole) and the atmosphere of the two societies (internal conflicts, disputes, dissidence, anecdotes, notes regarding immigration, non-Romanian names of Romanian people, mixed marriages, etc.).
Consequently, the complex image that one gets is that of the life of Romanians in Austrian Bukovina, the volume turning into an efficient instrument but also into a fascinating labyrinth that is meaningful in itself. Moreover, the article is implicitly a tribute to Bukovina and to the two brothers, also a plea for the complete digital publication of the entire donation.
Keywords: Czernowitz, Romanian literature in Bukovina, Arboroasa and Junimea academic societies, Arcadie and Ilie Dugan-Opaiţ.

Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - daniela.petrosel@gmail.com
Şi Eminescu râde… / Eminescu’s Laugh
Abstract: The paper investigates the literary strategies of Romantic irony in Mitologicale, a less known poem written by Mihai Eminescu. The text is openly subverting the rhetorical devices of Romantic poetry, becoming a self-parody of Eminescu’ great poems. The Romantic irony that nourishes this text mediates both textual comic references and an extratextual meditation on the role of the poet and of poetry.
Keywords: Mihai Eminescu, Mitologicale, romantic irony, parody.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - farmusioan@yahoo.com
Ficţiunea ca lume posibilă în Abu Hassan de I.L. Caragiale / Fiction as Possible World in Abu Hassan by I.L. Caragiale
Abstract: The following paper is a metafictional reading of Caragiale’s Abu Hassan, a tale usually neglected by many critical voices. The game that the Calif, an authorial figure, initiates makes his victim, the young Abu Hassan, whom we may see as the intended reader of the text, aware of the illusionary nature of the world that he thought he lived in. Because he wished to be a calif for one day, he was abducted and made the ruler of Bagdad, while the actual Calif watched his every move from a window above. When Abu Hassan returned to his actual life, he refused to acknowledge it and got mad. After a long period of suffering his sanity came back, but he was abducted once again. This time, the Calif revealed to him the game he was playing all along. Thus, his story may be interpreted as a meditation on the concept of fiction. His abduction is similar to a relocation from the actual world to the possible world initiated by the game of the Calif. What he failed to understand in the first place is the ontological status of the world he got to live in temporarily: a textual one, an illusion, an artefact. Thus, the calif, as an authorial figure, shares his reader the knowledge necessary for him to finally understand the dual nature of the world he is reading: as narrative and as text.
Keywords: metatext, author, reader, fiction, possible world.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mariaepatov@gmail.com
Jeni Acterian – un profil interbelic. Mărci identitare / Jeni Acterian – An Interwar Profile. Identity marks
Abstract: The study aims to discuss one of the interwar texts rediscovered with its publication in 1991 – Jeni Acterian’s Diary. We wish to reconstruct the writer’s profile, to highlight her identity marks in relation to the generation she was part of, but also in relation to herself. Jeni Acterian’s writing reflects, on the one hand, the external history – the time in which she lived – and, on the other hand, a history of personal becoming. What interests us in this paper is to reconstruct the internal architecture of an interwar woman who went beyond her era – Jeni Acterian.
Keywords: Jeni Acterian, diary, identity, intellectual, the interwar period, internal architecture.
Anca-Elena ALECSE (PUHA)
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - ancaelenapuha@gmail.com
Mircea Cărtărescu şi Magda Cârneci. Configuraţii ale realului / Mircea Cărtărescu and Magda Cârneci. Configurations of the Real
Abstract: The recording of reality is one of the defining features of the poetry paradigm in the eighties. The present study aims to illustrate the way in which two representatives of the ‘80s, Mircea Cărtărescu and Magda Cârneci, refer to reality. The idea of a parallel between poetry in the debut volumes of the two poets (Headlights, Showcases, Photographs and Hypermaterial), which appeared in 1980, is justified by the fact that both are often placed by literary criticism, but also by theorists of the eighty phenomenon in the same category – of the prose poets. Therefore, what brings the two poets closer is the precise and blunt way in which they deliver “slices” of reality to the reader, leveled to the ordinary day. The differences are, however, equally relevant. If Mircea Cărtărescu’s poem opts, at some point, for a world of words, a world of fantasy, an alternative to the constant aggression of the real, Magda Carneci’s poetry becomes more incisive, more aggressive and more committed to denouncing the real. It can not be only two esthetic options, but also different ethical options. Mircea Cărtărescu prefers the allusion, the irony, the playfulness, attitudes that “dilute” the feeling of employment toward real life, while Magdei Cârneci seems to be defeated in real life by a voluptuousness that trembled the human being. By using grotesque images, Magda Cârneci denounces a “sick” reality in which the individual is captive, and what clearly distinguishes her from Mircea Cărtărescu is the attitude with profound ethical implications, an attitude that characterizes the entire literature of the 80s.
