Ana-Maria BERSAN
Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu - anamaria.bersan@ulbsibiu.ro
Young Adult: influențe asupra apariției genului în România / Young Adult: Influences on the Emergence of the Genre in Romania
Abstract: Over the past 20 years or more, the reading audience among teenagers and young adults in Romania has known different trends, and the apparition of the young adult genre in our country has been brought into the attention of publishing houses and critics. Young adult literature, as its name suggests, is targeted for a young audience with the age between 15 and 24 (as UNESCO defines youth), and it is a separate category from children’s literature. Young adult novels first came into existence in the US in the middle of the 20th century and the genre has been a top selling category. Thus, the genre is analyzed by the American critics ever since. Moreover, some of the contributing factors to the success of young adult novels are the creation of literary awards aimed at young adult authors (for example the Michael L. Pritz award meant for the best young adult novel judged on literary merit since 2000) or the successful film adaptations. There are many subgenres of young adult in English literature, the most popular being fantasy, romance, realistic fiction, or dystopias. Along with the translation of young adult novels, such as Harry Potter, The Hunger Games or Twilight phenomenon, the young adult genre is treated as a different genre by some of the publishing houses in Romania. We consider that translating young adult literature as seen in the American literature critic has shaped the apparition of the genre in our literature. The precursors of the autochthon young adult genre could be considered Cireșarii by Constantin Chiriță, or Toate pânzele sus by Radu Tudoran, but since the apparition of these adventure books, the young adult genre has come a long way: punklit, chicklit or fantasy are popular subgenres for our national young adult audience. For instance, Romanian writers such as Cristina Nemerovschi or Irina Binder became very popular among its targeted audience.
Keywords: Young adult literature, influences, translations, young adult genre in Romania, popular subgenres.
Ozana-Ioana CIOBANU
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - ozanaciobanu@yahoo.com
Traducerile romanelor latino-americane în cultura română în perioada comunismului / Translations of Latin American Novels in Romanian Culture under Communism
Abstract: In the second half of the twentieth century, the Soviet bloc had a strong influence on Eastern Europe Literature, the propaganda system imposed a limitation on the forms of the literary act, generating structures in which the new socialist reality prevailed. The USSR’s policy wanted to change its satellite cultures and intensified the process of translating foreign literature in the areas of the Eastern bloc states to create a distinct space from the Western one. In the view of the Soviets, this method of involving literary forms from Latin America, Asia, or Africa, areas with a totalitarian political orientation, become the perfect generator to capture a false extension of communist values worldwide. In the Romanian cultural context, the translation process follows these new directives, a fact visible through an increasing number of Latin American creations present in the Romanian literary market in the 60s and 70s, among which are representative names such as Miguel Ángel Asturias, Alejo Carpentier or Gabriel García Márquez.
Keywords: translation, Latin American literature, literary reception, Romanian cultural space, communism period.
Emilia DAVID
Università di Pisa, Italia - emilia.david@unipi.it
“Possedere il dominio di due lingue è come se vivessi due vite in una.” La testimonianza di Matei Vişniec alla Giornata Europea delle Lingue / “Mastering Two Languages Is Like Living Two Lives in One.” Matei Vişniec’s Testimony at the European Day of Languages
Abstract: The following pages include a testimony of Matei Vişniec on the occasion of the writer’s participation in the European Day of Languages, on 26 September 2020, as a guest of the Romanian Language and Literature discipline of the University of Pisa. His discourse contributed to the more general reflection, shared by various linguistic and literary disciplines of the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics (FiLeLi), on which the event focused, in a transversal and interdisciplinary perspective: the literary bilingualism and multilingualism of writers who have suffered the rigors of political power – censorship and the most diverse forms of uprooting and estrangement, triggered by the tragedies of the twentieth century, such as the holocaust, the totalitarianisms of Central and Eastern Europe, Nazism, fascism, etc.
The 2019 edition was very successful, since the European Commission was the protagonist in Pisa. In 2020, among the seven protagonists of the initiative there were present leading contemporary writers, bilingual and plurilingual, together with many scholars. The Romanian French writer expressed his capacity as a witness and a privileged interlocutor in contemporary Romanian culture with the purpose of illustrating the theme of the event, as well as of testifying, in the first part, to his experience as a young writer at the time of censorship and his fascination when confronted with two languages that seduce him and by which he feels seduced. In the second part, the poet reserved an extraordinary performance for the participants, reciting his renowned poem Corabia (The ship), a poetic text with an evident political substratum. The above-mentioned literary pièce contributed, as the author himself recounts, to the interdiction of the famous “Cenaclul del Luni” (“The Monday Literary Circle”), in which the so-called ‘80s Generation, including our writer, had launched themselves. Vișniec reflected on the relationship that a bilingual writer establishes with his mother tongue and with both languages – that of his writing and that of his existence. He characterized the idioms in which he expresses himself in a contrastive approach, revealing the care for poetry, the semantic and stylistic richness above all the results present in his self-translations into Romanian, and, in a more general meaning, the act of translation, in which poetry must remain an essential element also of his theatre.
Keywords: Matei Vișniec, literary bilingualism, multilingualism, censorship, uprooting, estrangement, act of translation.
Edoardo GIORGI
University of Pisa, Italy - e.giorgi13@studenti.unipi.it
The Linguistical Transformation Of Matei Vișniec’s Theatre Between Romanian And French Language, Between Censorship And Liberality
Abstract: In this article, which is a derivative work of a chapter of my master’s degree thesis, I’ll focus on the peculiarity of Matei Vișniec’s poetic: the bilingualism, an action that impose itself because of the exile’s phenomenon that saw many of the finest writers in the communist Romania flee the country due to the oppressive regime of Nicolae Ceaușescu. In that regard, we’ll see how the French “contamination” has influenced not only the theatre’s language, but also its core, its soul, its interests. I hope therefore to prove that the bilingualism doesn’t operate only on a physical (and mental) writing ground, but also on an “intentional” semiotic level; we could possibly say that it works on the entire “communication level”.
Keywords: exile, theatre, translation, bilingualism, French, Romanian.
Ionuța ILIEȘ
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca - ionutailies96@gmail.com
Influența studiilor de tip World Literature în dinamica traducerilor romanului Nostalgia / The Influence of World Literature Studies on the Translation Dynamics of the Novel Nostalgia
Abstract: Starting from the idea of David Damrosch, according to which once translated, literary works go beyond the universe of origin, they cease to be products exclusively of a single culture, in this paper I propose the analysis of how the novel “Nostalgia” by Mircea Cărtărescu it is received. Thus, this work enjoys a positive reception not only in Romania, but also abroad, being translated into French, Spanish, German, Bulgarian, Brazilian, Turkish, Serbian, Slovak, Polish, and in 2005, the novel “Nostalgia” is translated into English by Julian Semilian and it is published by New Directions Publishing Corporation. Through the translation of the novel “Nostalgia” by Julian Semilian, in 2005, Mircea Cărtărescu becomes one of the Romanian writers who attracted the attention of American readers, who after a long period in which they got used only to works that trace the directions of the magically realism , with the appearance of this writing, with a different pattern, they prove to be fascinated, which is why foreign critics often talk about this text depending on the reader’s ability to closer of the source literature. From this point of view, in the American space this work was perceived as a source to discover Bucharest and the inner features of the inhabitants of this city, who lived under the influence of the communist regime or sometimes this book is spoken of as one that allows the reader to discover the theme of dream and the childhood from Romanian literature. On the other hand, in the translation of the novel, certain changes could be identified depending on the new cultural field. Thus, some words have been changed or adapted, and some sentences have been segmented in order to facilitate the understanding of the book by American readers or to attract the public’s attention. From the perspective of World Literature, all these influences on the novel “Nostalgia” by Mircea Cărtărescu are justified by placing literature in a global context, more precisely in other geocultural spaces than the original ones, which can offer readers other perspectives than those in the local space.
Keywords: World Literature, translations, global context, Mircea Cărtărescu, intercultural relations.
Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava - lavinia_seiciuc@yahoo.com
Dealing with Proper Names in Translation: a case-study on Federico García Lorca’s Tragicomedy of Don Cristóbal and Miss Rosita
Abstract: The translation of culturemes is one of the most challenging tasks, since it requires the knowledge of two languages, as well as of two cultures. There is a variety of culturemes, which can be approached in several ways in the process of translation, and proper names represent one of the most interesting categories. While the trend of translating proper names is no longer acceptable nowadays, there are certain situations where the translator is forced to make decisions about keeping them, translating/ adapting them or simply eliminating them completely. Our paper analyzes the proper names in Federico García Lorca’s play The Tragicomedy of Don Cristóbal and Miss Rosita and our own challenges in the process of translating the Spanish text into Romanian.
Keywords: culturemes, translation, proper names, Andalusia, Lorca.