Keywords: eighty poetry, reality, prose poets, alternative worlds, ethics, feminine literature.
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), España - joseanmerida@hotmail.com
Revisitando los textos fundacionales del feminismo: El segundo sexo desde Shulamith Firestone. La heterogeneidad y proliferación de voces desde el feminismo crítico en sus ideas, denuncias y reivindicaciones / Revisiting the Founding Texts of Feminism: The Second Sex since Shulamith Firestone. Heterogeneity and Proliferation of Voices in the Ideas, Claims and Demands of Feminist Criticism
Abstract: The proliferation of critical perspectives in the movement and the proposals for struggle questions the normalization of certain feminist discourses and the assimilation by certain means and institutions against the discourses excluded by them. Given this reality, this article starts from the need to return to the founding texts by contrasting Simone de Beauvoir’s second sex with “The Dialectic of Sex” of Shulamith Firestone (also called Shulie, or Shuloma), an essential figure in the development of the so-called radical feminism, to analyze the peculiar relations of the movement with society and the dilemmas it faces. The idea is to study its constant redefinition, its action in the social field and the tension between the individuality of women and their gender identity, establishing a dialectic based on the wake of the most paradigmatic authors. Finally, after drawing a vision of plural and critical approaches to the social conflict that implies all subordination and inequality, the above-mentioned and timid normalization or institutional approach to the movement is questioned, both positively and negatively, while deepening the need for critical training in the face of the new challenges of feminism.
Keywords: feminism, Judith Butler, Simone de Beauvoir, social movements, Betty Friedan.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mironcostina@yahoo.com
Euphorion, o carte-manifest / Euphorion, A Manifesto Book
Abstract: The publication of the volume Euphorion marks the editorial debut of the literary critic Nicolae Balotă. This book is a manifesto for the kind of criticism that the exegete proposed, stating precisely its aesthetic and philosophical concepts and formulating a clear concept about art. Euphorion brings to attention a vast critical program combining the assimilation of existing viable elements in Romanian criticism and the orientation to the evolution of critics by opening the axiological perspective, reflexivity, etc. This trend is rooted in the poetics of the Literary Circle of Sibiu, where the Euphorion project was born, that aims to integrate the Romanian values into the European ones.
Keywords: literary criticism, manifesto, axiological, reflexivity, European values.
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi - antonadamut@yahoo.com
Hegel despre feminism şi feminitate (şi puţin Noica) / Hegel about Feminism and Femininity (and a Short Reference to Noica)
Abstract: The problem with Hegel is to find out whether in the Phenomenology of Spirit we encounter different types of fight against domination. The first type is that of the liberation of the slave through work. The worker finds his satisfaction in the result of his work and thus finds his own value, that which is denied by his master. It is not enough, since consciousness finds in work only the intuition of its own freedom. My thesis is the following: a feminist reading of Hegel, through the episode of Antigona’s revolt, offers a fruitful different starting point compared to the above-mentioned in order to formulate a critique of domination on the basis of a new type of social relations: Antigona’s experience of collective mobilization against the pre-established order. A short reference to Noica is a good comparison for this study.
Keywords: Hegel, Noica, feminism, feminality, ethical world, Antigona.
Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi, Republica Moldova - oxana.stantieru@gmail.com
Recuperarea identităţii prin memorii: cazul Nicolai Costenco / Regaining Identity through Memoirs: Nicolai Costenco’s Case
Abstract: Prison memoirs are, undoubtedly, a true testimony of experiences and events kept in the hidden drawer of the author’s consciousness. Nicolai Costenco, a Bassarabian writer was marked by the totalitarian system, being deported and experiencing enforced uprooting, humiliation and intimidation. All these were recovered and materialized through the memoirs The Tale of the Eagle published posthumously. However, the memoirs represent the truth necessary for the literary rehabilitation of the author who, prior to the deportation, considered himself able to oppose, to have the right of reply. Having returned from Siberia, precaution and fear coexisted with the rebellious spirit of N. Costenco who was pushed to the limit. This inner struggle gave birth to two diametrically opposed works about Russian prisons: the novel Severograd and the volume of memoirs The Tale of the Eagle. The article aims at analysing Nicolai Costenco’s works in the attempt to identify the role of the process of reconstructing the past for the narrator who has experienced both uprooting and detention.
Keywords: Nicolai Costenco, biographical prose, prison memoirs, Severograd, The Tale of the Eagle, identity.
Iuliana-Anda PĂTRUŢ (NACU)
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - andanacu30@yahoo.ro
Prefigurarea absurdului în 1 din 36, de Felix Aderca / Foreshadowing of the Absurd in 1 of 36, by Felix Aderca
Abstract: Felix Aderca’s dramaturgy is less known to most readers. In Interwar Romanian Literature (1972), Ov. S. Crohmălniceanu recalls the writer’s preoccupations with the avantgarde theater, without giving details about any of the writer’s plays. In the criticism after 1989, the name of playwright Felix Aderca is found in The History of Romanian Literature (1991) by I. Negoiţescu, where the critic emphasizes Aderca’s contribution to the renewal of literature, and the Critical History of Romanian Literature. 5 centuries of literature (2008) by Nicolae Manolescu. He noticed Felix Aderca’s theater and says that 1 of 36 is a semi-absurd comedy. Starting from Nicolae Manolescu’s point of view, we intend in this paper to identify some elements that attest to the incipient absurd theater in the play 1 of 36 by Felix Aderca as well as those that, on the contrary, exclude it from this kind of theater.
Keywords: Felix Aderca, 1 of 36, interwar drama, theater of the absurd, action, conflict, dialogue, characters, dramatic structure, compositional formula.
Iuliana OICĂ
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - iulia_oica@yahoo.com
Între fugă şi aşteptare – personajul din proza scurtă a lui Dumitru Ţepeneag / Between Running and Waiting –Characters in Dumitru Ţepeneag’s Short Stories
Abstract: The work demonstrates that Dumitru Tepeneag’s short stories is an incursion into a trivial world, where the struggle of human beings with automatism turns into an apparent escape in the oniric plan, where the same reality seems to capture everything. The corpus of texts selected for interpretation includes the three short prose volumes, analyzed from the perspective of a limiting universe, as a picture of human theater. The robotic characters form pictures from a reality of porcelain, seen as a confrontation at all levels. In an absurd reality, recomposed not necessarily by the oniric rules, the captive people suffer in a demanding existence precisely through its inaccuracy and uncertainty.
Keywords: lucidity, travel, waiting, dream, transformation.
Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos”, Galaţi - aurawalentina@yahoo.com
Vasile Voiculescu. Texte literare inedite. Re-lecturi. De la psihanaliză la psihocritică / Vasile Voiculescu. Inedited Literary Texts. Re-reading. From Psychoanalysis to Psychocriticism
Abstract: On the backdrop of an Orthodox-like tradition, the writer Vasile Voiculescu manages to create modern and post-modern imaginary universes, a work full of obsessive metaphors, under which the construction of the personal myth of the author varies. Taken out of the antecedent shadow account, the author will be recovered posthumously, his work sparking controversy among critics about his inclusion within a literary current or doctrine. In this paper I propose a re-reading of Shakespeare’s Last Imagined Sonnets, in imaginary translation by V. Voiculescu, applying the psycho-critical reading grid instituted by Charles Mauron. By superimposing the literary texts we aim at revealing the networks of constant affective associations, the dominant structural features, at deducing the dramatic situations and declaring the personal myth of the author, which is nothing more than the image of his unconscious personality. We will notice that the structures and the schemes remain consistent in several texts, which proves that they are not accidental and that the unconscious is responsible for their production.