Cătălin VARGA
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași - catalinvarga1987@gmail.com
Textul Biblic Ebraic ca sursă traductologică: Noi abordări istorice și filologice / The Hebrew Biblical Text as a Translatological Source: New Historical and Philological Approaches
Abstract: Since the Hebrew Bible has frequently been translated into multiple languages and distributed throughout the world, how can we be sure that error has not crept in, even if it was unintentional? As Christianity spread, it is certainly true that people desired to have the Bible in their own language, which required translations from the original Hebrew and Aramaic languages of the Old Testament and the Greek of the New Testament. Not only did the work of translators provide an opportunity for error, but publication, which was done by hand copying until the printing press arrived ca. A.D. 1450, also afforded continual possibilities of error.
Through the centuries, the practitioners of textual criticism, a precise science, have discovered, preserved, catalogued, evaluated, and published an amazing array of biblical manuscripts from both the Old and New Testament. In fact, the number of existing biblical manuscripts dramatically outdistances the existing fragments of any other ancient literature. By comparing text with text, the textual critic can confidently determine what the original prophetic / apostolic inspired writing contain.
Although existing copies of the main, ancient Hebrew text (Masoretic) date back only to the tenth century A.D., two other important lines of textual evidence bolster the confidence of textual critics that they have reclaimed the originals. First, the tenth century A.D. Hebrew Old Testament can be compared to the Greek translation called the Septuagint or LXX (written ca. 200-150 B.C.; the oldest existing manuscripts date to ca. A.D. 325). There is amazing consistency between the two, which speaks of the accuracy in copying the Hebrew text for centuries. Second, the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947-1956 (manuscripts that are dated ca. 200-100 B.C.) proved to be monumentally important. After comparing the earlier Hebrew texts with the later ones, only a few slight variants were discovered, none of which changed the meaning of any passage. Although the Old Testament has been translated and copied for centuries, the latest version was essentially the same as the earlier ones. Every translation is at many points a trade-off between literal precision and readability, between formal equivalence in expression and functional equivalence in communication. Within this framework we have to examine the LXX translation if it is literal as possible, while maintaining clarity of expression and literary excellence, as far as grammar and syntax allow. If it’s not, that means that the scribes intervene subjectively into the sacred text.
Keywords: Masoretic Hebrew text; Dead Sea scrolls; textual criticism; scribes; manuscript variations.

Margentina-Iasmina BOT
Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara - margentina.bot93@e-uvt.ro
Oscilarea între iugo-nostalgie şi recuperarea identităţii în romanele Dubravkăi Ugrešić / The Oscillation between Nostalgia and Recovery of Identity in Dubravka Ugrešić’s Novels
Abstract: The Croatian writer Dubravka Ugrešić portrays in both her novels, The Ministry of Pain and The Museum on Unconditional Surrender, character prototypes who lose their identity once they experience life in exile. They struggle to recover the lost identity by going back into the past where they can find the memories which are related to their homeland. The exiles undergo a process which is being influenced by yugo-nostalgy, the longing for a territory which does not exist anymore, Yugoslavia, and by the events that they have to deal with in the present, because an outlaw is „în același timp aici și acolo, nici aici, nici acolo, prezent și absent, de două ori prezent și de două ori absent”1. (Jankélévitch 1998: 253). The exiles are physically absent from their homeland, but mentally they are more present than ever, because their attention is focused upon reclaiming the space they have left behind. Regarding the connection between them and the adoptive country, we can say that the exiles are physically present, but mentally they are fervently looking for their lost identity and for that place called home, which seems to be farther and farther away with each day that passes by. Due to their need to get back at least a tiny part from their homeland, the exiles live in a “third space” (Rutherford 1990: 211). This concept refers to a hybrid dimension in which are combined elements from the spaces in which the characters have lived. Nostalgy is an essential theme that dominates both novels, The Ministry of Pain and The Museum of Unconditional Surrender, because it has got the role to illustrate two symbolic concepts: time of nostalgy and space of nostalgy. Leaving their homeland behind with the intention of saving in their memory a specific time and specific place, which are associated to Yugoslavia, marks the compromise which leads to yugo-nostalgy. As time goes by, the exiles realize that between them there is a conexion, because they try to build „imaginary homelands” (Rushdie 2008: 18), with the help of the memories from the period during which they have lived in Yugoslavia. In The Ministry of Pain, the characters build a mental homeland, which they perceive it as a tee that has the power to give them back at least a tiny part from the balance they lost when they abandoned Yugoslavia. Through the memories they manage to collect in the raffia bag which has got red, white and blue stripes, the same colours which could be found on the Yugoslavian flag, the exiles build a fragile imaginary homeland. In The Museum of Unconditional Surrender, we can easily perceive the writerʼs interest for objects and photographs of specific moments which are related to their native country, that can establish the connection with the past, because of their endurance over time. Another specific theme that appears in both novels is the exilesʼ identity, which becomes uncertain in the moment in which they get in contact with an unknown territory.
Keywords: time, space, yugo-nostalgy, identity, exile.
Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava - minodora_dranca@yahoo.com
Practici și ritualuri magice în cadrul obiceiurilor calendaristice din Cajvana / Magical Practices and Rituals within the Calendar Customs of Cajvana
Abstract: Cajvana is a folkloric area steeped in ancient beliefs and practices, where rituals and magical practices are exercised.
The present work aims to highlight the rituals and magical practices that take place today during the calendar celebrations throughout the year, the fundamental landmarks being the three major holidays, Christmas, Easter and Easter Sunday (Pentecost).
The informants identified magical-ritual practices for fertility and rich fruit specific to the customs of the New Year, Epiphany, Midsummer, St. George or St. Nicholas, but also practices for finding the ursuit exercised during the celebrations of St. Andrew or Midsummer, rituals practiced for well-being, prosperity, health, energy, for Flowers, Easter and New Year or customs of prohibition in order not to attract evil (damage, disease, evil spirits) to the family or household.
Keywords: traditions, custom, magic ritual, calendar holidays, Cajvana.
Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava - scraciun37@yahoo.com
Aspecte mitico-simbolice în Legende istorice din Bucovina de S.Fl. Marian / Mythical-symbolic Aspects in Historical Legends from Bucovina by S.Fl. Marian
Abstract: This study is an essential component of the doctoral research project, called ”Symbolic characters and valences in the popular age in Bukovina”. Together with other folklore groups from the Bukovina area, S. Fl. Marian proposes, in addition to the vast ethnographic bibliography and popular epic texts such as: The historical legends or the fantastic popular epic. In this article, we want to identify, at the level of historical legends, a number of elements specific to popular literature such as: different types of mythological and legendary characters; symbolic values of the mythical and magical universe and marks of popular epic discourse. The 29 historical legends bring to the fore a diversity of both thematic and structural. From this perspective, the legends collected by S. Fl. Marian arouses, in particular, their fantastic characteristic, surpassing, in many texts, the normal pattern of historical legends. It is essential to ask ourselves and to sketch, what is the role of the predominant appearance of fantasy creature, monster and how these characters are represented in space mythical-magical.
Keywords: S. Fl. Marian, literary folklore in Bucovina, popular epic, historical legend, symbolic characters and valences, magical elements.
Alma-Ioana MATEIU
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi - alma.ioana@yahoo.com
O viziune asupra poeziei lui Păunescu / A Vision of Păunescu’s Poetry
Abstract: This present paper is a fragment of a more elaborated study which treats the poetic work of Adrian Păunescu, which is still an unexploited field, although full of resources. The skepticism with which it is viewed, due to the political regime in which the author created, still left enough room for interpretation. Through this paper we tried to detach from the preconceived ideas on this subject and to look critically, from a stylistic point of view, at some of his writings, those that fit into the lyrical genre and into the theme of love. Our research began with the documentation of the author’s biography, then with his bibliography, and finally with the related critical references. Being not only a complex personality, but also a prolific writer, the sources, both primary and secondary, are quite extensive. We aim to interpret a big part of his poetry through primordial elements and get some conclusions.
Keywords: Adrian Păunescu, poetry, stylistics, contemporary poetry, the lyrical genre, love as a theme, interpretation through primordial elements.
Gabriela-Maria MOALE
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca North University Center in Baia Mare - moalegabi@yahoo.com
Dan Lungu in the World Republic of Letters
Abstract: Following in the footsteps of authors such as David Damrosch, Pascale Casanova and Franco Moretti who discuss the idea of word literature, this paper tries to present succinctly the position of Romanian literature in the world literary space according to the Grenwich literary meridian. The problem that arises is how we export and especially what we export so that we become visible and at the same time intelligible to foreigners, how we relate to the norms of the international literary community so that we are visible on the map of international literature. The general considerations on this subject will be used to capture the reception of the translations of Dan Lungu’s novels, the works considered being Chicken heaven (2004) and I’m an old commie! (2007).