Keywords: Vasile Voiculescu, psycho-reading reading, unconscious personality, obsessive metaphors, personal myth.
Alina-Daniela HAIDĂU
Université « Ştefan cel Mare », Suceava - dani_elle_85@yahoo.com
Marie-Claire Blais: vers une nouvelle image de la femme québécoise / Marie-Claire Blais: Towards a New Image of Québec Women
Résumé: L’objet de cet article est d’analyser la condition de la femme dans la société québécoise, telle qu’elle apparaît illustrée dans l’oeuvre de Marie-Claire Blais. Les personnages blaisiens sont des femmes remarquables par leur sincérité, leur complexité et l’âpre quête d’elles-mêmes qu’elles entreprennent constamment. L’adolescente, la jeune fille, la femme adulte (la mère, la grand-mère, l’épouse), la soeur aînée, l’amie sont des personnages dont l’identité est définie par leurs croyances, leurs choix et leurs décisions. Les transformations de l’image de la femme dans la société québécoise pendant le XXe siècle concernent l’attitude de la femme vis-à-vis d’elle-même et vis-à-vis du monde, l’attitude du monde vis-à-vis de la femme, les relations sociales de la femme. Ces transformations sont révélées dans les romans blaisiens, car l’écrivaine propose différents types de femmes : la femme soumise aux structures patriarcales, l’artiste, la prostituée, la femme lesbienne.
Mots clés: Marie-Claire Blais, Québec, identité, féminisme, femme, changements sociaux.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - paraschivabuciumanu@yahoo.com
Ţiganiada, formă inedită de manifestare a spiritului iluminist / The Gypsy Epic Poem, a Unique Form for
the Illuminist Spirit
Abstract: Ioan Budai-Deleanu was an encyclopaedic man, as the Enlightenment thinkers recommended, and he was preoccupied with the problems of his time, such as national history, the evolution of the Romanian language and the development of literature. This erudite finds his true calling in literary creation and becomes a writer dedicated to Şcoala Ardeleană, and one of the most important cultural masters at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the next. His best-known literary work is the epic poem Ţiganiada, subtitled Poemation eroi-comico-satiric, an allegory built on numerous levels, in which the author gives an artistic synthesis, in the comic, satiric and parodic registers, the Enlightenment ideas, criticising mentality, and feudal institutions with all their moral defects. Moreover, Ţiganiada is an impressive demonstration about the poetic virtues of Romanian language, Ioan Budai-Deleanu being the first Romanian poet of European range, the author of a masterpiece which is not very well-known, unfortunately.
Keywords: epic poem, Enlightenment ideas, allegory, parody, meditation.
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava - ketkatm@yahoo.com
Restituer la culture maghrébine à travers des romans français: Tahar Ben Jelloun, Yasmina Khadra / Restoring Maghreb Culture Through French Novels: Tahar Ben Jelloun, Yasmina Khadra
Abstract: In this article we aim to show how the Magrebian culture is restituted to the Francophone public through the novels of Tahar Ben Jelloun and Yasmina Khadra, after a period of deep acculturation, as a result of colonialism. We took under the magnifying glass two authors who wrote their novels in French, Tahar Ben Jelloun and Yasmina Khadra, that are notorious due to this desire to share with the whole world the elements of Islam-Arab-Berber culture from Algeria and Morocco. The analysis is based on the study of Magreb’s traditions and customs, which were revisited by the two authors in their novels: Au pays and La prière de l’absent (Tahar Ben Jelloun) and Ce que le jour doit à la nuit and Les Agneaux du Seigneur (Yasmina Khadra). The framework of the novels is the Magreb geographical area: Algeria and Morocco, in a turbulent historical context, which followed the period after French colonialism. In conclusion the two writers from Maghreb, Tahar Ben Jelloun and Yasmina Khadra insert in their novels Arab-Berber and Islamic cultural elements in order to restore, at least partially, their own culture to the universal literature and to make known the cultural and ethnic themes of national and religious specificity.
Keywords: restitution, Maghrebian culture, islam, Tahar Ben Jelloun, Yasmina.

Monica-Geanina COCA
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - monicabilauca@yahoo.com
Restituiri: Documente româneşti din arhivele Bistriţei (scrisori domneşti şi scrisori private) de Nicolae Iorga şi Scrisori româneşti din Arhivele Bistriţei (1592-1638), publicate de Al. Rosetti ‒ privire sintetică / Restitutions: Romanian Documents from the Bistriţa Archives (Royal Letters and Private Letters) by Nicolae Iorga and Romanian Letters from the Bistriţa Archives (1592-1638), published by Al. Rosetti – A Synthetic View
Abstract: Our analysis is based on a corpus of documents related to the history of the Romanians, namely papers and private letters from the Bistriţa cities Archives, published by Nicolae Iorga and Alexandru Rosetti; our comments aim to set up a representative image of the language used during that period; that goal is to be accomplished by outlining the specific features of the language, by explicit or implicit comparisons with the previous stages of the language.
Keywords: documents, letters, diachronic, language, Romanians.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - luminita_casuneanu@yahoo.com
Constantin Morariu. Memorie şi istorie / Constantin Morariu. Memory and History
Abstract: Widely regarded as an emblematic figure of Bukovina’s memoir genre, Constantin Moraru distinguished himself through his attempt, in a little-known literary space, to recover the specificity and values of Bukovina’s culture during a period marked by profound historical torments. An important representative of Orthodoxism, understood as a fundamental determinant of psychology and spirituality, he has permanently been concerned with and fought for the safeguarding of the pure Romanian language, engaging himself in the cultural-political movement for the emancipation of the Bukovinian Romanians through the societies that he founded and developed, as well as through his publications. His testimonials recorded precious information concerning the fundamental problems encountered by the Bukovinian people while defending the national identity and the survival of the Romanian spirit.
Keywords: memoir, history, identity, language, cultural wealth.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - liviaveronicaghiatau@gmail.com
Nomenclatorul stradal actual şi pierderea toponimelor vechi / The Current Street Nomenclature and the
Loss of Old Toponyms
Abstract: Following the toponymical researches carried out in the villages located on the Upper Valley of Suceava, we found that besides the obvious wealth of topical names still in circulation in the inhabitants’ roots and the tendency, somewhat awakened by the specialists for a long time, the rural development and the urbanization actions, as well as modern cadastre, will soon determine the disappearance of many topical names that have brought light over past events, the state of the populations of these lands and even the specific elements of their existence from the perspective of ancestral beliefs and customs. But as this phenomenon is already felt at the local level, we consider that it would be of no interest to highlight a number of issues regarding the changes in toponymy due to the new administrative cadastral measures, the new measures for denominating the roads, the music, streets, paths and old pathways and, last but not least, the transformation of communes into cities and villages in localities.
Even though at local level and at least in the conscience of older inhabitants these new names have not managed to eliminate the old ones, the young people and the inhabitants trained in urban economic activities accepted them. I have also chosen this research topic because in a relatively short time the old topical names of the investigated villages will eventually disappear.
Keywords: villages, urbanization, toponyms, spirit, tradition.

Institutul de Lingvistică al Academiei Române „Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti” - iulia.barbu@gmail.com
Clasificarea verbelor dicendi folosite în presa românească a anului 1918 / Classification of the Dicendi Verbs Used in the Romanian Press of 1918
Abstract: In this paper, we analyze the means of reporting speech used in written Romanian press in 1918, when Transylvania, Bessarabia, and Bukovina were reunited within the Romanian Kingdom, in The Great Union event, with special attention to the group of verbs or phrases designating the speech (verba dicendi), oral, written, or thought. We try to organize the list of verbs in several groups based on their semantic features and pragmatic uses.
Keywords: verba dicendi, semantic feature(s), journalistic, reported speech, (written) press.