Keywords: word literature, Romanian literature, Greenwich meridian of literature, translation, Dan Lungu.
Constantin-Andrei PĂTRĂUCEAN
Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava - andreiconstantin150@gmail.com
Dinamismul etnofolcloric al minorității huțule și dialectul huțul în cultura populară din Bucovina / Ethno-folkloric Dynamism of the Hutzul Minority and the Hutzul Dialect in the Folk Culture of Bukovina
Abstract: The dynamism of the Hutzuls’ minority is a reality that is part of the changes in today’s society, but there are specific elements of traditions, beliefs, rituals, etc. that endure regardless of the innovations of the contemporary world. Thus, both the language spoken by the Huits and their specific characteristics are resistant to change, even though their history is little known and researchers consider them an enigma of ethnology. Since they live close to the Romanians, a strong cultural assimilation of the Hutzuls to the Romanian population can be observed, which is proven by the observation of common traditions or even their institutionalisation (existence of censuses). However, ethno-folkloric dynamism also suggests a major error: the major mistake made by anthropologists is to see in the Hutzuls a population of Ukrainian origin, even though there is scientific information proving that both the history of the Hutzuls and their language have certain peculiarities that distinguish them from Ukrainians. Having existed for a long time in isolation, the Hutzuls built their own way of existence and did not want to be under anyone’s authority, being exponents of the freedom and disobedience that made them special among the ethnic groups of Bukovina.
Keywords: folklore, evolution, dialect, Hutzuls, Bucovina.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - otiliaungureanu83@yahoo.com
Recuzită descriptivă manieristă în creația macedonskiană / Mannerist Descriptive Props in Macedonski’s Creation
Abstract: This approach seeks to link the particularities of Macedonski’s descriptions to those of Mannerism. Always poetic and carefully processed, the description often becomes a diary of the senses in Macedonski’s writing, turning the most mundane moments or images into an event. Macedonski’s ingenuity is characterized by its cinematic perspective, technique of detail, contradictory structures, preciousness or artificiality. Macedonski gives dynamism to lifeless spaces, almost an existence of its own, misunderstood and mysterious whose palpitations only he can feel, while natural spaces are filled with artificiality, by association with precious stones and metals, polishing them as perfect, unalterable images, prototypes of an ideal world. Macedonski’s sensibility vibrates with everything that singularizes and catches the eye, refusing the exact reality in favour of a poetic structure that cultivates a scenic, aestheticizing, dual, extremely refined vision.
Keywords: Alexandru Macedonski, Mannerism, descriptions, artificiality, preciousness.
Nicolae Titulescu University of Bucharest - anca_ursaketcaciuc@yahoo.com / Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine - kibakdiana@gmail.com
The Later Wittgenstein’s Wise Maturity. The Philosophical Quarantine. Forbiden Metaphisical Uses of the Words
Abstract: Ludwig Wittgenstein is one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century, author of fundamental contributions to the development of modern logic and philosophy of language. He revolutionized the history of thought in two ways, as a result, two periods are clearly distinguished in his philosophy: the one that corresponds to the descriptive theory of meaning and the other that supports the practical aspect of language and revolves around the maxim “the meaning of a word lies in its use”. The greatest achievement of the second period is Philosophical Investigations, a work that lasted twenty years and was published posthumously in 1951. If his only work published during his lifetime, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus is listed as one of the most difficult philosophical works and reflects The Early Wittgenstein thought, Philosophical Investigation is considered to be his most important one and put in the light The Later Wittgenstein’s wise maturity.
Moving away from the metaphysical uses of words by specific procedures such as language games, the ability to see clearly the word’s image, without deluding ourselves in enigmatic interpretations but, only by resorting to the simple process of description make possible Wittgensteinian philosophy conceptually based on the idea of life form shared between members of a community at a given time.
Keywords: Wittgenstein, philosophy, metaphysics, language-game, words, concrete, pragmatic, use, quarantine.
Manuela VARGA
Universitatea Tehnică Cluj-Napoca manuelavro@yahoo.com
Simbolistica textului literar fantasy ecranizat în context cultural, social şi politic / Symbolism of the Screened Fantasy Literary Text in Cultural, Social and Political Context
Abstract: The genre of fantasy literature has gained ground in the fields of the arts, being included in the making of film art and visual electronic game designs. There is that influence of myths, legends whose presence is evident in the concept of fantasy. Initially, this type of fiction was synonymous with children’s literature and seen as an escape from reality. The presence of magical elements and supernatural phenomena were considered standard points for highlighting the youthful side of fiction. The fantasy was a distant realm even if in a way connected to the real world and the characters attracted to magical and imaginary events and happenings. Wizards, witches, dragons, monsters, castles and caves, swords and black magic, talking animals and humans turning into beasts, undiscovered mysteries, impossible journeys, epic battles with supernatural beings, deities and demons: an endless list of to those popular elements with fantastic content.