Rodica NAGY
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - rodinagy@yahoo.com
O gramatică de la 1918 / A Grammar from 1918
Abstract: The article brings to the attention of today’s specialists a bilingual (Russian-Romanian) grammar, almost unknown and rarely quoted, which is notable for the inner drive that generated it – the author’s moral duty to his Bessarabian brethren, lacking access to learning Romanian in school, and which, without being a work of erudition, may be a point of interest for further investigation.
Keywords: bilingual grammar, Russian language, Romanian language.
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi - ioana.ciobanu92@yahoo.com
Particularităţi fonetice în „Dentru Mathei sfîntă bună-vestire” în versiunile evanghelice de la 1553 şi 1561 / Phonetic Variations in “The Gospel According to St. Matthew” in the Versions from 1553 and 1561
Abstract: The first Romanian evangelical versions that have survived the passage of time since the 16th century: the Sibiu version printed between 1551-1553 and the Braşov version printed between 1560-1561. Coresi’s evangelical text distinguishes itself from the ‘Coresian norm’ by a series of phonetic features with archaic, dialectal or individual character. Since these aspects are presented only in the first part of the book, the hypothesis of a potential filiation arises between The Braşov Gospels (1561) and The Sibiu Gospels (1553). Although the textual relationship between the two translations has been previously described, there is no linguistic demonstration meant to confirm or deny the connection between these writings up to now. The development of the study under discussion is based on the intention to establish the origin of phenomena specific to the Northern area of the The Gospel According to Matthew by comparison with the only previous version of the gospels preserved until today – The Gospels of Philip the Moldavian. The analysis undertaken in this study focuses on language facts recorded in isolation in the Coresian printout with the main aim of establishing a linguistic and philological report in order to explain these occurrences.
Keywords: evangelical versions, Coresian norm, linguistic variation, source of translation, comparison.

Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - monica.timofte@litere.usv.ro
O regină care scrie basme?! Atunci aceea trebuie să fie o ţară minunată!” / “A Queen that Writes Fairytales? That Must Be a Wonderful Country!”
Abstract: This interview was taken in 2012 during my time as a Ph.D. lecturer of Romanian at the University of Lund. Designated as the “Alf Lombard Year” by a cultural initiative of the Romanian Embassy in Stockholm, the year 2012 celebrated the scholarly achievements of Alf Lombard (1902-1996), professor of Romance languages in Lund between 1939 and 1969. The initiative afforded me the privilege of contacting Lombard’s former assistant, Dagmar Falk (28 December 1912 – 23 March 2019). Aged 100 at the date of this interview, Dagmar was to be the most surprising and pleasant interlocutor I met while in Sweden. This dialogue is a late rendition of her memories, which I hold dear to my heart.
Keywords: Dagmar Falk, Romania.
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iaşi - elenatatiana2005@yahoo.com
Strategii discursive în pliantul publicitar bancar – studiu de caz / Discoursive Strategies in Bank Brochures
– A Case Study
Abstract: The study focuses on the identification and validation of the types of discourse contained in the publicity bank brochures and a further analysis of a piece of publicity, respectively a bank brochure for BCR Bank. The study aims at identifying the main perspectives present in the discourse, generally by indicating the elements used in the brochure under analysis. The study of the discourse will be realized from a linguistic, pragmatic and semiotic approach highlighting the coordinates established by the wellknown authors in the field.
Keywords: discourse, pragmatics, semiotic, linguistic.
Ioana-Daniela BĂLĂUŢĂ
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - daniela.balauta@gmail.com
Adjectivele evaluative ca mărci ale subiectivităţii. Analiză asupra discursului ghidurilor turistice / Evaluative Adjectives as Marks of Subjectivity. A Discourse Analysis of Travel Guides
Abstract: The article addresses the way in which the evaluative adjectives, integrated in the discourse of travel guides, reflect the subjectivity of the enunciator. In a comparative approach, our objectives are to identify, classify and semantically analyze the evaluative adjectives, frequently used in the discourse of current tourist guides, having the same reference, Romania, from both the Romanian and the French space. In travel guide, the declarative instance produces an informative but also a prescriptive speech. The use of axiological evaluation adjectives, which focuses on topics such as authenticity, beauty, notoriety, excellence, etc., is one of the ways to introduce the enunciator’s subjectivity into the tourist text, in order to convince the reader. The interpretation of subjective semantic elements is related to the culture in which the text was written. By exploiting computerized techniques, we submit the corpus of statistical analyses to identify the frequently used adjectives that allow to enhance the qualities of a destination (Romania), in order to convince potential tourists. We consider that a work on this issue is relevant given that Romanian studies have approached the marks of subjectivity in the reception of the poetic text and analyzed the media discourse in terms of subjectivity, but, a complex analysis that would identify and interpret the role of evaluative adjectives in the speech of tourist guides has not been elaborated yet.