An analysis of the modern dimension of fantasy fiction can be carried out in three dimensions: realism, audience and classification. While the main concern of literature is that detailed study of human life, fantasy writing is somewhat disregarded for inventing one’s own realms instead of mirroring reality as we know it. For those who perceive literature as a reflection of the world subject to human senses, stories that break from reality and are based only on the writer’s imagination, they become secondary literature, that pleasant form of delight that often exposes literary depth, and thus condemned. to remain in the sphere of popular culture.
Keywords: fantasy, imaginary, screenplay, secondary worlds, symbolism.
Anamaria GAVRIL
Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava anahert@yahoo.com
Grigori Skovoroda şi Grădina cânturilor divine / Grigori Skovoroda and The Garden of Divine Songs
Abstract: The article surveys Grigori Skovoroda’s first volume of poetry entitled The Garden of Divine Chants (1769). The collection of the most prominent representative of the Ukrainian baroque movement contains thirty chants of different kinds. Among them we will recognise poetic forms such as ode, satire, nature poetry, meditation, but also “songs” of joy and sadness. The latter forms are deeply marked by Christian thought and sensibility on one hand, and Ukrainian folk poetry on the other.
Keywords: Ukrainian poetry, Grigori Skovoroda, baroque, Christian philosophy.
Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava - mariana.balosescu@gmail.com
O perspectivă asupra esteticii romanului la Camil Petrescu / A Perspective on the Aesthetics of the Novel in Camil Petrescu
Abstract: The affirmation of “superpersonal intelligence” in the world, through exceptional individuals, represents the humanizing force of a modern universe unstable to the point of anguish and disintegration, where all historically accumulated values are put under the sign of doubt. To trust in the manifestation of ahistorical “superpersonal intelligence” through the historical action of exceptional personalities offers to the modern existence the only possible meaning to support, both philosophically and socially. Camil Petrescu’s opinion is by no means isolated, but takes forms deeply related to great philosophers (Husserl, Heidegger, Cioran, Sartre) and novelists of the XX-th century (Th. Mann, H. Hesse, A. Malraux, Huxley, Proust, Knut Hamsun, E. Sábato etc.). In my study, I analyze Camil Petrescu’s vision on the aesthetics of the novel, in order to highlight the deep connection of his thinking with the philosophy of the era.
Keywords: modernism, novel, aesthetics, philosophy, structure.

Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” Suceava irinabaciuc.27@gmail.com
Aspecte privind specificitatea terminologiei juridice / Aspects of Specific Legal Terminology
Abstract: This article aims to develop the idea that linguistic and pragmatic criteria contribute to the recognition of the specificity of a specialized language, in our case the legal-administrative one. Starting from the principle that the identification of a terminology is related to the recognition of the nature and purposes of those who use it, in the legal field it becomes evident in the expression of the normativity of the law. We refer to the basic conceptions of the Speech Act Theory, as well as to the general foundations of legal science. The minicorpus set up to demonstrate the validity of the idea, consists of legislative texts from the New Civil Code and the Code of Civil Procedure, on civil status documents, especially those related to marriage. We will focus on performative verbs, with emphasis on their pragmatic implications, linguistic aspects that imprint the imperative character of what is communicated. It is concluded that the performative verb is a primary factor in the process of updating the specificity of terms in legal language.
Keywords: limbaj juridic, terminologie, teoria actelor de vorbire, performative, mărci specifice limbajului juridic.
Irina-Marinela DEFTU
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași - irinadeftu@yahoo.com
Conceptul de „rău” în cultura română și în cea poloneză. Studiu lingvistic asupra construirii, receptării și traducerii ideii de „rău” în versiunile ortodoxe ale Noului Testament în limbile română și polonă. Comportamente și atitudini traductologice / The Concept of “Evil” in Romanian and Polish Culture. A Linguistic Study of the Construction, Reception and Translation of the Idea of “Evil” in the Romanian and Polish Versions of the New Testament. Translatological Behaviours and Attitudes
Abstract: In this paper I intend to analyze from a comparative perspective the various forms of expression that the Romanian and Polish languages have for one and the same concept – the concept of evil –, trying to explain the etymologies and to motivate the creation of some forms. Thus, in my research from an onomasiological perspective, I will start from the designation, from the content of the thought that is intended to be expressed and that becomes expression in a given language in order to see the continuous changes in the way we express the concept of evil, as well as the motivation behind it.
Given that I will attempt to analyse the concept of evil within two synchronic languages that are not similar, it should be noted that in my approach to defining the conceptual system of evil I have questioned whether there are certain conceptual universals. Both the Romanian and the Polish linguistic communities create their own conceptual system regarding the idea of evil, which they verbalize. Therefore, the concept of evil is not only not universal (the system of description), but it is also not inextricably linked to a language, but to a culture and an environment. The idea of evil is constructed through the various entities that give it form. The forms that give shape to the idea of evil differ according to the imaginary of the symbol-creating culture, the socio-cultural contexts of a language-creating community and the linguistic attitudes of a language community.
The corpus analysed in my research is the Polish editions of the Orthodox version of the biblical text – Biblia Ekumeniczna to jest Pismo Święte Starego i Nowego Testamentu. Przekład Ekumeniczny z języków oryginalnych (2018) (Wydawnictwa Towarzystwa Biblijnego w Polsce, Warszawa) and Pismo Święte Nowego Testamentu. Ekumeniczny Przekład Przyjaciół (2016) (Wydawnictwa M w Polsce, Kraków) – and the Romanian edition of the Orthodox version of the biblical text – The Bible or The Holy Scripture (2008) (Publishing House of the Orthodox Biblical Mission Institute, Bucharest).
My intention to investigate the construction, reception and translation of the idea of evil in the Orthodox versions of the New Testament in Romanian and Polish from the perspective of cultural and theological-dogmatic conditioning has a teleological character: the biblical text through the prism of the confessionally delimited biblical tradition, the ecclesiastical tradition in the strict sense – the Orthodox editions of the two cultures – and the Orthodox tradition in the strict sense.
Orthodox versions are characterized by a specific doctrine or teaching of faith, and Orthodox editions in Polish are recent and the lexicon of Orthodox versions of the Bible in Polish has not been systematically and sufficiently researched until now. As Poland has Catholicism as its main religion and Orthodoxy is a minority religion, the need to lexicalize new concepts in the translation of religious texts becomes imperative, forcing translators to respect the confessional requirements of the organization of the sacred message, perceived and analyzed in the source language, and to offer some new forms of lexicalization in the target language. Translation is therefore a matter of expressive and semantic choice, and the achievement of an ideologically and formally correct translation requires an exacerbated attention to the text. Thus, in the research I will undertake, I will show that there is a close connection between the preference for a particular equivalent and the confessionality of the translators, the biblical message being rendered through the use of certain translation techniques. My research reveals that a close relationship is established between the preference for a particular equivalent and the cultural and theological background of the translators, and that the translation choices reflect the theological training of the translators, but also certain denominational preferences specific to the respective mentality and space and tradition, as well as translation attitudes and behaviours.
Keywords: comparative analysis, devil, onomasiology, biblical text, translation.
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași - lumicarausu@yahoo.com
Mărcile rândului la cuvânt în discursul televizual românesc actual / The Turn-Taking Markers in Current Romanian Television Discourse
Abstract: This paper refers to the basic components of the implicit system of organizing the conversation within the ethnomethodological model of conversational analysis: the rules of the speaker’s intention to intervene in a conversation and turn-taking markers. In the structure of the various interventions contained in the spoken interactions, elements that make their end predictable and, therefore, the possibility of transferring the role of the speaker are included. At the right moment for changing the speaker, two rules of the speaker’s intention to intervene in a conversation are applied, namely, the designation of the next speaker by the one who is speaking and self-selection as the speaker. Therefore, in this paper, we aim to focus on identifying and analyzing the turn-taking markers in the current Romanian television discourse. Turn-taking markers are classified as follows: markers for requesting the role of speaker, markers for assignment/transfer of the role of speaker and markers for protecting the role of speaker.
Keywords: turn-taking markers, markers for requesting the role of speaker, markers for assignment/transfer of the role of speaker, markers for protecting the role of speaker.