Keywords: travel guides, evaluative adjectives, subjectivity, concordancer, quantitative and qualitative analysis.
Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi, Republica Moldova - elena.varzari@fulbrightmail.org
On Distinguishing the Speech Acts of Praise and Compliment
Abstract: Contemporary linguistic research pays much attention to the study of speech acts (SA). Although researchers have come with a range of interpretations regarding their origin and typology, there are a number of challenges that still require clarification. The article explores two speech acts – praise and compliment, which belong to the category of evaluative SA with the semantics of approval, i.e. which possess a laudatory connotation. The goal of the article is to analyse their similarities and differences in terms of ways of their classification, principles and criteria used by scientists when considering them and to provide examples in the Russian language. The distinction between the semantics of the SA of praise and compliment is identified, some of their differential characteristics are established, and their classifications are considered from different perspectives.
Keywords: speech acts, classification, laudatory connotation, praise, compliment.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - neli_popoveniuc@yahoo.com
Discurs didactic şi creativitate lingvistică / Didactic Discourse and Linguistic Creativity
Abstract: The linguistic realities of the didactic discourse of the scientific field or activity referred to by that linguistic device place this discursive type at the junction between expressive potential (linguistic and creative competence) and language in action (linguistic and creative performance).
Language has, by its very nature, a potential for general human creativity that is found in every individual. The concept of linguistic creativity in school age reflects the possibility of expressing the child by naturally spontaneous realization of a work – text of small extent, composition, poetry. Language creativity will thus be characterized by openness, curiosity, lexical provisions and skills. We can say that at this age, children have native dispositions, native language skills, and creative linguistic skills. Thus, this paper aims to explore a number of forms of linguistic creativity integrated into the didactic discourse.
Keywords: feminism, Judith Butler, Simone de Beauvoir, social movements, Betty Friedan.
Université « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava / Université Paris Descartes de Sorbonne - runcancristina94@yahoo.com
Traducerea literaturii pentru copii. Poveştile lui Eugen Ionescu în traducere română / Translation of Children’s Literature. The Stories of Eugen Ionescu in Romanian Translation
Abstract: Translation has been a subject much debated along the centuries. The present paper is part of an extended study aimed at recording the origin and evolution of the concept of children’s literature translation.
This work has been conceived as a totalizing analysis of various theories of literary translation as well as of its essential characteristics and, in particular, the theories and traits of translation for youth. The article devises a classification of translation methods used to make the transfer between the source language and the target language which depends on the purpose of the translation. We also noticed the importance that images have in the intelligibility of children’s books, and how Etienne Delessert’s illustrations on Contes 1 2 3 4 favored the access of children into the creative universe of Eugene Ionesco.
Keywords: translation of literary texts for children, the systematic study of the translation act, methods specific to translation, Eugene Ionescu’s infantile creative universe, the role of images in children’s books.
Universitatea din Craiova - camipogonici@yahoo.es
Etno-antropologia spaniolă în epoca franchistă / Spanish Ethno-anthropology in Franco’s Time
Abstract: The anthropological dimension of the Spanish Catholic missionaries in the recently conquered America has been improperly valued, as the ethnographic information has been, resulting from the administrative issues that arose with the appropriation of the conquered territories. This resulted in two different views of indigenism, presented in the polemic between Bartolomé de las Casas and Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda in Junta de Valladolid, on the legitimacy that the conquest of the West Indies gives or not to the Spanish Crown any right to oppress the natives. This is considered to be one of the most curious events in the history of the Western World.
Keywords: anthropology, missionaries, indigenism.

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