Monica-Geanina COCA
Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava - monicabilauca@yahoo.com
Consonanțe și disonanțe semantice în echivalarea frazeologismelor legate de actul hrănirii și al vorbirii în limbile romanice / Consonances and Semantic Dissonances in the Equivalence of Phraseologisms Related to the Act of Feeding and Speaking in Romance Languages
Abstract: Starting from the premise that language is a key dimension of culture, our analysis aims to highlight a couple of similarities and differences (formal, semantic and pragmatic) generated by the attempt to find corresponding phraseologisms in five Romance languages (Romanian, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese). The phraseologisms selected as our research topic have in their structure somatic terms referring to the acts of feeding and speaking (lip, mouth, language).
Our analysis revealed the existence of two core classes of phraseologisms: the first comprising common, pan-Romanic phraseologisms, characterized by a higher degree of abstraction and reduced expressiveness; the second class gathering phraseologisms specific to each language, creatively rendered through idiomatic expressions based on images and unusual mental patterns, which can not be subject to explicit decoding.
Keywords: phraseology, food, speech, contrastive analysis, consonances, dissonances.
Bianca-Daniela KOPOȘCIUC (POP)
North University Centre of Baia Mare Technical University of Cluj Napoca - bianca.koposciuc@yahoo.com
Lexicul în abisul autosuprimării / Lexicon in the Abyss of Self-suppression
Abstract: The study of the vocabulary items appropriated by female characters with self-aggressive tendencies deserves much more attention than it is currently given for several reasons that we consider fundamental. The first is that the predilection towards self-aggression and the intention of self-annihilation as a being – an integral part of society – can be anticipated through the prism of several key words and expressions that fit the specific manifestation of suicidal behaviour. The relationship between the vocabulary of literary female hypostases and their outcome is a very close one, with the lexicon occupying a special place in the externalisation of the frustrations and motivations underlying self-suppression. The analysis of the vocabulary of various female characters in established works of world literature highlights a series of dissatisfactions on various levels (family, social, professional, etc.), as well as several unsatisfied desires and unfulfilled aspirations, perceived as failures, which in fact give rise to the opportunity to curtail their existence. Suicide thus emerges as a result of more or less vocal lamentations, which gradually and subtly slip the idea of death into the intimacy of the work, but culminate, in the end, in an aggressive exposition of the intention to cease to be. Therefore, in the present study, we will try to capture the manner in which the female characters under analysis tried to reveal the reasons behind the decision to commit suicide long before resorting to the extreme gesture.
Keywords: suicide, lexicon, female characters, literature, death.
Rodica NAGY
Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava - rodicanagy@litere.usv.ro
De la langue littéraire roumaine, dans deux grammaires publiées à 50 ans d’intervalle / Of the Romanian Literary Language, in Two Grammars Published 50 Years Apart
Abstract: The article aims to examine the continuity of the linguistic ideas promoted by A. Pumnul in the orientation of Romanian philology and linguistics after half a century. After confronting the ideas of Pumnul from his Grammar with those of other specialists, preoccupied with common objectives, we can find that, 50 years after their formulation, the establishment of the spelling remains, as A. Frunză observes, a sinuous approach, which involves going through some programmatic stages.
Keywords: A. Pumnul, linguistic, spelling, A. Frunză.
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava - monica.timofte@litere.usv.ro
Adverbul – probleme, soluții (III) / The Adverb – problems, solutions (III)
Abstract: This paper focuses on the inflection of the Romanian adverb as it is described in the Romanian grammars. The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages inherent to each way of defining this heterogenous part of speech enables an objective conclusion to be drawn as to which language description corresponds better to the nature of language facts. The evaluation of opinions on language theory is based upon the inductive approach to language description.
Keywords: syntactic function, function types, dictum vs. modus-dependent functions, heterogenous grammatical category.
Ioan-Beniamin POP
Technical University of Cluj Napoca North University Centre of Baia Mare - pbeniamin@yahoo.com
On Some Idiosyncrasies Exhibited by the Plural of Compounds
Abstract: A substantial amount of research has been conducted on the subject of English compounding. In the vast majority of situations, compound nouns are made up of two juxtaposed stems. Their behaviour is primarily determined by the degree of fusion of the constituent elements, which, in turn, entails that a rule which will apply to all scenarios is difficult to devise. However, several groupings of compounds, be they endocentric, exocentric, appositional, etc., exhibit a degree of regularity. Generally, one member in the compound functions as a modifier, thus ascribing a specific feature to the other element, namely the head of the compound. As a result, the structure operates as a hyponym of the head since the modifier has constrained the category to which the head refers. The present study scrutinizes several semantic and pragmatic factors which qualify these (ir)regularities.
Keywords: compounding, irregular plural, invariable nouns, level-ordering, modifier.